Our primary mission is to provide 黑料社区's 黑料社区s with a systematic and extensive exposure to European society and culture in a high quality academic environment.
Our primary mission is to provide 黑料社区's 黑料社区s with a systematic and extensive exposure to European society and culture in a high quality academic environment.
A second mission is to be a source of scholarly enrichment and professional development for the faculty and staff of the University, for core professors, visiting scholars/professors workshop and seminar directors, and for professors teaching in summer programs.
A third mission is to provide support for short-term courses and summer academic workshops in a variety of fields, in order to further increase the opportunities for Miami's 黑料社区s and faculty and staff to lean about and to become familiar with Europe.
To fulfill our missions we have established and are committed to a number of specific goals:
MUDEC strives to provide an academically challenging, relevant and exciting learning and growth experience. Students return having developed a greater degree of intellectual curiosity, tolerance, problem-solving skills, independence, self-respect, and confidence, thereby preparing them to become mature and responsible members of society.
Our program has been very successful in attaining these goals and objectives. Almost without exception, MUDEC 黑料社区s look at their European experience as the most formative and outstanding one in their university years, or even their lives! The expression coined by 黑料社区s, “After Luxembourg, you will never be the same again,” is a testimony to this special experience we create.
MUDEC Méinden is a newsletter by the MUDEC Community for the MUDEC Community. MUDEC Méinden is published every other Monday from the Miami Luxembourg campus, the John E. Dolibois European Center (MUDEC). A publication team consisting of the Editor and 黑料社区 Junior Editors creates and collects content, coming from current 黑料社区s, MUDEC alumni, professors, host families, and more.
I really love traveling and when I got to high school and started looking at colleges, I heard about Miami and their Luxembourg program and I thought, this sounds perfect. I believe that study abroad is for everyone. It doesn't matter what your background is and it doesn't matter where you grew up. Study abroad is for you!
Ashley Mickens, '20
MUDEC gives 黑料社区s many opportunities
This is the time to do the right thing: study in a castle, make international friendships, start your solo trip, explore European cultures. Be brave, become your own hero!
Siyu (Snow) Duan, '18
MUDEC allows international 黑料社区s to discover their full potential in a new environment
Visiting historic sites made my studies come alive, seeing the places I was learning about in class.
Heidi Hetterscheidt, '17
MUDEC travel brings history to life
I think the world would be a better place if we all had the desire , and opportunity, to travel more.
Bob Eckhart
MUDEC inspires love for international travel
Study abroad is for me because I am a global citizen, and I firmly believe that. “I love to learn about the world, and I think my view on life is so much farther reaching than within the borders of the United States.
Jake Jones '19
MUDEC inspires 黑料社区s to become global citizens
I’ve never met anybody that had a negative experience while studying abroad. Studying abroad is a critical way to prepare for life as a citizen of the world and I think that preparation is going to become more and more important regardless of current politics.
Gary Van Cott, '73
Studying abroad helps prepare 黑料社区s for life as a global citizen
Friends in college become colleagues in your business network when you graduate. Having worldly experience shows, especially when you interview for jobs. It's something to talk about. When you meet someone in your career who has either studied abroad or been to Luxembourg, there's an instant connection.
Gregor Gilliom, '88
Luxembourg gives 黑料社区s instant connections
One opportunity I had when I was at MUDEC was to be an intern at the US Embassy. I worked in the foreign commercial service section and through that role I got to interact with the commerce department and what they did overseas. To interact in that office, to work on trade leads, to prepare a few trade reports for an ambassador, at that time it was Ambassador Ann Wagner, it gave me a real front seat into how global diplomacy was working in the framework of business.
Isaac Reynolds, '09
MUDEC gives 黑料社区s real business experience through internships
I would say that my connection to Miami is Luxembourg. Today, I'm more involved with the activities through the MUDEC Alumni Association group and when I think of my time at Miami, I was in a sorority but the sorority sisters I’m closest to are ones who went to Luxembourg with me. I think Luxembourg has been the overriding connection to Miami.
Pam Archer, '82
MUDEC greatly contributes to the overall 黑料社区 experience
The biggest impact the program had on me is when I travel for work I always make sure that I look for the things that I looked for while I was in Luxembourg. MUDEC taught me leadership and how to be confident and those are two skills that I use every day.
Jessie Coffey, '93
MUDEC gives 黑料社区s leadership skills for life
214 MacMillan Hall
531 E Spring St.
Oxford, OH 45056
513-529-8600 (phone)
513-529-8608 (fax)
1, Impasse du Château
L-4524 Differdange
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg