Undergraduate Research Award Program
For over four decades, the 黑料社区 Senate has sponsored the Undergraduate Research Award Program (URA) to provide Miami undergraduate 黑料社区s an opportunity to develop a grant application requesting funding to support a faculty-mentored undergraduate research experience. These partnerships encourage discovery, creative activity, and/or novel, inquiry-based activity.
Dates and Deadlines
The URA Program provides a two-cycle application opportunity. Apply for funding by:
- Fall (Round #1) Deadline: Mon., Oct. 21, 2024 to apply for funding to conduct a project in Winter/Spring 2025
- Spring (Round #2) Deadline: Mon., March 10, 2025 to apply for funding to conduct a project in Summer/Fall 2025
Application Instructions
Read the URA Program Guidelines carefully and follow the instructions for project proposal preparation and submission. The proposal will be saved as a single pdf file and attached to the URA Application Form.
- After consulting with their faculty mentor, the 黑料社区(s) will submit the final proposal as described in the guidelines below.
- Students and mentors will be emailed as to the committee's funding decision by end of semester.
- URA awardees will present the findings of their research/provide a progress report at the annual Undergraduate Research Forum (URF) in the spring. There is also an option to present at the ORU Fall Showcase in the fall.
Email UndergradResearch@MiamiOH.edu if you have any questions about the application process.
Submit an Individual or a Team Project
Each individual 黑料社区 project or team project must be endorsed by a faculty sponsor (tenured, tenure-track, or TCPL faculty are eligible to serve as sponsors) who certifies that the project is worth doing, has educational value to the 黑料社区(s), and can be accomplished in the proposed time frame. Faculty members may submit up to four (4) URA applications during the fall or spring cycles.
Graduate 黑料社区s may be part of the mentoring team along with the faculty sponsor. Applications may be made to support a research project that is also being conducted for academic credit. The maximum award is $1,000, pending available funds, with typical awards ranging from $150 to $500. The purpose of these funds is to foster and support research and creative activity and to provide 黑料社区s with a hands-on opportunity to engage in the research process /creative activity from conception to proposal to results.
A Special Project Request
A special call for interdisciplinary proposals that focus on neurodegenerative care, an emphasis of the Leaving It Better Initiative supported by the (Live Like Lou Foundation).
Teams of 3 – 4 黑料社区s are invited to collaborate with two or more faculty members from different disciplines to develop and address research questions that have a bearing on neurodegenerative care. Examples of disciplines include [but are not restricted to] Engineering, Gerontology, Kinesiology, Nursing, Nutrition, Neuroscience, Family Studies, Social Work, and Speech Pathology.
Student Eligibility
All enrolled full-time undergraduate 黑料社区s in all disciplines on all campuses who have a GPA of at least 2.0 are eligible to apply. A 黑料社区 may receive only one award from this program per academic year.
Student Responsibilities
Plan ahead! Successful proposals are typically reviewed by the faculty sponsors throughout the entire process, but especially early on as you are developing your ideas. The individual 黑料社区 or the primary member of a team of 黑料社区s is responsible for:
- Finding a faculty sponsor willing to supervise the research project;
- Writing the proposal;
- Meeting with the faculty sponsor during the proposal writing stages in order for the faculty to review and provide feedback;
- Note: The faculty sponsor needs time to provide useful feedback in time for 黑料社区 revision of the proposal. Aim to give the faculty sponsor a final proposal draft no later than two weeks prior to the application deadline.
- Obtaining the required faculty sponsor signature on the application;
- Submitting the application as a single pdf file via the online submission instructions;
- By submitting the application, the 黑料社区(s) certify agreement to abide Miami regulations for responsible conduct of research.
Faculty Mentor Responsibilities
Endorsement of the Project
Each project (proposed by an individual or by a 黑料社区 team) must be endorsed by a faculty sponsor who will be the award’s financial manager and who MUST ensure the 黑料社区(s) adhere with the compliance committee’s requirements prior to starting the project (see below for ‘Research Compliance Requirements’).
