ENT Senior Design Day 2019
Student Presentation 黑料社区ics included in Room A:
Streaming Education Classroom and Lab Software for Heat Transfer Course
Dan Wilson, Nicholas Kalmbach, Sabian Stevens
Advisor/Mentors: Gary Drigel & Hamed Samandari
Student engineers designed, programmed, stress tested, and began implementation of an interactive software educational assistance tool. The objective was to supplement engineering and technology education and to streamline curriculum to increase knowledge retention in a more concentrated timeframe.
Semi-active Shock Absorber
Connor Newcome, Steven Jones, Mark Regner
Advisor/Mentor: Gary Drigel
Students designed, manufactured and tested semi-active shock absorbers for a 2010 Jeep Wrangler. This vehicle was not originally equipped with this type of technology. These adjustable damping shocks were compared to the performance of the factory passive shocks in several settings and driving conditions.
Autonomous Braking System*
Brad Fraley, Jerrod Newton, John Caudill
Advisor: Mert Bal
Student engineers have designed and built an autonomous braking system that utilizes distance sensing technology to detect an object in the path of the moving vehicle and applies the brakes through a system in order to prevent a collision. The distance sensor measures the distance away from an object, and activates a linear actuator to operate a hydraulic brake caliper. The system has been tested and implemented on a Go-Kart vehicle.
Hydraulic Brake Dynamometer *
Andrew Schmidt, Kevin Leichliter, John Boadi
Advisor/Mentor: Gary Drigel
Student engineers designed and built a Hydraulic Brake Dynamometer to measure the power output of tractor engines. This dynamometer was designed to be mobile, safe and effective. The dynamometer was designed specifically for antique tractors and is adaptable for various power take off (PTO) inputs and shaft heights. The purpose of the project was to diagnose power loss in engines and provide the ability to fine tune engines to maximum efficiency.
Park Smart Solution Parking Trolley *
Michael Erwin, Adam Bechtel, Kyle Jacob Smith (J6)
Advisor and Mentor: Gary Drigel
Student engineers designed, manufactured and tested a prototype car trolley to move vehicles in a wide range of settings from homes to automated parking structures. The goal was to create a low-cost solution primarily for automobile conveyance and location.
Electric Drifting Trike *
Alphonsus Akujobi, Kyle Louis Smith (K51), Brandon Wetzel
Advisor and Mentor: Gary Drigel
Student engineers combined two available technologies (1) a pedal powered drifting trike and (2) an electric hub drive motor. Once assembled they analyzed the resulting trike for performance, safety, design flaws and stress distribution. This electric drift trike allows enthusiasts to enjoy the sport of drifting on multiple terrains.
High Performance Electric Motorcycle
Jacob Speed, Joseph Vodzak, Tim Thompson
Advisor: Rob Speckert
Student engineers designed and built a high-performance electric motorcycle. This design is powered by several lithium-ion batteries that feed a powerful motor controller that synchronizes all the inputs and output coming from the rider. All performance aspects of the bike have been preprogrammed which allows the rider to choose from multiple different drive modes. Electric cars have already changed the way we think about everyday commuting, so it is only practical to start looking at motorcycles next.
Bamboo Electric Bike *
Quentin Bowden, Steve Conlkin, Samantha Welch
Advisor/Mentor: Gary Drigel
Student engineers have redesigned the standard bicycle to be a lightweight and green electric bicycle using bamboo as some of the frame components. The goal was to create a new option for the everyday, short distance traveler with a bike that is lightweight in comparison to a typical electric bike, Focus included ease of handling and improvement in battery life.
Updating Robot Platform for Engineering Education*
Andrew Littlejohn, Okala Conrad, Valere Monthe
Advisor: Reza Abrishambaf
The purpose of this project is to update and expand one of the robot cells within 黑料社区 Hamilton Campus ENT lab. Using principles of electromechanical engineering and project management, this project is intended to provide the project team with hands on experience with PLCs, robot integration into electromechanical systems, as well as experience with mechanical design and additive manufacturing. After completion of this project, the updated robot cell will act as a platform for continued 黑料社区 projects and as an educational aid to help engineering 黑料社区s become familiar with robot and automation systems.
Automated Transport Table
Alex Pinkerton and Noah Buck
Advisor: Mert Bal
The goal of the project is to provide an autonomous platform that will be used to transport objects within the robotics lab at 黑料社区. The platform is based around the Arduino microcontroller to act as the brains of the system and control the drivetrain. The Arduino will receive control commands via a Bluetooth module that is connected to a smartphone. As new technologies come about there will be more options that will allow future 黑料社区s to learn and push more boundaries in automation.
Student Presentation 黑料社区ics included in Room B:
Installing and Programming a Robotic Vision System*
Casey Calihan, Chase Jelliffe, Jacob Webb
Advisor: Rob Speckert
Student engineers installed a vision system on the Yaskawa MH5 Motoman robot arm with a DX100 controller. This vision system allows for detection and sorting of objects by shape and color. This can be controlled by smart processing using Visual Basic, which the operator can control from a personal computer. This will be applicable for lab assignments in various courses.
Tote Stacking and De-Stacking System
Ethan Parsons, Trey Thomas, Zach Miller
Advisor: Rob Speckert
Student engineers have designed, modeled, and programmed a device to stack and/or de-stack totes for use on a production line. Using electric linear actuators and an array of sensors, EMI Corp (Jackson Center, OH) will be able to manufacture their own systems in house. These systems will complement the line of manufacturing conveyor systems they currently offer.
