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The  (CFR) is an appointed Committee of the University Senate charged with supporting and encouraging the development of externally funded research at 黑料社区. The Committee interprets research as creative endeavors that seek to add to the sum of human knowledge; as well, the Committee supports a wide range of professional activities and recognizes that research varies from discipline to discipline.

One of the major sources of funds for support of the CFR program is the indirect cost recovered by the University on grants from external sources. Growth in external funding that includes recovered indirect costs will grow the size of the pool of funds available through the CFR. The Committee encourages investigators to aid the CFR and the University generally in securing funds from sources that include indirect costs.

In considering proposals, the Committee takes into account whether the investigator has previously sought external funding. Help in seeking external funding for research is available from the Office of Research and Innovation.

The Faculty Research Committee currently administers three programs that are funded by the University. They are the:

  • Faculty Research Grants Program
    • Applications will be due on February 3, 2025. The submission portal will open in December 2024.
    • Applications are accepted via
  • University Faculty Scholar Award Program
    • The deadline for submitting nominations is Friday, December 6, 2024.
    • Nominations will be reviewed, and awards decided, by the Faculty Research Committee.
    • Submissions, typically self-nominations, are accepted via
  • Publication, Reprint, Exhibition, and Performance Costs (PREP) Program
    • Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.
    • Applications are accepted via a 

Specific information regarding these programs is provided in the following sections.

Faculty Research Grants

Faculty research grants feature a flexible budget model to provide support for categories including salary, fringe benefits, tuition remission, travel, participant costs, materials and supplies, consultant services, computer services, and equipment or facility rental or user fees. Support can be requested in as many or as few categories as needed. The average award size to an individual investigator will be approximately $25,000 and the average award size to a collaborative team will be approximately $50,000. It is understood that research costs vary widely between disciplines. Thus, for individual investigator awards, it is expected that some will be less than $25,000 while others will be significantly higher. Applicants are encouraged to assemble a budget that will appropriately support the proposed research. The expected term for most awards will be 1 year.


All continuing tenure-eligible or tenured faculty, including librarians holding the Master of Library and Information Science Degree or equivalent, are eligible to apply. Degree and rank at the date of application shall determine eligibility. Teaching, clinical professors and lecturers assigned research or scholarship as part of workload expectations are also eligible. The Committee encourages proposals from all disciplines and campuses at 黑料社区. Funds from the Committee on Faculty Research are not to be used toward the completion of any advanced degree on the part of the principal investigator.

  • A faculty member may request support for only one individual investigator research project in a given year. A faculty member may request support for one collaborative research project each year in addition to the one individual investigator research project.
  • A faculty member who has previously received Faculty Research grant(s) from CFR is immediately eligible for future awards, provided that they have submitted external proposal(s) for funding equal to or greater than the amount of the last CFR funds awarded, or has demonstrated achievement of the scholarship proposed in the prior Faculty Research grant(s).
  • CFR funds are considered seed money for obtaining preliminary data or information that will lead to the submission of proposals to external funding sources. Proposals addressing new avenues of research and scholarship for the investigator, initiating new projects and pilot studies, or testing novel or controversial research/creative ideas are encouraged.

Application submission, and structure of proposals

All FRG proposals will be submitted via .

Proposals must include items 1-11 listed in the "Required Proposal Content" section below.

Applications are submitted via  as four separate PDF files.

Files Required for Upload

  • Proposal File
    • Comprising items 1-6 in the "Required Proposal Content" section below.
    • Items 1-5 must not exceed 5 pages in combined length.
    • Item 6 does not count toward the 5-page limit.
  • Budget and Budget Justification File
    • Comprising items 7 and 8 in the "Required Proposal Content" section below.
  • Biosketch File
    • Item 10 in the "Required Proposal Content" section below.
  • Prior CFR Support and Current Funding File
    • Item 11 in the "Required Proposal Content" section below.

