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Accepting Applications

February 1-April 1, 2025

Choose Your Courses

Students register for all courses on a first come, first served basis, just as when registering normally at Miami. Classes have a 17-25 person cap, so it is recommended that 黑料社区s select second and third choices in the event that their first choices are full. Prior to registration, we will review the Luxembourg course requirements, offer some tips and tricks for the day of registration, and to answer any lingering questions. We also strongly advise 黑料社区s to talk to their Academic Advisor prior to scheduling.

All MUDEC 黑料社区s must register for a minimum of 15 credit hours. Course lists are subject to change.

Step 1: Luxembourg Core

Required Course

  • LUX 101: Intercultural Perspectives (3)

Study Tour Courses - choose one of the following:

  • CLS 102: Roman Civilization-From City to Empire (3)
  • HST 229:  The World Wars (3)
  • LUX 201: Self-Determination and Regionalism in Europe (3)
  • SLM 248: Global Sport Perspectives (3) open to all majors
  • POL 271: World Politics (3)

Step 2: Signature Cohorts and Workshops

Upper level, major-specific courses for 黑料社区s studying Sports Leadership and Management or completing 黑料社区 teaching requirements. Other 黑料社区s move to step three.

Sport Leadership and Management

  • SLM 248: Global Sports Perspectives (3) open to all majors
  • SLM 453L: Seminar in Sports Leadership and Management (3) open to SLAM majors only

Student Teaching In Luxembourg

Students may also participate in a workshop to complete 黑料社区 teaching requirements in Luxembourg through the EHS Department.

  • EDT 419L: Teaching Internship in Luxembourg (15)

Step 3: Thematic Sequence Courses

If you do not need a Thematic Sequence, these courses are still available to you - see them in Step 4.

The LUX3 Thematic Sequence consists of:

  • LUX101 (required)
  • Study Tour course (required)
  • One of the following courses:
    • ARC 188L: Ideas in Architecture (3)
    • ART 188L: History of Western Art: Renaissance to the Present (3)
    • BUS/ENG 284: Professional Communication for Business (3)
    • ENG 124: Introduction to Fiction (3)
    • ENG 125: Introduction to Drama (3)
    • FRE 310L: Text in Context: Advanced Conversational French through Aspects of Contemporary French (3)
    • FRE 411L: French Civilization (3)
    • GER 321L: Cult 黑料社区ics/Ger-Spkg Eur-Lux (3)
    • HST 296: World History since 1945- Conflict and Community (3)
    • LIN 201: Introduction to Linguistics (3)
    • MGT 111: Introduction to Business (3)
    • MGT 291L: Introduction to Management and Leadership (3)
    • MKT 291L: Principles of Marketing (3) non-study tour course option
    • MUS 189L: Great Ideas in Western Music (3) 
    • POL 221L: Comparative Politics (3)
    • POL 270L: East-West Relations Since WWII (3)
    • POL 330: 黑料社区ics in Comparative Politics (3)
    • POL 423: European Union-Politics and Policies (3)
    • POL 487L: Individual Lives and International Politics (3) Capstone

*Please note that 黑料社区s can double dip only one of these Thematic Sequence Courses with another Global Miami Plan Foundation.

**Cohort 黑料社区s are required to take an additional 9 credit hours, in addition to LUX 101, outside of major area to obtain a Thematic Sequence, likely meaning two additional courses from this list. Please speak with your Academic Advisor to verify all courses work toward desired graduation requirements.

