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Undergraduate Research

The Honors College curriculum integrates research across disciplines. Research is at the heart of our mission, and we tailor its concepts and contexts to 黑料社区s' specific area of study. With undergraduate research, experiences typically reserved for graduate programs, you will complete rigorous scholarly work culminating in the completion of an Honors Senior Project. Want to seek answers to mysteries unsolved, and learn in ways few 黑料社区s get to learn? In the Miami Honors College, you will.

Resources for Research Excellence

While research is a core component of the Honors College experience, success as an Honors College 黑料社区 begins with ideas — and the will to engage them in the world around you. Here, research is not confined to scientific labs or archives. At Miami, you'll engage in the application of ideas to real world contexts, whether you study the humanities or a science.

Below, read examples of Honors 黑料社区s' work to understand the possibilities that await you in the 黑料社区 Honors College. To bring your research vision to life, you and your peers in the Honors College will have access to the following benefits:

  • Direct faculty mentorship of your research, creative, or pre-professional project.
  • Financial support for conference presentations, publications, teaching, and/or research related to your project.

Past Projects

In line with the Honors College's mission to produce citizen scholars, the Honors Senior Project can take the form of a scholarly research project or a Citizen project, in which 黑料社区s use intensive experiential learning activities as a basis for producing an inquiry based project with relevance to the common good. See examples of past projects below. Scholarly projects are divided by academic area and Citizen projects are listed together. Each project was led by undergraduates in the Honors College.

Citizen Projects

Creation of the Aapar Foundation

Esha Chadha, Microbiology major with a Premedical Studies co-major, Class of 2020.

When Esha worked with a surgical oncologist in India in 2019, many of the patients Esha saw were from the slums and had extensive disease symptoms. A lot of them could not afford the basic necessities for cancer treatment, such as chemotherapy ports and peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) lines. These patients often received their chemotherapy through their veins, which can sometimes cause arms and legs to stop functioning due to chemotherapy leakage into tissues surrounding one’s limbs. Esha decided to help find a solution. Esha realized it was possible to send these necessary supplies to a doctor in India in order for those patients to receive the proper treatment. After this idea Esha started the Aapar Foundation to help provide unused and surplus PICC lines and chemotherapy ports to patients in need around the world.

Esha told Honors, "I didn't fully realize I wanted to become a surgeon and help cancer patients until I went to India. After that trip I realized that I really love the medical environment and a career that's hands-on and requires quick problem-solving. This experience has helped me in choosing the right career path."


Stop the Bleed University: Providing College Students with Direct Access to Bleeding Control Education

Grace Chaney, Kinesiology major with a Premedical Studies co-major, Class of 2021.

A person with severe injuries can bleed to death in as little as five minutes without intervention. As an ambassador for the national Stop the Bleed campaign, Grace has been working with the national Stop the Bleed campaign leadership team to establish Stop The Bleed University (STBU) chapters across the country. STBU aims to educate and empower civilian bystanders to become immediate responders in the event of an emergency until professional help can arrive. This goal is achieved through bleeding control education classes and massive hemorrhage awareness initiatives both on campus and in the community. Since the establishment of STBU, 253 黑料社区s have been certified in bleeding techniques.

Grace told Honors, "Launching the first STBU chapter provided its own unique challenges, but it pushed me to become a more adaptable and innovative advocate for my peers and community. Reflecting back on the past few years, I never would have imagined how many opportunities for growth my project would generate, nor how big of a role it would play in my life and future. I have been able to develop a deeper understanding of what it means to be a leader within a community. Furthermore, I have been able to network with representatives at the Ohio Statehouse, healthcare professionals from level one trauma centers, and various community organizations. These interactions have substantially built my confidence, communication skills, and ability to be a strategic planner. Above all else, the most impactful part of my project was helping establish a massive bleeding survivor network for the state of Ohio. Getting to speak with various survivors about their experiences with mass shootings, car accidents, and on the job injuries elevated my appreciation for first responders and trauma personnel exponentially. It also showed me how resilient patients are! It was extremely fulfilling to be able to work with these individuals, give them support, and help them spread awareness about massive bleeding."


Community Cat Program

Amber Blevins, Biology major, Class of 2023.

Amber worked with her mentor Dr. Reagh at Oxford Veterinary Hospital to set up a community cat spay and neuter program at the clinic assisted by pre-vet 黑料社区 volunteers. This project is reducing the feral cat population in Oxford while helping 黑料社区s get veterinary contact hours and hands-on experience for admission to vet school. Amber held several events to spay and neuter both trapped feral cats and friendly ferals which community members bring in to the clinic. The Community Cat Program was designed to be sustainable after Amber graduated to provide continuous support to the Oxford community.

Amber told Honors, "This project deepened my passion for helping animals in need and for veterinary medicine. I gained valuable experience and knowledge I will be able to bring up in interviews for veterinary school applications and future jobs in the field. I also learned about what it takes to create a community program like this; I gained the leadership, communication, and fundraising skills needed to support this kind of effort."