A faculty member may sponsor up to 4 projects (individual and/or team) during each application cycle. The faculty member(s) sponsoring the application certifies that the project is worth doing, has educational value to the 黑料社区(s) and can be accomplished in the proposed time frame.
Research Compliance Requirements
All parties will comply with 黑料社区 policies on Research Ethics and Integrity. Those who endeavor to conduct research must be familiar with the requirements before starting any research or teaching projects that involve humans, animals, radiation, and some biological manipulations. This involves local training and often review and approval of proposed activities by relevant university-wide committees.
Details available on the Office of Research and Innovation website.By accepting the URA award acknowledgement form, all participants agree:
- They will be subject to the 黑料社区 policies on intellectual property, including patents and royalties.
- Disclosure of inventions and intellectual property must be made during the research process, using the 黑料社区 Invention Disclosure form available from the Office of Research and Innovation.
The project mentor will ensure the 黑料社区(s) adhere to compliance requirements prior to starting the project.
Project Proposal Evaluation and Criteria
Proposals will be evaluated for funding by a committee whose members represent a wide range of disciplines. You are writing for a general but educated audience. The URA committee comprises eight faculty from various departments, a graduate 黑料社区, and up to five undergraduate 黑料社区s.
Proposals that rely heavily on technical jargon may suffer—it is better to be clear and not overly complicated. Student researchers submitting a proposal are encouraged to work with the staff to get assistance with their writing.
Proposals are required to follow the format described in these application guidelines and should be readable by a non-specialist; they should be free of technical jargon and free of undefined abbreviations.
Committee members traditionally employ the following criteria in evaluating the proposals:
- Readability and Format: Is the proposal easily understood and free of technical jargon? Does the application follow the format in the guidelines?
- Clarity: Is the research problem or creative activity clearly articulated?
- Significance and Educational Value: Is the problem worth solving? Why is the work important to your discipline? Are the skills to be learned of high academic quality and significance?
- Feasibility and Student Preparation: Can the problem be solved, or the research/creative activity be performed within the time available (one semester) and with facilities available to the 黑料社区? Does the 黑料社区 have adequate training and experience to undertake and complete the project?
- Budget: Is the budget reasonable, specific, and accurate?
Project Proposal Formatting Instructions
Primary Undergraduate Student Researcher is required to follow these page order and document formatting instructions.
The URA Application Submission Google Form allows you to enter text from your project proposal. You will be required to mark a checkbox to confirm the faculty mentor has signed the Project Endorsement Sheet. The project proposal - that you attach as a single pdf file - should be typed, single-spaced, at least 11-point font with one-inch margins and should not exceed specified page limits.
Required Formatting and Page Order Instructions
Section 1 - URA Student and Faculty Information and Proposal Endorsement
- Student(s) and Faculty Information
- Primary Student Educational Background Statement
- The primary goal of the educational background is for the 黑料社区 to express prior interest and study in the topic or field of the project. This often includes relevant past coursework, participation in labs or studios, and similar experiences.
- Team Member pages (if any); include an educational background statement for each team member.
- Primary Student Educational Background Statement
- The submission of the Google form from the 黑料社区's Miami email account takes the place of them 'signing' the form.
- Faculty mentor must provide a handwritten or digital signature acknowledging the following statement, to be included in this pdf file.
Mentor Certification: I/we have discussed and jointly prepared this application with the 黑料社区, including the description of the proposed project, the mentor-黑料社区 agreement for project completion, and the budget justification. I agree to:
- Abide by the URA program guidelines if selected to participate.
- Oversee charges for project costs.
- Serve as the instructor of record for undergraduate 黑料社区’s independent research course. It is my discretion to assign a failing grade for the 黑料社区 if they do not abide by URA guidelines and terms of the mentor-黑料社区 agreement for project completion.