Robot Arm for Camera Head
Brian Armstrong, Brian Bostleman, Misty Ankney
Advisor: Reza Abrishambaf
The objective of this project is to design a camera arm to be used with an existing 6-axis robot installed at NorthStar BlueScope Steel in Delta, Ohio. This arm will be used to manipulate an array of cameras (filtered optical, IR, and thermal imaging) and laser measurement systems over the electric arc furnace shell to inspect the refractory lining.
Robot Vision System
Corinne Kissner and Kris Shoup
Advisor: Reza Abrishambaf
This project is in collaboration with North Star BlueScope Steel LLC, making a monitoring system for their Electric Arc Furnaces (EAF). A camera will inspect the refractory lining of the EAF for potential failures, increasing the safety of the employees. A camera is needed, as well as housing to protect the camera from the heat of the molten steel. This camera housing connects with an arm, which connects to a 6-axis robot currently installed.
Portable Automatic Ingredient Scaler
Jacob Turnwald, Jon Shivers, Russell Webster
Advisor: Rob Speckert and Hiren Gami
Miami Engineering Students designed, programmed, and built a smaller, portable version of the industrial sized automated ingredient scaler Decko Products INC. uses for its larger customer orders. Use of this new portable automated scaler for small batch orders will improve both work efficiency and product quality compared to the previous method of scaling ingredients manually.
Quality Through Automation Standard Aero
Seth Walker and William Lapthorn
Advisor: Mert Bal
This project aims to automate an existing manual production process at Standard Aero. The process welds a small thin curved honeycomb layer onto a solid equally curved metal base with both pieces measuring near 1 x 5 x 1/8th inches. Automating the process will eliminate the areas where human error causes the failures due to inaccurate alignment and incomplete welding or braze adhesion. Modification of this welding process incorporates a custom fixture/product holder, a motor, and a modified computer program to control the motor along with the automatic resistance welder.
Pick and Place XYZ Robot *
Alban Nana and Leonard Nsabimana
Advisor: Mert Bal
Student engineers redesigned an existing XYZgantry robot assembly for it to function as a pick-and-place robot for moving soda bottles in and out of a conveyor belt of a bottle filling system at the 黑料社区 Electromechanical Engineering Technology laboratory. This project is a continuation of a project that already started last year. Students have made mechanical improvements in design of the robot, and re-programmed the cell with Arduino.
Vision System for Inline Inspection of Parts
Skylar Powell
Advisor: Mert Bal
A Keyence machine vision system has been designed and implemented in MIBA for inline inspection of transmission synchronizing rings. The intended outcomes of this project are to standardize the inspection, speed up the process and reduce labor cost and resource usage.
CNC Router Table*
Brett Ceyler and Wesley Clark
Advisor: Mert Bal
Student engineers designed and built a three-axis CNC router table. The 4’x4’ table is intended to process precision shapes using various tools. The system is driven by 4 Nema 34 stepper motors running on Mach 3 software. Designed from the ground up this modular system has the capability to support many different toolsets with minor changes. Students tested the table with a hot wire foam cutter and a router to shape wooden parts.
Student Presentation 黑料社区ics included in Room C:
Smart Trash Monitoring System
Goshen Matoumbi, Nathaniel Anderson, and Thitibhorn Sobhanabhikul
Advisor: Reza Abrishambaf
The Smart Trash Monitoring System project specifically focuses on providing a real-time indicator of the garbage level in a trash can at any given time. The goal of the project is to design and manufacture a smart trash monitoring system that is easy to use, manageable, low cost and compatible for all infrastructures with Wi-Fi connectivity.
Occupancy Detection and Control*
Aaron Maynard, Greg Hornberger, Nick Krauth
Advisors: Hiren Gami & Reza Abrishambaf
The main objective for this project is to design and create a system of sensors to detect when a room or hallway is occupied and transmit that data to a central unit. As the data comes in it can be transmitted wirelessly to personal computers and to the Blynk phone application and is used to control the lighting in the occupied space. The sensor notes the direction of motion and uses this to keep an active count of the total number of occupants in a space and then control the lighting based on that count.
Cost-Effective Surveillance System
Adam Davidson, Katrina Hilliard, Radouane Adnane
Advisors: Hiren Gami and Rob Speckert
Student engineers designed, programmed and tested a cost-effective wireless surveillance system with a mobile application interface. The design uses off-the-shelf components to provide an affordable security system that can be used in residential and commercial settings.
Bluetooth Enabled Smart Lock for Residential Buildings
Aaron Barker, Ciara Knackstedt, Mason Dzugan
Advisor: Mert Bal
Students have designed and built a proof-of-concept new residential door lock that fits the new smart home trend. The smart door provides the users the ability to lock and unlock your door via an app on either a smartphone or tablet. This project utilizes an electric door strike that will communicate via Bluetooth to the user’s device and make keys a thing of the past.
The SmartKitchen by Lambda Technologies*
John Whalen, Matthew Rana, Tiffany Fulton
Advisor: Mert Bal
Grocery shopping can be quite a chore, especially when customers forget to check how much butter they have left in your refrigerator, or if they have any garlic powder in the pantry. Student engineers have designed The SmartKitchen. With the convenience of The SmartKitchen, the customers can track the items in their kitchen, refrigerator, pantry, etc. by quantity and/or the last date of purchase through a simple scan in/out of the product barcode; that data is then exported to a database and posted to a website for easy mobile access and can be used to create lists or set reminders.
* Fleck Grant supported project