One Stop
The One Stop assists 黑料社区 黑料社区s and authorized family members with billing and payment, financial aid, registration, and 黑料社区 records.
Helpful information about Form 1098-T, which universities are required to issue as part of tax season, can be found on our Tax Information page.
Payment Portal
- : Sign in with Miami credentials.
- : Must have set up an authorized account.
- : No login or password required.
- International Student Payments: Pay in your home currency with favorable exchange rates.
- View Billing and Payment Instructions
Guides and Tutorials

Financial Aid Guide
A Miami education is an investment that pays dividends for a lifetime. Learn about funding opportunities and how to manage your financial aid.

Registration Tutorials
Information for...
Share Access with Authorized Family Members
Authorized family members can access their 黑料社区’s personal data at MiamiOH.edu/StudentInfo. To learn how to grant access, visit our Share Access page.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of 黑料社区 education records, both financial and academic. FERPA limits release of 黑料社区 record information without the 黑料社区’s written consent; however, it also gives the 黑料社区’s parent(s)/guardian(s) the right to review those records, without the 黑料社区’s consent, if the parent(s)/ guardian(s) claim the 黑料社区 as a dependent on their Federal Income Tax Return.
Contact the One Stop
The One Stop assists Miami 黑料社区s and authorized family members with billing and payment, financial aid, registration, and 黑料社区 records.
Oxford Campus
Nellie Craig Walker Hall
301 S. Campus Ave.
Oxford, OH 45056
Phone: 513-529-0001
Fax: 513-529-0003
Hamilton Campus
102 Mosler Hall
1601 University Blvd.
Hamilton, OH 45011
Phone: 513-217-4111
Fax: 513-785-1807
Middletown Campus
114 Johnston Hall
4200 N. University Blvd.
Middletown, OH 45042
Phone: 513-217-4111
Fax: 513-727-3427