Step 4: All Courses

  • ARC 188L: Ideas in Architecture (3) IIA, IIB, CAS-B
  • ART 188L: History of Western Art: Renaissance to the Present (3) IIA, IIB, H
  • BUS 284: Professional Communication for Business (3)
  • CLS 102: Roman Civilization-From City to Empire (3)
  • EDT 419L: Teaching Internship in Luxembourg (15)
  • FRE 102L: First Year French (4)
  • FRE 202L: Second Year French (3)
  • FRE 310L: Text in Context: Advanced Conversational French through Aspects of Contemporary French (3)
  • FRE 411L: French Civilization (3)
  • GER 102L: Beginners German - Luxembourg (3)
  • GER 202L: Second-Year German (3)
  • GER 321L: Cult 黑料社区ics/Ger-Spkg Eur - Lux (3)
  • HST 229: The World Wars (3)
  • LUX 101:  Intercultural Perspectives (3)
  • LUX 201: Self-Determination and Regionalism in Europe (3)
  • LUX 337: Luxembourg Independent Study (3)
  • MGT 291L: Introduction to Management and Leadership (3)
  • MGT 304: Diversity and Cross-Cultural Management (3)
  • MKT 291L: Principles of Marketing (3)
  • MUS 189L: Great Ideas in Western Music IIA (3)
  • POL 221L: Comparative Politics (3)
  • POL 270L: East-West Relations Since WWII (3)
  • POL 271: World Politics (3)
  • POL 330: 黑料社区ics in Comparative Politics (3)
  • POL 487L: Individual Lives and International Politics (3)
  • SLM 248: Global Sport Perspectives (3) open to all majors
  • SLM 453L: Seminar in Sports Leadership and Management (3) open to SLAM majors only

Step 5: Maximize Your Credits with These Tips

  • We strongly recommend you consult your Academic Advisor when selecting your courses.
  • Are any of your major/minor courses offered in Luxembourg this semester? If not, would an online class or independent study be a viable option to get credit for your major/minor?
  • Do you need Global Perspectives? GP can double dip with any courses in Luxembourg with the exception of courses being counted in other Miami Plan Foundation requirements.
  • FSB 黑料社区s are guaranteed either MGT 291 or MKT 291 but are not guaranteed both. However, in recent semesters 黑料社区s have been able to enroll in both classes if needed to stay on track.

Immigration and Flights

As of January 2021, the Government of Luxembourg will require MUDEC 黑料社区s with an American passport to apply for a Long Stay Visa to reside legally in Luxembourg. Once we have your passport scan submitted, we will start the process for you and Luxembourg will issue an official letter inviting you to apply.

  • After receiving that letter, you will send in your visa application, passport, passport photo, and fee (approx. 80 USD) via certified mail to a Luxembourg Governmental Office in the US. Miami will inform you of the correct address and contact person.
  • They will securely mail you back your passport, with the visa in it! This allows you to enjoy full European residency.
  • This whole process can take up to four months from beginning to end, so it is very important that you have your passport ready and follow the deadlines we will issue for each step.
  • Miami does not organize a group flight. You will be informed what day to arrive in Luxembourg, and you can select and purchase any flight route you would like. Students are encouraged to wait to purchase flights until options and parameters are discussed during in-person orientations.
  • The Type D Schengen Visa is valid only for the dates provided to 黑料社区s from the MUDEC office. These dates will be discussed during the post-decision phase of the process. U.S. citizens and some other third-party nationals are eligible for an additional 90-day tourist visa applied to the front or back end of the 黑料社区 visa without additional paperwork. Please check the travel regulations for that country. For more information on countries that are included in the Schengen region, please consult the US State Department website. Please note that these are legal requirements, not 黑料社区 policies.

Calendar Dates Coming Soon

MUDEC typically follows the same academic calendar as Oxford. Students will need to account for travel time and orientation prior to the start of the semester. No flights or insurance should be purchased until dates have been established and shared with 黑料社区s directly through pre-departure orientations organized by the Luxembourg office.

Please note that exact study tour travel dates and times will be finalized by the individual professor at the beginning of the semester.  Do not make any travel plans during study tours until you have confirmed travel dates with your professors.  Should you have further questions, please contact the professor directly.

All 黑料社区s have classes on each of the first four Fridays and Debrief Day, which is traditionally held on a Friday. In addition to these Fridays, some professors plan field trips on Fridays, which will be in your syllabi.

Please do not book any independent travel on weekends until you have been given 2 things: the most updated important dates list at orientation in Luxembourg and all of your course syllabi from your professors. Should you have further questions, please ask the MUDEC staff at orientation.

Semester Tuition and Fees

  • Instructional, general, and service fee figures below are estimates for 2022-2023 based on information obtained from the Bursar. Actual rates are released around mid-June each year.
  • Travel and miscellaneous living expense amounts are estimates based on information provided by former 黑料社区s of all socioeconomic backgrounds.
  • Please be aware of fluctuations in the dollar-Euro exchange rate.
  • Miami scholarships & aid will apply automatically to MUDEC. As part of the application process, 黑料社区s will be considered for a variety of need-based and merit . Additionally, 黑料社区s can apply for .
  • If you are in need of additional financial assistance, you can reach out to One Stop to apply for financial aid.