Growth Opportunities and Extreme Market Reactions to Mergers and Acquisitions

Michael Molchan, Business Economics and Finance majors, Class of 2021.

This project examines the link between a target firm's growth opportunities and the likelihood of extreme stock market reactions to M&A transactions around the announcement date. Using data on mergers and acquisitions from January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2019, Michael found that the growth potential of a target firm has an inconclusive impact on the likelihood that shareholders experience an extreme announcement day market reaction.

Michael told Honors, "Writing my Honors thesis enhanced my research skills and gave me a new appreciation for working with real-world data. I have spent my whole life being a consumer of information. Now, I have an insight into what it is like to be a producer of information; and for that, I am grateful."


Economic Effect of Sole Hospital Closure on Rural Community 

Rukmini (Ruku) Pal, Business Economics major, Class of 2022.

This project analyzed a panel from 1996 – 2014 of rural counties that had a single hospital in 1996 to estimate the impact of a hospital closure on county economic activity employment, total payroll, and number of establishments.

Ruku told Honors, “This project allowed me to work directly with two incredible economists and advisors in the Economics Department, Dr. Greg Niemesh and Dr. Melissa Thomasson. They challenged my coding and analytical skill set, expanding upon the small foundation I had to apply my skills to a real-world problem. I learned so much about running a project, learning to write a thesis, and then how to explain my research in a clear and succinct manner. Furthermore, the Honors College and my Honors experiences served as the core to my entire Miami experience. The support system, incredible other individuals who became life-long friends, and the ability to push my own boundaries did not only make me a better 黑料社区, but a better person. My Miami experience would not be the same without the Honors College, and I cannot name a single aspect of 黑料社区 that was more impactful than this.” 


Addressing the Deficit in the Accounting Pipeline

Christopher Petropoulos, Accountancy major (Class of 2024) and Master of Accountancy (Class of 2025).

Ask anyone in the professional services industry about the challenges facing their business, and one of their responses will likely be staffing. More specifically, firms of all sizes are experiencing difficulties today filling open positions in accounting jobs. On the other side of the equation, colleges throughout America are seeing fewer 黑料社区s choose to study accounting. A combination of an increased number of retirements during the COVID-19 pandemic, the inherently high demand for staff in the field, and an overall smaller pool of applicants has led to a shortage of accountants, coined as the “pipeline” issue. Chris investigated this problem through interviews with faculty at 黑料社区 and a partner at Ernst and Young (EY). First by examining the lack of appeal of the accounting major and the poor value proposition offered to 黑料社区s. Next, Chris looked at the innovations to coursework and recruiting implemented by 黑料社区, as well as external and internal efforts by EY. Afterwards, Chris reviewed some considerations and challenges faced in attracting 黑料社区s to the field, before concluding with recommendations for universities struggling with accounting enrollment.

Chris told Honors, "Overall, the project has given me a very comprehensive understanding of the industry I'm entering after graduation: accounting. While I've learned a lot about accounting through college courses and work experience, I now have much stronger knowledge on the field. This gave me the chance to conduct a deep reflection on my internship experience, looking back on what I learned, what I liked/disliked, and the differences between accounting firms. This was my first experience with research, and I enjoyed the process. I feel well prepared for my future career, as I understand the work environment, career path, and current issues."


Human Roles in Implementation and Oversight of Artificial Intelligence

Ally Britton-Heitz, Diplomacy & Global Politics and Russian, Eastern European, & Eurasian Studies majors (Class of 2024) and M.S. in Business Analytics (Class of 2025).

Recognizing the ever-evolving roles of humans in the development, implementation, maintenance and oversight of Artificial Intelligence (AI), this study examines the current literature to gain a greater understanding of decision making thus far as well as make predictions and recommendations for further actions regarding AI. As such, a governance structure (framework) has been created, supported by the literature available and demands of the industry, to answer these pertinent research questions, namely what the role of humans in the implementation of AI and the development of rules for the use of AI is. As number of countries implement AI strategies and governance, it is necessary to understand what aspects may fuel further innovation and understanding of AI, and which may create greater fear. While research must continue as these policies are cemented, a general understanding is beginning to emerge.

Ally told Honors, "This project has taught me key research and collaboration skills, as well as greatly improved my presentation capabilities. Throughout the process of writing my initial draft, presenting at both the MWAIS and the URF, I have received vital feedback that has culminated in this project. Moving from my original draft, as presented at MWAIS, to my secondary draft, with the goal of publication, I have gained insight into the value of audience and alterations that are necessary as a piece moves from a conference style presentation, to publication style." 

Creative Arts

The Experience of a Young Woman in Hitler’s Europe

Madeline Mitchell, Theatre and Journalism majors, Class of 2019.

This project developed, in part, out of Madeline’s study abroad trip to Luxembourg at MUDEC and subsequent research on the Holocaust, including interviews with Holocaust survivors. