Games and Simulation

"Bob De Schutter's game design classes were the bedrock for my understanding of design fundamentals, and I still reference the core concepts of Intrinsic Motivation and Flow. At 343, I have two major responsibilities: managing a team of developers who create combat for Halo Infinite and producing and coordinating internal studio-wide communications. Having the ability to pursue independent studies in motion capture and the opportunity to participate in the San Francisco Digital Innovation program at Miami were both absolutely pivotal in my start as a Narrative Producer.”
Brian Beebe (Class of 2015)
Current position: Producer at 343 Industries
"At Miami, I competed in eSports, formally pitched a game concept at E3 and was a Lead Artist on "Brukel," directed by Bob De Schutter, which was named runner-up for the Best Digital Game Award at Meaningful Play 2018. The drive and commitment of the faculty continually opened doors for me every semester. The Digital Innovation Center makes you stand out from other interviewees by catering your persona and pitch to demonstrating how you'll give a company a competitive edge, rather than just meeting the requirements. Knowing this, I landed a position I didn't think I'd achieve until later in my career. I spent my last semester interning at my current full-time job as a Digital Sculptor for LifeFormations Creative Group, where I digitally design, model, render and animate characters from blockbuster movies for use in theme parks owned by Disney, Universal and 20th Century Fox."
Christian Coppoletti (Class of 2018)
Current position: Digital Sculptor for LifeFormations Creative Group
"I always wanted to tell and share stories. AIMS helped me realize how I could use stories in games as a medium for social messages and set my passion to use games as a tool for reflection and emotion. I remember taking one of my early games, "Don’t Kill the Cow," to professors and receiving fantastic advice on how to improve the game, and which conferences to submit to. It’s crucial for us to understand what we value from digital media, especially in an increasingly digital world. This program sets a path for both knowing and analyzing such complex media, and I’m thankful for all the support."
James Cox (Class of 2014)
Current position: Designer at Seemingly Pointless *James is a Forbes 30 Under 30*
"The faculty and staff at Miami are unparalleled. I signed up for a 3D modeling class on a whim, and it didn't take long to realize that it was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. What I found was an extraordinarily supportive professor who encouraged me to push myself, work hard and who gave me opportunities to pursue new goals both in and outside of class. Interactive Media Studies gave me structure for the basics and helped provide connections. Beyond that, I learned to look past what's due tomorrow and think about how what I’m doing now can contribute long-term. Immediately after graduating, I began working as a 3D Environment Artist at Zenimax Online Studios. It's an absolute dream to be able to work in the AAA games industry straight out of college. "
Lauren McKenzie (Class of 2017)
Current position: 3D Environment Artist at Zenimax Online Studios