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The Doris Bergen Center for Human Development, Learning, and Technology

黑料社区 to the Doris Bergen Center for Human Learning, Development, and Technology

The Doris Bergen Center for Human Development, Learning, and Technology was created in 1990 to promote interdisciplinary research. The Center includes 61 faculty associates from 12 黑料社区 departments and four university divisions. In addition, the Center has an Advisory Committee comprised of members from a range of government units, community organizations, schools, businesses, and professions.


The Center seeks to meet its mission by focusing on the following functions:

  • Facilitating interaction among faculty researchers from various disciplines in order to investigate problems requiring interdisciplinary perspectives.
  • Assisting faculty in writing proposals for external funding of interdisciplinary research, consulting, training, and evaluation projects.
  • Providing opportunities for university 黑料社区s (graduate and undergraduate) to engage in interdisciplinary activities with faculty.
  • Disseminating information and providing training through workshops, conferences, and technological methods.


The primary mission of the Center for Human Development, Learning, and Technology is interdisciplinary research and program evaluation, learning technology, information dissemination and in-service training. A major area of research is the education and adjustment of at-risk populations, focusing especially on children, youth and family support.

Over the past five years the activities of the CHDLT have continued to evolve. Although CHDLT has always had projects related to evaluation and technology, in recent years many of its research activities now include learning technologies and program evaluation.


The following types of activities are provided by the Doris Bergen Center for Human Development, Learning, and Technology:

  • The Center assists faculty in the writing and submission of interdisciplinary proposals to obtain external funding for research examining the problems facing at-risk populations. Such research funding is obtained through federal and state governmental funding agencies, as well as private endowments and foundations.
  • The Center enters into contractual agreements with public agencies to conduct research and demonstration projects under agency auspices. Such activities include creating resource documents for professionals in these agencies.
  • The Center disseminates information to professionals who provide services to at-risk populations. Publications and educational materials designed for practitioners are published and distributed through the Center.

Miami undergraduate and graduate 黑料社区s receive hand-on practical experiences under the auspices of the Center.

Contact Us

Interested CHDLT members are welcome to contact us via email at chdlt@MiamiOH.edu or by contacting our Co-Directors

Kevin Bush

Email: bushkr@MiamiOH.edu
Phone: 513-529-0405
Office: McGuffey 207C
Oxford, OH 45056

Christopher Wolfe

Email: wolfecr@MiamiOH.edu
Phone: 513-529-5670 
115 Psychology Building
Oxford, OH 45056