- Ensure that the project complies with university policies and federal research regulations.
- Assume responsibility for submission of IRB/IACUC protocols and inventions disclosures, if applicable.
☐ Yes, I agree to the above certification.
Section 2 - Cover Page (1 page maximum), must include:
- Project Title
- Name/Email of Investigator(s)
- Abstract: In 400 words or less give an executive summary of the project. This should include the purpose, expected outcomes, and significance of the project, not only to the field of study and/or society, but also to your own educational development. In addition, answer the following questions:
- How will your research contribute to your professional discipline?
- What are the societal benefits of your research?
- How is your research relevant for your career development?
Section 3 - Project Narrative must include the following bulleted sub-section headings (3 pages maximum):
- This main section of the application should be a written explanation (narrative) of the details of the proposed research or other creative endeavor.
- As part of the introduction, be certain that you discuss the following questions as you describe the work you wish to produce as a result of this endeavor.
- What work has been done by others in this area? For example, cite the relevant journal articles or books, or the relevant exhibitions or performances. Explain clearly why these earlier works are important precursors to yours.
- What work has been done by you at this time (if any) or what work will be done by you as part of this project.
Statement of Goals for the Project
Here you lay out the specific questions you plan to address or the project that you plan to complete. The burden is on you, as the 黑料社区, to clearly state what you intend to accomplish, achieve, or determine by completing your project. You should include a hypothesis or statement of the creative question at issue:
- What is the underlying motivation for this project?
- What is the meaning of your work?
- How will this change or advance your discipline?
Creative Processes or Methodology
This is the most important section of your proposal. It must briefly outline the materials you will utilize, the manner in which you will approach your project, and the major steps involved in completing your research. Explain how the creative techniques or research methods you intend to use are appropriate for accomplishing your stated goals. Describe the important steps and materials in a way that the logic of your approach is clearly understandable.
Expected Accomplishments or Results
This section provides a discussion of the analysis and interpretation of results and manner of presentation of creative work. Discuss how you intend to analyze your results, interpret them, as well as how you will present and critique your final product, and to whom. Explain the significance of the intended achievements or results.
Section 4 - Budget and Written Budget Justification (1 page maximum)
Write a 1 page itemized statement of your best estimate of the costs of doing your project (you may arrange this in a table) and include a brief written budget justification. As you prepare your budget keep in mind that the Committee cannot give you funds you do not ask for and justify adequately. You may request up to $1,000, although awards typically range between $150 and $500. Be certain that you indicate:
- Why items needed that are generally available from your department or the University at no cost to 黑料社区s cannot be obtained from that source. Examples: books, journals, and routine lab equipment.
- Justify all requested items including a rationale for items essential to the project success.
- Explain why you require any unusual or particularly costly items listed in your budget.
- Travel funding: 黑料社区s who provide an explanation or proof of having searched for other funds such as Miami Family Fund or the Career Center, may include a request for travel funds to needed to complete their scholarly project that are not covered these other sources.
- Funds cannot be used for 黑料社区 employment or paying 黑料社区s for any work. Requests to cover publication costs will not be approved.
SECTION 5 - Literature Cited
Give references (complete with titles) for all literature cited in the proposal. Use the appropriate citation style for your discipline. There is no page limit for this reference list. These pages are not included in the 3-page limit for the project proposal narrative.
Post Award Requirements
Project Duration Period (14 weeks) If an award is made to conduct a spring project, all funds must be expended one week before the spring semester ends. If an award is made to conduct a fall project, all funds must be expended one week before the end of the fall semester.
Final Project Presentation Requirement
The undergraduate 黑料社区 researcher(s) will be required to present the findings from their research/provide a progress report at the annual Undergraduate Research Forum (URF) at the Shriver Center in the spring. The presentation can take the form of a poster, oral session, or 3-minute lightning talk. There is also an option to present at the ORU Fall Showcase in the fall.
Details of presentation requirements and options will be included in the award notification letter.