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Smart Home Devices

Use these instructions to connect your smart home equipment at Miami. This includes things like smart light bulbs, smart home assistant devices, and other connected technology.

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Connect to MU-GAMING

Register your device at 

Information you will need:

  • Device Name
  • Device ID (Wi-Fi or MAC Address)
  • Description (Optional)

NEW IN 2024: Expanded Smart Home Support

Some devices and Wi-Fi services will not work on MU-GAMING. If you try to add your device to MU-GAMING and are unsuccessful, you may try to use the MiamiOH-MyDevices network.

These devices will generally include the ones that allow you to use personal Wi-Fi features. These devices may include:

  • Apple devices using Apple's sharing services, e.g., iPhones, Apple watches, iPads, AppleTV, etc
  • Google Chromecast, Roku, Amazon Fire TV Stick
  • Devices that require a network password and name, which may include:
    • Smart lightbulbs
    • Digital assistants (e.g., Alexa, Google Home, Apple Home Pod)

Please read the instructions carefully and register your devices at the MiamiOH-MyDevices registration portal. 

Please note: If you need to control your digital assistant or streaming TV device with your phone, your phone will also need to be registered with the MiamiOH-MyDevices network. Think of your phone as just another device in your list of smart home tools!