Required Proposal Content

  1. Specific Aims
    1. A high-level overview of the discrete goals, objectives, and/or research questions for the proposed research.
  2. Background and Significance
    1. This sets the stage for the efforts described in the approach. The background will be reviewed by individuals who are not experts in your field. If using jargon or technical terms, it is likely necessary to define these terms to make the description accessible to a wide variety of reviewers. This section need not be written for the layperson but should provide enough clarity that anyone within your broad field or a closely related field could understand.
    2. The background should also present the motivation for pursuing the research.
  3. Approach
    1. The details on how the research will be conducted. Preliminary data, if available, can be included to demonstrate feasibility. Methods described in the approach should address or answer questions raised by the specific aims.
  4. Biographical Narrative
    1. A description of the qualifications of the faculty member(s) that enable the pursuit and completion of the proposed research
  5. External Funding Plan
    1. The context for how a CFR grant would enable a subsequent successful application for external funding. The external funding plan should include:
      1. A timeline for submission of external proposals.
      2. A list of up to five external funding opportunities that will be pursued for external proposal submission.
        1. Opportunities should include the funding agency, name of grant mechanism, URL of program announcement (if available), the anticipated approximate date for proposal submission, estimated budget, and length of funding.
  6. References Cited
    1. Literature or references cited should be included and do not count toward the 5-page limit.
  7. Budget
    1. A detailed budget must delineate the amounts of requested funds in each budget category.
    2. Budgets do not count toward the 5-page limit.
  8. Budget Justification
    1. Each budget category included in the budget must have an accompanying section and description in the budget justification.
    2. The justification for each category should be a concise and clear description of why that particular budget category, and the amount requested, is necessary for the success of the proposed research.
    3. Budget justifications do not count toward the 5-page limit.
  9. Letters of Support for Course Buyout
    1. Letters of support from the Department Chair and Dean are required for proposals requesting funds for a course buyout.
  10.  Biosketch
    1. Applicants will list scholarly or creative achievements (publications, presentations, exhibitions, performances, etc.) in the form of a 2-page curriculum vitae.
      1. For collaborative proposals, one biosketch should be included for each faculty member involved in the proposed research.
    2. Applicants should highlight those achievements that are most recent and/or most relevant to the proposed research.
    3. Biosketches do not count toward the 5-page limit.
  11. Prior CFR Support and Current Funding
    1. List current external and internal funding. Applicants must list any prior CFR awards and provide a description of external funding applications and awards that resulted from each CFR award.
      1. Faculty who received a prior FRG must include statements identifying how prior FRG funds were used, how this advanced their research program, and how this enabled pursuit of external funding.
    2. Prior CFR support and current funding do not count toward the 5-page limit.

Evaluation of proposals

Each application will be reviewed by three members of the reviewer pool. The reviewer pool will be organized by the Chair of CFR and be composed of members of CFR and may include 黑料社区 faculty members who have received a CFR grant within the past four years.

The criteria for the evaluation of proposals include:

  1. Intellectual merit
  2. Technical or creative approach and originality
  3. Impact on the field of scholarship
    1. Includes the degree of impact the research will have and the potential for success.
  4. Impact on scholarship by the Faculty member(s)
  5. Qualifications of the faculty member(s)
    1. For collaborative proposals, this includes history or evidence of collaboration.
  6. Appropriateness of the proposed budget and justification of requested resources
  7. Likelihood that a proposal will spur submission of high-quality proposal(s) for external funding.

Budget information and categories of support

The Faculty Research Grants Program awards can provide support for proposal budget categories allowed for most federal research grants including salary (academic year and summer), fringe benefits, tuition remission, travel, participant costs, materials and supplies, consultant services, computer services, and equipment or facility rental or user fees. Support can be requested in as many or as few categories as needed. Descriptions, examples, and restrictions on these categories of support are provided below:

  1.  Salary Support

    1. Summer or academic year salaries for 黑料社区 faculty, research scientists, research engineers, postdoctoral fellows, graduate 黑料社区s, and undergraduate 黑料社区s are allowed. With the exception of consultants (see section F, below), CFR grant funds cannot be used to support individuals not employed by 黑料社区 unless approved in advance by the Vice President for Research and Innovation.
    2. Each person requesting salary support, and their proposed roles and duties, should be listed in the Budget Justification. Fringe, as described below, should be included for all individuals with requested salary support.
    3. Salary support may take the form of academic year salary, summer salary, or course buyouts.
      1. If course buyouts are requested, the cost should be included in the budget as the appropriate number of academic months of salary support for the faculty member and details must be included in the Budget Justification. Details must include the course name, department, number of credit hours, and number of sections requested for the buyout. Course buyout may be allowed if a justifiable case can be made for how the buyout will enable the proposed research, or why the absence of a course buyout would preclude the accomplishment of the proposed research objectives.
      2. Faculty wishing to request course buyout must negotiate with the Chair of the Department in advance of proposal submission to receive approval and determine the cost, and the corresponding number of academic months of salary support, that should be included in the budget.
      3. Letters of support from the Department Chair and Dean must be included with proposals requesting funds for a course buyout.
    4. Fringe must be included for all personnel with requested salary support.
      1. Details below identify the fringe rates to be used for each type of personnel supported.
        • Faculty
          • Fringe rates for faculty are calculated as the full-time rate percentage multiplied by the sum of requested academic months and calendar months of salary support, plus 16.45% multiplied by the number of summer months of requested salary support.
        • Research Scientists and Research Engineers
          • Research Scientists and Research engineers can only request calendar months for salary support and fringe is calculated as the full-time rate percentage multiplied by the number of requested calendar months of salary support.
        • Postdoctoral Fellows
          • Postdoctoral fellows can only request calendar months for salary support and fringe is calculated as the full-time rate percentage multiplied by the number of requested calendar months of salary support.
        • Graduate Students and Undergraduate Students
          • Graduate 黑料社区s and undergraduate 黑料社区s can request academic months and/or summer months for salary support and fringe is calculated as 1.70% multiplied by the total number of requested months of salary support.
        • Other Personnel
          • All other personnel can only request calendar months for salary support and fringe is calculated as the full-time rate percentage multiplied by the number of requested calendar months of salary support.
  2. Tuition Remission

    1. Tuition remission must be requested if the proposed budget includes salary support for 黑料社区 graduate 黑料社区s.
    2. Tuition should be included at the rate of $580.48 per credit hour.
      • For example, tuition for one graduate assistant for 18 credit hours (9 fall semester, 9 spring semester) would be included as $10,449
  3. Travel

    1. Travel that directly supports the proposed research and scholarship is allowable. Travel to conferences, meetings, or symposia that do not directly impact research and scholarship data collection or analysis will generally not be permitted. The amount requested and a brief description of the travel must be included in the Budget Justification. All travel must follow .
  4. Participant Costs

    1. Funds can be requested for stipends, subsistence allowances, travel reimbursement, for participants. Any requests for participant costs  must be justified as essential for completing the proposed research and described in the Budget Justification.
  5. Materials and Supplies, and Other Data Collection Costs

    1. Consumable items or data collection costs required for the proposed research should be included as materials and supplies. This could include costs encountered for individuals within human subjects studies or animal research costs. The amount requested and a brief description of the items must be included in the Budget Justification.
  6. Consultant Services

    1. Consultant services are generally allowed provided that the services are essential for data collection or analysis. The amount requested and a brief description of the services must be included in the Budget Justification.
      • A quote or prospectus for consultant services must be included with the budget justification.
  7. Computer Services

    1. Computers and computing service costs, such as cloud computing access, are generally allowed provided that the services or items are essential for data collection or analysis. The amount requested and a brief description of the items or services must be included in the Budget Justification.
  8. Equipment or Facility Rental/User Fees

    1. Funds to pay for equipment rental or user fees or facility rental or user fees are generally allowed provided that the services or items are essential for data collection or analysis. Common examples include access or user fees for libraries, archives, or instrumentation facilities within or outside of 黑料社区. The amount requested and a brief description of the costs must be included in the Budget Justification.
  9. Publication Costs

    1. Publication costs are generally not allowable. Faculty seeking support for defraying publication costs should utilize the Publication, Reprint, Exhibition, and Performance costs (PREP) program.
  10. Indirect Costs/Facilities and Administrative (F&A) Costs

