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Approved Freelancers

To provide the Miami community the resources needed to use the university’s brand effectively and establish brand consistency across all divisions, University Communications and Marketing has partnered with Purchasing and Human Resources to launch a UCM Approved Freelancer Request for Information (RFI) form.

All marketing and communications freelancers or independent contractors that are interested in working with the university must submit an application and be approved through the RFI process.

Individual divisions or departments will no longer create or approve marketing and communications freelancer or independent contractor agreements.

List of Miami-approved Freelancers

Freelancer Process

  1. Review the .
    • You will need to register as a supplier in the system first. Once you are registered, navigate to the Bid tab, where you can search for RFI 1220211730 (Freelancer for University Communications and Marketing). If you have any questions about navigating the portal, please contact brand@MiamiOH.edu.
  2. If you're interested in performing freelance marketing and communications services for Miami and you feel you meet the qualifications listed in the RFI, submit your response to brand@MiamiOH.edu.
    • Please disclose if you will be filing your taxes for this work as an individual or business
  3. UCM will review all responses. You will be notified if your response has been approved or denied.
    • For graphic design freelancers, a 30 minute call will be scheduled with our Director of Creative Services during the review process.
  4. If approved by UCM and the freelancer is an individual, the response will be submitted to Human Resources to ensure the freelancer meets the qualifications of an .
    • Freelancers cannot serve as Miami employees in the same calendar year.
    • Freelancers who are companies can skip this step.
  5. If approved, we will send the freelancer a draft of an agreement for signing and request supplemental paperwork be completed.
  6. Once the agreement has been executed, the freelance will be set up as a vendor in the university’s accounts payable system.
  7. After the freelancer has been established as a vendor in the accounts payable system, they will be added to the official UCM approved freelancer list and their contract rate will be posted.
  8. The freelancer will be sent Brand Training that needs to be completed prior to starting work with the University.

Miami-approved Freelancers

Audio Services

Audio Service Freelancers
Freelancer Contact Email
Keara Egbers kegbers@creativecircle.com 
Storma McDonald Storma McDonald storma@protonmail.com

Graphic Design

Graphic Design Freelancers
Freelancer Contact Email
Lilianna Pereira lilliannapereira@gmail.com 
Jay Becker jay@bldgrefuge.com
Jennifer Reddy jennifer.reddy@caption.design 
Keara Egbers kegbers@creativecircle.com 
Krista Frederick krista3817@yahoo.com 
Liz Hein lizheindesign@gmail.com 
Needed Creative Seth Trench set@neededcreative.com 
Paige Hake paigehake7@gmail.com 
Phil McLeod phil@philmcleod.com
Alyse Capaccio hello@polyrhythm.studio 
Sarah Fisher Design Sarah Fisher sarah@sarahfisherdesign.com 
Valerie Lawson valerie@valhoffmandesign.com 
Jeff Vanik jeff@vanikdesign.com
Brad Whitford Whitfobj@gmail.com 


Photography Freelancers
Freelancer Contact Email
Keara Egbers kegbers@creativecircle.com
Alyse Capaccio hello@polyrhythm.studio 
Mark Bealer studio66llc@me.com
Tony Tribble Photography Tony Tribble tony.tribble@gmail.com


Videography Freelancers
Freelancer Contact Email
Todd Huwer todd@4thfloorcreative.com
Ben Hartman hartmbe@gmail.com
Diane Rankin diane.rankin@theawesomefilms.com 
Tyler Moore tyler@boltmediacompany.com
Keara Egbers kegbers@creativecircle.com 
Mathew Baker matt@bakerdop.com 
Joshua Porter jporter@iamfilmco.com 
Adam Hilton adam@kanahoma.com
Lon Nease Lon Nease lnease2@gmail.com 
Alyse Capaccio hello@polyrhythm.studio 
Omari Matlock rebirthfilmsllc@gmail.com
Scott Thompson scott@reslv 
Simion Collins simion@riverskyfilms.com 
Michael DeGrazier mdegrazier@gmail.com
John Azoni john@unveild.tv

Web and Digital

Web and Digital Freelancers
Freelancer Contact Email
Keara Egbers kegbers@creativecircle.com 
Mark Walker mark@pressbuilt.com 


Writing Freelancers
Freelancer Contact Email
Alex Shimalla alexshimalla@gmail.com 
Jeannelle Douglas thebrandstormr@gmail.com 
Keara Egbers kegbers@creativecircle.com 
Hard Beat Communications Felicia J. Persaud felicia@hardbeatcommunications.com 
Adam Hilton adam@kanahoma.com
Mary Dillon Mary Dillion mcd630@yahoo.com 
Shelly Kelley Shelly Kelley shellykelleywriting@gmail.com 
Val Prevish Val Prevish valprevish@gmail.com 
Lauran McHaffie lauran@wgcontent.com

University Communications and Marketing

22 Nellie Craig Walker Hall
301 S. Campus Ave.
Oxford, OH 45056