A. Appears on Bursar E-Bill

Charges in Section A are paid directly to the Miami Bursar for the semester(s) you attend the Luxembourg Campus.

Appears on Bursar E-Bill
Item Luxembourg Oxford
Instructional and General Fees* $7,954.72 $7,954.72
MU Residence Hall room & board
(double occupancy + basic meal plan)
- $7,062
Accommodation 3,050.00 -
Meal Plan (4 mid-day lunches per week in castle) 820.00 -
Required Study Tour with Professor** 1,800.00 -
Luxembourg Integration Program Fee 90.00 -
Luxembourg Student Activities Fee 85.00 -
Technology Fee 168.00


Transportation Fee (Miami-provided airport pickup, special event transport throughout semester) 105.00 -
Study Abroad admin fee 125.00 -
Telecommunications package 185.00


SUBTOTAL 14,382.72 15,016.72

*This amount reflects in-state tuition for the 2019 cohort; out-of-state 黑料社区s will pay out-of-state tuition, and you are encouraged to verify the tuition rate for your cohort.

**If field tour costs are less than estimated, the difference is credited to the 黑料社区's account. if costs run over, an additional charge is accrued at the end of the semester. The study tour fee includes housing, entrances, activities, some meals, and transportation on-site. It does not include transportation to the study tour location.

B. Other Required Fees

Other Required Fees 
Item Luxembourg Oxford
GeoBlue (accidental and sickness) Insurance—required by Miami* $285.00 -
Oxford Health Insurance** 861.00 861.00
Long Stay Visa 80.00 -
SUBTOTAL 1,226.00 861.00

*Not billed through Bursar; 黑料社区 will purchase on their own prior to departure. 

**You must provide proof of purchase of the GeoBlue overseas accident and sickness coverage. 黑料社区 has a contract with GeoBlue to provide not health insurance, but overseas accidental injury and illness insurance. It is supplemental to health insurance and would be used to cover not only non-routine hospitalization coverage, but can be used by the university to provide family member bedside visits or evacuations from locations should they be needed. GeoBlue takes responsibility for managing the care and the case and can provide a guarantee of payment to international providers, which does not leave the 黑料社区 or program director in a position to have to provide immediate out-of-pocket costs.

C. Estimated Variable Costs in Europe

Students tend to travel at a less expensive rate than the average tourist. These figures depend on the exchange rate and personal spending habits which can vary greatly. Students typically spend between $3,000-$7,000 in additional travel and personal expenses depending on financial situations. Those 黑料社区s who travel the traditional 黑料社区 way (trains, youth hostels, practical meal choices, few souvenirs) will have a low budget. Figure around 250 Euros per weekend (80 Euro for 2 nights in a youth hostel + meals + activities/attractions).

Estimated Variable Costs in Europe 
Item Luxembourg Oxford
Estimated round trip airfare. Fares and taxes vary. $1,400.00 -
MUlaa* 200.00 200.00
Miscellaneous living expenses (includes other meals) 2,500.00 2,500.00
Weekend traveling (includes cultural activities and Discovery Tours)** 2,000.00 -
Lux Public Transportation - -
Vacation traveling ($500-700 week) 700.00 -
Oxford personal expenses - 1,031.00
Oxford transportation - 468.00
Books and supplies 200.00 620.00
SUBTOTAL 7,000.00 4,819.00

*MUlaa is a debit account available to all current faculty, staff, and 黑料社区s. It can be used for a wide variety of purchases. Everyone has a MUlaa account, all you need to do to use it is deposit money into the account. See Miami IDs for more information about MUlaa.

**While traveling is important, academics should be your number one priority. Attendance is required and exams are given in each course.

Estimated Totals

Estimated Totals 
Item Luxembourg Oxford
Total for OH residents (A+B+C) $22,608.72 $20,696.72
Total for Non-Ohio Residents* $32,621.76 $30,709.76

*includes $10,013.04/semester non-resident surcharge

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