    1. No indirect costs will be charged.

General conditions for awards

  1. Awards will be made only for projects that are initiated and supervised by 黑料社区 faculty.
  2. The limited funds available do not allow the Committee to consider funding projects for (1) the improvement of the applicant's teaching; (2) the writing of textbooks; (3) the editing of anthologies, except those in which the editing involved original research on the part of the investigator; (4) the subvention of publication costs for books; (5) professional memberships; (6) travel to professional meetings, except in extraordinary cases; (7) research which is primarily beneficial to the administrative structure of 黑料社区; or (8) research which is similar to that currently supported by other internal and external sources.
  3. In submitting an application, each proposer agrees to acknowledge any Committee on Faculty Research support in publications, exhibition catalogs, and the like, which may result. In addition, each awardee commits to serve as a reviewer for future rounds of CFR proposal reviews.
  4. Research methods may require approval by an ethics or safety oversight committee(s)
    1. For awarded proposals involving the use of select agents, human pathogens, or other biohazardous material, a protocol must be submitted to the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) for review and approval before research begins. Contact the Research Ethics & Integrity Office for application information (513-529-3600).
    2. For awarded proposals involving regulated human subjects research, researchers must:
      • have completed human subjects ethics training components (application orientation and online training), and
      • obtain approval by the Institutional Review Board before beginning research by submitting an application to the board.
      • Information on training dates, the online ethics training requirements, and descriptions of research requiring approval contact the Research Ethics & Integrity Office (513-529-3600).
    3. For awarded proposals involving interaction with live vertebrate animals, the proposer must obtain approval of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) before research begins.
    4. Please contact the Office of Environmental Health and Safety for information on the approval requirements for proposals involving the use of radioactive isotopes.
  5. Individuals receiving support from the Faculty Research Grants program will submit a report to the CFR summarizing the project outcomes within 3 months of award completion. 
  6. All awards are subject to University policies on leaves, copyrights, patents, royalties, and conflicts of interest as outlined in the . 

Publication, Reprint, Exhibition, and Performance Costs (PREP) program

Application form

Application for support in this program may be made at any time. Interested faculty should complete the 

Please note, in order to submit an application you must be signed in to your 黑料社区 Google account via Single Sign-On.

Application details and eligibility


Under certain conditions, the CFR will approve payment of up to $3000 per scholarly product to defray such expenses as journal page charges, book publication, article or book chapter reprint costs, exhibition or competition costs, and performance or composition costs incurred by continuing tenure-eligible or tenured faculty members, librarians, research engineers, and research scientists. Awarded funds must be spent directly from the specified internal account at the university.

Application Deadline

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis, however, awards for the current fiscal year must be submitted by June 20th. Applications received after June 20th will be processed in the subsequent fiscal year, after July 1st. Awarding of funds is contingent upon meeting the requirements listed below and the availability of PREP program funds.

Eligible costs

Journal page charges and book publication costs

Costs for a single article, (non-textbook) book, or book chapter will be considered for funding. Book publication costs may include the production or reproduction of maps, charts, graphs, photographs, or other graphic material; the facsimile reproduction of unique artistic or textual material such as manuscripts and incunabula; permission charges; and the preparation of indexes.

Applications for journal page charges must document that:

  1. The article is published in a refereed journal
  2. The imposition of page charges is a standard practice of the journal and not simply a means of obtaining early publication
  3. The page charges fulfill a necessary condition for publication
  4. The applicant has been unsuccessful in obtaining a waiver of the charges and has no outside resources at their disposal

Applications for book publication costs must document that:

  1. The book is under contract for publication
  2. The book publication costs fulfill a necessary condition for publication
  3. The applicant has been unsuccessful in obtaining a waiver of the charges and has no outside resources at their disposal

Documentation may take the form of a copy of the journal’s or publisher's masthead page (when that indicates editorial policy), copies of correspondence with editors of the journal or publishing house, a copy of the book contract, and other appropriate material.

Reprint costs

Reprint (but not copying) costs for each article or book chapter in a refereed publication, regardless of the number of authors, will be approved for the minimum number of reprints which a publisher will sell, unless the publisher provides fifty or more free. The purchase of additional reprints may be approved by the CFR upon request. Documentation of costs and schedule of charges must be provided.

Exhibition and competition costs

Costs incurred by a faculty member while submitting and returning works of art, architectural plans or models, and so on, to and from a professional competition will be considered for funding provided that:

  1. The exhibition/competition is juried
  2. The work is accepted for exhibition and/or competition
  3. The applicant has had no outside resources at their disposal

All applications for exhibition/competition costs must document costs (e.g., framing, packaging, shipping, and insurance).

Performance and composition costs

Costs incurred by faculty members for submission and performance of musical works in a professionally competitive concert or contest will be considered for funding, provided the faculty member is able to document that:

  1. The work has been selected for performance or awarded a prize
  2. The applicant has no outside resources at their disposal

Costs incurred by a faculty member for his or her performance in a professional music setting will be considered for funding, provided the faculty member is able to document that:

  1. The performance has been invited
  2. The performance has the potential to be reviewed, and
  3. The performance is endorsed by two professionals in the field external to the University verifying the professional level of the performing site, or by evidence of selection by a jurying process

Performance and composition costs may include the following:

  • Entry fees
  • Packaging
  • Mailing
  • Insurance
  • Performer fees
  • Rental of special instruments
  • Reproduction of the final copy of music including the score
  • Travel including transportation but excluding housing and meals

University Faculty Scholar & University Junior Faculty Scholar Awards



Nominations for the University Faculty Scholar or University Junior Faculty Scholar Award are submitted as self-nominations through . Nominations should be inclusive with respect to the faculty member's accomplishments, but special consideration will be given to a nominee's record in research and creative activities while at Miami.

