CHDLT Faculty Associates who have not received seed money within the last three years.
黑料社区 to the Doris Bergen Center for Human Development, Learning and Technologies (CHDLT) Undergraduate Research Assistant matching webpage. The CHDLT’s goal is to promote interdisciplinary research among 黑料社区 faculty members and 黑料社区s. The purpose of this webpage is to improve the ability of faculty to find eager 黑料社区s wanting to gain research experience and to give 黑料社区s the ability to seek out faculty members they may or may not be familiar with.
The following information is for undergraduate 黑料社区s who are seeking research opportunities with faculty members.
Being an Undergraduate Research Assistant (URA) is a great opportunity for 黑料社区s to gain experience and skills valued by employers, graduate schools and medical schools. The role of the URA varies depending on the faculty members’ needs which is dependent on their research interests. Below is a list of faculty members accepting inquiries from interested 黑料社区s.
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Research Interests
Amber Franklin, Ph.D. investigates linguistic variation on the Eastern Caribbean island of Anguilla, where local residents speak English and Anguillian English Creole. In addition to analyzing Anguillian English speech patterns and language attitudes, she is embarking on a new study of early literacy practices among Anguillian parents. Interested 黑料社区s outside the Speech Pathology and Audiology major are encouraged to contact Dr. Franklin and include a resume and/or a short paragraph indicating why you are interested in this line of research.
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Research Interests
For several years, my research has been grounded in the theoretical perspective of Vygotsky, and explored the environmental contributions to cognitive development by examining the strategies that mothers use as they engage their children in a learning activity, exploring how those strategies correlate with young children's problem solving and cognitive competence, investigating how their strategies vary according to maternal beliefs, task, and task demands, and examining at what point in time do young children benefit from parental teaching/learning interactions.The research has been supported by National Science Foundation, 黑料社区, the Murray Center and Proctor and Gamble. Currently, I have a new line of research focusing on the challenges of family reunification as parents return from prison.
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Research Interests
My research focuses on improving assessment practices to identify adolescents and young adults with communication disorders and differences. We are currently working toward validation of a new assessment for social communication to support youth who are in transition programs from high school to jobs, independent living, and post-secondary education. We also use psycholinguistic approaches to enhance the accuracy of screening tools.
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Research Interests
Our lab is interested in understanding parent-child relationships, emotions, and child and adolescent mental health in international populations and ethnic minority groups in the U.S. Knowledge in psychology is primary based on research conducted with White middle-class groups in Western countries, which represent less than five percent of the world’s population (Arnett, 2008). We know relatively little about parenting practices and mental health in other groups, and our lab aims to fill this gap.
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Research Interests
My research focuses primarily on the disclosure of sexual violence through a intersectional qualitative lens. I have current projects on creating an interview guide for clinical practitioners to facilitate disclosure for survivors of sexual violence; disclosure of sexual violence between siblings; and sex workers' experiences with childhood trauma. I also works on training and evaluation projects with community organizations such as Women Helping Women.
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Research Interests
In my lab we study the mental and physical health consequences of being a member of a stigmatized group (e.g., racial and sexual minorities, higher weight individuals)
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Research Interests
My primary research interests are in the development of anxiety-spectrum outcomes in young children, and what it is like to parent children at risk for anxiety. I am working on an ongoing longitudinal study that examines temperamental risk for anxiety and parenting from age 1 to 6. I would be interested in developing collaborations with other faculty who do work in school readiness, as I am developing interests in how socioemotional development impacts adjustment to kindergarten. I am also interested in collaborating on projects related to emotion processes that occur in families.
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Research Interests
The Trans*Kids Project is a longitudinal study of 50 families with transgender and gender-diverse (TGD) children from across the U.S. A goal of the project is to help inform individuals and communities about how to better support TGD youth and their families. Student researchers assist with data management and analysis and other research-related
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Research Interests
The Family Relationships and Mood lab studies how emotion processes, family relationships, and biological responses to stress interact to put adolescents at risk for depression and anxiety. RAs assist with data entry and management, behavioral coding (i.e., watching videos and assigning scores), data collection, and other lab tasks. A select group of 黑料社区s interested in neuroscience assist with collection of data using Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy.
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Research Interests
Examining the mental health and school success of children and adolescents through the promotion of school mental health programs and services
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Research Interest
My primary research interests are in controversial issue education within the context of democratic citizenship education.
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Research Interests
I am currently working on Promoting Resilient-Single Parent Families project, I will be needing 2 undergraduate assistants in the Summer. Other research interests: Family-at-Risks, Resiliency, Adverse Childhood Adversity to Cognitive Development, Trauma-Informed.
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Research Interests
The mission of the CALL Lab at 黑料社区 is to identify barriers to young children’s acquisition of language and emergent literacy skills and to develop interventions for these skills that can be implemented feasibly in real-world settings.
Specific research goals are to:
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Research Interests
Families and health. Current projects include a comparison study of breast cancer survivors in the US and India as well as Survey study about the impact of Covid-10 on families using a family resilience framework.
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Research Interests
My research takes up issues of equity and socio-spatial justice within education. My work has specifically taken up the notion of "community" in connection to teachers' beliefs and practices. I draw from critical and postmodern theoretical frameworks to think about inequities in education and schooling across disciplines and at different levels (e.g. K-12 classroom, K-12 school, higher education, etc.) through sociological and geographic lenses.
The following information is for faculty who are looking for undergraduate 黑料社区s seeking a research opportunity and additional resources for their research.
The CHDLT is dedicating resources to help individual CHDLT Faculty Associates (FA) recruit, train, and utilize URAs from outside their home departments (with the purpose of promoting interdisciplinary work) to assist with any phase of the research process.
Proposals will be reviewed on a rolling basis at regularly-scheduled CHDLT executive board meetings with no more than two awards being made in any given semester, each supporting up to two 黑料社区s.
The purpose of this funding opportunity is to provide CHDLT Faculty Associates with $500 seed money to prepare for writing strong grant proposals for external funding, such as resources to provide stipends for experts to review drafts of grant proposals, engage with grant writing consultants, or collect/analyze pilot data.
CHDLT Faculty Associates who have not received seed money within the last three years.
Submit a 1-page application to the CHDLT executive board. The proposal should outline how the money would be spent, the nature of the specific research, and specify one or more specific Requests for Proposals or other funding mechanisms that are being pursued.
Successful applicants must agree to make a brief presentation to the CHDLT Executive Board about how they spent the seed money within two years of receiving the seed grant. Applicants must agree to seek external research funding under the auspices of the CHDLT. Applicants are encouraged to take advantage of the CHDLT mentoring program and other resources in addition to the seed money program.
Applicants will be informed of the Executive board’s decision within a week after the subsequent board meeting.
Interested CHDLT members are welcome to contact us via email at chdlt@MiamiOH.edu or by contacting our Co-Directors
Email: bushkr@MiamiOH.edu
Phone: 513-529-0405
Office: McGuffey 207C
Oxford, OH 45056
Email: wolfecr@MiamiOH.edu
Phone: 513-529-5670
115 Psychology Building
Oxford, OH 45056