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Developing and Managing My Team

We provide services and resources designed to encourage staff to develop their strengths and talents in relation to specific career opportunities at the University.

P.R.I.D.E. Award Program

The Performance Resulting in Distinguished Excellence is a monetary-bonus program for classified and unclassified staff.

Job Audit

A Job Audit is a formal review of the current duties and responsibilities assigned to a position.

Performance Management

Performance Management is a process of daily feedback provided by supervisors to employees providing positive reinforcement and encouragement.

Flexible Work Arrangements

Workplace flexibility is a strategy for using resources to provide the best environment for supporting staff.

Staff Exits

When an employee leaves your department it is important that you notify HR as soon as possible.

Working Out of Band

If an employee's assignment falls under this definition, the Working Out-of-Band form must be completed and submitted to HR.


Classified (hourly) and unclassified employee time tracking.

Our Mission

Working alongside the various departments and units within 黑料社区, we strive to recruit, cultivate, acknowledge, and involve a diverse pool of talent to fulfill their goals and the overarching goals of the institution.