TechESP Curriculum

ESP 101 Entrepreneurship Foundations (1 credit hour)ESP 201 Introduction to Entrepreneurship (3)
IMS 101 Introduction to ETBD (1)
IMS 105 Digital Literacy (1)
IMS 109 Digital Ethics (1)
IMS 222 Introduction to Interaction Design and Development (3) (MP V)
IMS 254 Design Principles Applied (3) (MPF IIA)
IMS 259 Art and Digital Tools I (3)
16 credit hours
ESP 251 Value, Creation, and Capture (3)IMS 228 Collaborative Laboratory (3)
IMS 315 User Experience Research (3)
IMS 322 Intermediate Interaction Design and Development (3)
IMS 354 Intermediate Interaction Design (3)
15 Credit Hours

ESP 252 Entrepreneurial Mindset: Creativity and Organization (3)IMS 414 Web and Social Media Analytics (3)
IMS 419 Digital Branding (3)
IMS 422 Advanced Interaction Design and Development (3)
IMS 203 Applied Digital Humanities (MPF IIB) or other MPF IIB course (3)
15 credit hours
ESP 321 Startup Entrepreneurship (3)IMS 211 or 212 Introductions to Game Studies/Design; select one (3)
IMS 355 Principles and Practices of Managing Interactive Projects or
IMS 421 Digital Product Management (3)
MPF IIC course (3)
Elective (3)
15 credit hours
European Innovation Academy (Optional) (MPF III) (3)

ESP331 Social Entrepreneurship (3)ESP341 Corporate Entrepreneurship (3)
IMS 224 Digital Writing and Rhetoric (MPF Advanced Writing) (3)
MPF IVA course (3)
Elective (3)
15 credit hours
ESP 399 Design Your Life (3)Spring
ESP 351 Creative Entrepreneurship (3)ESP 394 Applied Entrepreneurship: Workforce Preparation (3)
ESP 401 Entrepreneurship: New Ventures (3)
MPF IVB course plus lab (4 total)
Elective (3)
16 credit hours
Altman Summer Internship
ESP 461 (3)IMS 452 Senior Project(3)
IMS 278 Digital Innovation Workshop Preparation (1)
MPF I course (3)
Electives (6)
16 credit hours
IMS 340 Internship (via SF Digital Innovation or other DI) (8)IMS 440 Practicum (4)
IMS 397 Inside the Startup Environment (3) (MPF III)
15 credit hours
Total hours required for graduation: 124

The TechESP Fellowship program comprises both academic and co-curricular learning activities. Many of these activities are available to all 黑料社区 黑料社区s. However, consistent participation in relevant co-curricular experiences demonstrates commitment to professional development. This is a defining characteristic of TechESP Fellows and the one that earns the associated badge.
Each year 黑料社区 sponsors activities that support the aims of the program; these include
Digital Innovation* (one semester required)Winter
*Design Your Life*
Digital Innovation* (one semester required)Summer
(one summer required)London Interactive Design*
*TechESP Fellows are guaranteed admission or acceptance to up to three of these activities.