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Department Statistics

Use of Force


Date Type of Force Used Reason for Force # of Officers Involved Race Sex
3/5/22 Verbal Commands Fleeing / Eluding 1 W M
4/5/22 Weapon Displayed/Drawn Combative 4 W M
5/5/22 Physical Restraint/Control Combative 2 W M
8/3/22 Physical Restraint/Control Combative 2 B M
12/2/22 Physical Restraint/Control Combative 1 W M


Date Type of Force Used Reason for Force # of Officers Involved Race Sex
2/13/21 Verbal Commands Fleeing / Eluding 2 W F
4/10/21 Verbal Commands Fleeing / Eluding 1 W M
4/26/21 Weapon Displayed/Drawn Fleeing / Eluding 2 W M


Date Type of Force Used Reason for Force # of Officers Involved Race Sex
1/2/20 Weapon Displayed/Drawn Fleeing / Eluding 3 B M
6/6/20 Verbal Commands Fleeing / Eluding 1 B M
12/8/20 Weapon Displayed / Drawn Non-Compliance 1 W M


Date Type of Force Used Reason for Force # of Officers Involved Race Sex
3/11/19 Less Lethal Force Weapon(s) 3 W F
9/8/19 Physical Restraint / Control Non-Compliance 1 W M
9/28/19 Physical Restraint / Control Fleeing / Eluding 1 W M
10/25/19 Less Lethal Force Combative 2 W M
11/17/19 Physical Restraint / Control Combative 2 W M


Date Type of Force Used Reason for Force # of Officers Involved Race Sex
1/12/18 Weapon Displayed / Drawn Fleeing/ Eluding 1 W M
1/23/18 Weapon Displayed / Drawn Threat(s) 1 B M
3/3/18 Physical Restraint/Control Fleeing/Eluding 1 W F

Bias Based Policing

Traffic Stop Citations/Warnings by Race/Sex of Driver


Race Female Male Gender not recorded* Citations Issued Warning Issued Total % of Total
Asian 2 7 0 3 6 9 7.6%
Black 1 4 0 0 5 5 4.2%
White 27 23 2 3 49 52 44.1%
Race not recorded* 16 33 3 2 50 52 44.1%
Total 46 67 5 8 110 118 100%


*MUPD has improved efforts on the collection of data on all self-initiated traffic contacts to include, at a minimum, the race and gender of the driver of the vehicle stopped in response to the Ohio Collaborative Community-Police Advisory Board Bias Free Policing Standard implemented in 2019.


Race Female Male Gender not recorded* Citations Issued Warning Issued Total % of Total
Asian 1 3 0 2 2 4 1.9%
Black 7 13 0 2 18 20 9.7%
White 46 66 0 12 100 112 54.4%
Race not recorded* 17 34 19 1 69 70 34.0%
Total 71 116 19 17 189 206 100%


*MUPD has improved efforts on the collection of data on all self-initiated traffic contacts to include, at a minimum, the race and gender of the driver of the vehicle stopped in response to the Ohio Collaborative Community-Police Advisory Board Bias Free Policing Standard implemented in 2019.


Race Female Male Gender not recorded* Citations Issued Warning Issued Total % of Total
Asian 5 11 1 8 9 17 6.5%
Black 3 15 0 3 15 18 6.9%
White 49 65 2 11 105 116 44.3%
Race not recorded* 30 64 17 8 103 111 42.3%
Total 87 155 20 30 232 262 100%

 *MUPD has improved efforts on the collection of data on all self-initiated traffic contacts to include, at a minimum, the race and gender of the driver of the vehicle stopped in response to the Ohio Collaborative Community-Police Advisory Board Bias Free Policing Standard implemented in 2019.


Race Female Male Gender not recorded* Citations Issued Warning Issued Total % of Total
Asian 11 39 1 9 42 51 12.5%
Black 11 24 0 3 32 35 8.6%
White 84 139 0 27 196 223 54.6%
Race not recorded* 34 43 22 4 95 99 24.3%
Total 140 245 23 43 365 408 100%

 *MUPD has improved efforts on the collection of data on all self-initiated traffic contacts to include, at a minimum, the race and gender of the driver of the vehicle stopped in response to the Ohio Collaborative Community-Police Advisory Board Bias Free Policing Standard implemented in 2019.


Race Female Male Gender not recorded* Citations Issued Warning Issued Total % of Total
Asian 10 24 0 18 16 34 12%
Black 2 6 0 6 2 8 2.8%
White 28 45 3 22 54 76 26.9%
Race not recorded* 52 71 42 6 159 165 58.3%
Total 92 146 45 52 231 283 100%

*MUPD has improved efforts on the collection of data on all self-initiated traffic contacts to include, at a minimum, the race and gender of the driver of the vehicle stopped in response to the Ohio Collaborative Community-Police Advisory Board Bias Free Policing Standard implemented in 2019.

Bias Based Policing

Arrest/Summons by Race/Sex


Race Sex Arrest/Summons % of Total
White M 68 70.1%
Black M 2 2.1%
Asian M 2 2.1%
White F 24 24.7%
Black F 0 0%
Asian F 1 1%


Race Sex Arrest/Summons % of Total
White M 94 75.2%
Black M 2 1.6%
Asian M 3 2.4%
White F 26 20.8%
Black F 0 0%
Asian F 0 0%


Race Sex Arrest/Summons % of Total
White M 55 72.4%
Black M 3 3.9%
Asian M 4 5.3%
White F 11 14.5%
Asian F 1 1.3%


Race Sex Arrest/Summons % of Total
White M 166 61%
Black M 9 3.3%
Asian M 11 4.1%
White F 80 29.4%
Black F 2 0.7%
Asian F 4 1.5%


Race Sex Arrest/Summons % of Total
White M 143 64.4%
Black M 6 2.7%
Asian M 5 2.3%
White F 65 29.3%
Black F 2 0.9%
Asian F 1 0.4%

Community Policing 

 is very active in the University community. Below is a breakdown of those efforts for the last four years.


During the calendar year 2022, MUPD's Community Relations Team members conducted, participated and/or attended approximately 63 meetings/events contributing 88.75 hours to reach an audience of 12,884 individuals.


During the calendar year 2021, MUPD's Community Relations Team conducted, participated and/or attended approximately 74 meetings/events contributing 84.5 hours to an audience of 8,948 individuals.


During the calendar year 2020, MUPD's Community Relations Team conducted, participated and/or attended approximately 49 meetings/events contributing 49.5 hours to an audience of 882 individuals. 


During the calendar year 2019, MUPD's Community Relations Team conducted, participated and/or attended approximately 98 meetings/events contributing 131 hours to an audience of 19,786 individuals. 


During the calendar year 2018, MUPD's Community Relations Team conducted, participated and/or attended approximately 133 meeting/events contributing 172 hours to an audience of 16,620 individuals.

MUPD offers a wide variety of  that are available to educate members of our community to reduce the likelihood of crime on and off campus. 

黑料社区 Police Department

Dial 9-1-1 if you have an emergency. If you require immediate police assistance or wish to report a criminal offense, call the police dispatcher at 513-529-2222.

Contact Information

Police Services Center
4945 Oxford-Trenton Road
Oxford, Ohio 45056
513-529-2222 | 24 hours | Non-Emergency

Substation Locations

Armstrong Student Center - 1055

Farmer School of Business - 1001

King Library - 31

Yager Stadium - 180