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Choosing a Plan

Both public retirement systems—Ohio Public Employees Retirement System (OPERS), for all non-faculty employees, and State Teachers Retirement System of Ohio (STRS), for faculty—offer different retirement plan options.

New Employees

If you are a new employee, you have 180 days from date of hire to review these state plan options and select the plan within your retirement system that best meets your needs.

Please note: Full-time employees eligible to choose an alternative retirement plan (ARP) have 120 days from date of hire to elect a plan. Please see below.


OPERS (for Non-Faculty Employees)

OPERS offers its members two retirement plans to non-faculty Miami employees:

  • Traditional Pension
  • Member-Directed

You may review details for each plan on the  or contact OPERS to schedule a counseling session. Currently, your employee contribution to OPERS is 10% of your salary, which is deducted from each paycheck and sent to your OPERS account. Miami's employer contribution is an amount from 11.76% up to 14% of your salary depending on which plan you elect.

When you have selected a plan, submit your plan election to OPERS by phone (866-673-7748), online, or through the OPERS Retirement Plan Selection Form included within your Selection Kit.

Please note: If you do not make a plan election within 180 days, you will default to the OPERS Traditional Pension Plan.

STRS (for Faculty)

STRS Ohio offers Miami faculty three retirement plans:

  • Defined Benefit
  • Defined Contribution
  • Combined

You may review details for each plan on the  or contact STRS to speak to Member Services. Currently, your employee contribution to STRS is 14% of your salary, which is deducted from each paycheck and sent to your STRS account. Miami's employer contribution is an amount from 11.09% up to 14% of your salary depending on which plan you elect.

When you have selected a plan, submit your plan election to STRS through the STRS Ohio Retirement Plan Selection Form.

Please note: If you do not make a plan election within 180 days, you will default to the Defined Benefit Plan.

ARP (Alternative Retirement Plan) Option for Full-Time Employees Only

New, full-time Miami employees (including those who are moving from part-time or a temporary position to a full-time position) may elect to participate in an Alternative Retirement Plan (ARP) rather than the state retirement system (OPERS or STRS), under which their service would normally be covered.

Please note: If you do not submit the retirement plan election form and set up your account with your chosen approved vendor within 120 days, you will default to the State's plan.

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