Applications are solicited annually by the CFR.  Each nomination should include:

  • An , completed by the nominee, comprising
    • A current curriculum vitae of the nominee (upload in the designated space on the online nomination form).
    • separate, signed letter of nomination from each of the two nominators
      • Letter requests are initiated in  as part of the application.
      • Nominator letters are uploaded to  directly by each letter write.
      • Nomination letters are important in the evaluation process and should include:
      • Nomination letters should provide:
        • A perspective on the contribution of the candidate to their field that is understandable to the non-specialist.  This perspective should highlight particularly acclaimed works, professional recognitions, honors, and/or leadership roles of the nominee.
        • Information on the importance/ impact of the candidate's contribution on the national/ international level (also understandable to a non-specialist)

The deadline for submitting nominations is Friday, December 6, 2024. Nominations will be reviewed, and awards decided, by the Faculty Research Committee.


Each recipient of a University Faculty Scholar Award will receive a grant of $2,000 for the pursuit of further research or creative endeavors. All persons selected for this award will be honored publicly.

Awards types and eligibility

University Faculty Scholar Awards

Previously called Distinguished Scholar Awards, these awards honor faculty whose sustained excellence in research or other creative activity has brought them prominence in their fields.

The following three University Faculty Scholar Awards may be made:

  • One in the fine arts and humanities
  • One in the applied and natural sciences
  • One in business, education, and social sciences

Any awards bestowed in a given year will be conferred on faculty members with a substantial and continuing record of outstanding scholarly or creative work.

Except in the case of prior University Junior Faculty Scholar awardees, no award will ordinarily be given to the same person more frequently than every ten years.

University Junior Faculty Scholar Awards

These awards honor faculty who have demonstrated great potential in research or artistry and have achieved significant standing in their fields. 

The following three University Junior Faculty Scholar Awards may be made:

  • One in the fine arts and humanities
  • One in the applied and natural sciences
  • One in business, education, and social sciences

Candidates for the University Junior Faculty Scholar Award must hold the rank of assistant professor at the due date of the application.

Past recipients


University Faculty Scholars
  • John Bowblis, Economics
  • Michele Navakas, English
  • Katie Johnson, English
Junior Faculty Scholars
  • Peter Nencka, Economics
  • Yingbin Hu, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
  • Shijie Zhou, Chemical, Paper, and Biomedical Engineering


University Faculty Scholars
  • Dominik Konkolewicz, Chemistry and Biochemistry
  • Fadel Megahed, Information Systems and Analytics

Junior Faculty Scholars

  • Andrea Kravats, Chemistry and Biochemistry
  • Imran Mirza, Physics
  • Jeff Hunger, Psychology


University Faculty Scholars

  •  Thomas Poetter, Educational Leadership
  • Zara Torlone, Classics

Junior Faculty Scholars

  •  Veronica Barrios, Family Science and Social Work
  • Jordan Fenton, Art


University Faculty Scholars

  • John Jeep, German, Russian, Asian, and Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures
  • Rose Marie Ward, Kinesiology and Health
  • Ellen Yezierski, Chemistry & Biochemistry

Junior Faculty Scholars

  • Carolyn Hardin, Media, Journalism & Film
  • J. Andrew Jones, Chemical, Paper, & Biomedical Engineering
  • Jessica McCarty, Geography


Distinguished Scholars

  • Scott Hartley, Chemistry & Biochemistry
  • Terri Messman-Moore, Psychology
  • Elizabeth Wardle, English

Junior Faculty Scholars

  • Brittany Aronson, Educational Leadership
  • Ryan Gunderson, Sociology & Gerontology
  • Andrew Paluch, Chemical, Paper, & Biomedical Engineering
  • Rosemary Pennington, Media, Journalism, & Film


Distinguished Scholars

  • Mike Brudzinski, Geology and Environmental Earth Science
  • Kevin Bush, Family Science and Social Work
  • Stephen Norris, History

Junior Faculty Scholars

  • Daisy Hernandez, English
  • Josh Magee, Psychology
  • Zhijiang Ye, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering


Distinguished Scholars

  • Lisa Ellram, Management
  • Qihou Zhou, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Junior Faculty Scholars

  • Bob De Schutter, Interactive Media Studies & College of Education, Health, and Society
  • Dominik Konkolewicz, Chemistry & Biochemistry


Distinguished Scholars

  • David Berg, Biological Sciences, Regionals
  • Jonathan Strauss, French and Italian
  • Janardin Subedi, Sociology and Gerontology

Junior Faculty Scholars

  • Mahmud Khan, Physics
  • Brian Meyers, Music
  • April Smith, Psychology


Distinguished Scholar

  • Cameron Hay-Rollins, Anthropology

Junior Faculty Scholars

  • Elise Clerkin, Psychology
  • Rick Page, Chemistry & Biochemistry
  • Leland Spencer, Integrative Studies, Hamilton Campus


Distinguished Scholars

  • William Boone, Educational Psychology
  • Stacey Lowery Bretz, Chemistry & Biochemistry
  • LuMing Mao, English

Junior Faculty Scholars

  • Per Boland, Music
  • Elizabeth Kiel, Psychology
  • Byran Smucker, Statistics


Distinguished Scholars

  • Mary Jean Corbett, English
  • Gary Lorigan, Chemistry & Biochemistry
  • Abdoulaye Saine, Political Science

Junior Faculty Scholars

  • Jing Zhang, Statistics


Distinguished Scholars

  • Yu (Jade) Morton, Electrical & Computer Engineering
  • Tom Romano, Teacher Education

Junior Faculty Scholars

  • Scott Hartley, Chemistry & Biochemistry
  • Thomas Misco, Teacher Education


Distinguished Scholars

  • Quinn Li, Botany
  • Kate Rousmaniere, Educational Leadership

Junior Faculty Scholar

  • Hong Wang, Chemistry & Biochemistry


Distinguished Scholars

  • Sheila Croucher, Political Science and American Studies
  • Ann Hagerman, Chemistry & Biochemistry

Junior Faculty Scholar

  • Xiaowen Huang, Management


Distinguished Scholars

  • Nicholas P. Money, Botany
  • Laura J. Neack, Political Science
  • Susan K. Sloan, English

Junior Faculty Scholar

  • Janet E. Burge, Computer Science & Software Engineering


Distinguished Scholars

  • Nicholas P. Money, Botany
  • Laura J. Neack, Political Science
  • Susan K. Sloan, English

Junior Faculty Scholar

  • Janet E. Burge, Computer Science & Software Engineering


Distinguished Scholars

  • Patrick J. Haney, Political Science
  • Paul B. Larson, Mathematics & Statistics
  • James T. Oris, Zoology


Distinguished Scholars

  • Hailiang Dong, Geology
  • Tao Jiang, Mathematics & Statistics


Distinguished Scholars

  • John Z. Kiss, Botany
  • Hongcai Zhou, Chemistry & Biochemistry
  • Margaret Ziolkowski, German, Russian & East Asian Languages


Distinguished Scholars

  • James A. Cox, Chemistry & Biochemistry
  • Stephen Tuck, Classics
  • Robert Weinberg, Physical Education Health & Sport Studies
  • Judith Zinnser, History


Distinguished Scholars

  • Jane Butler Kahle, Teacher Education
  • Katia Del-Rio Tsonis, Zoology
  • Ann L. Rypstra, Zoology
  • Garold L. Stasser, Psychology


Distinguished Scholars

  • Yildirim Dilek, Geology
  • Gary A. Lorigan, Chemistry & Biochemistry


Distinguished Scholars

  • Britton J. Harwood, English
  • Gilbert Gordon, Chemistry & Biochemistry
  • Allen R. McConnell, Psychology
  • John M. Rothgeb, Political Science


Distinguished Scholars

  • A. John Bailer, Mathematics & Statistics
  • Susan R. Ewing, Art
  • Narcisse Randrianantoanina, Mathematics & Statistics
  • William B. Stiles, Psychology


Distinguished Scholars

  • Doris Bergen, Educational Psychology
  • Michael W. Crowder, Chemistry & Biochemistry
  • Sheldon I. Guttman, Zoology
  • Susan J. Morgan, English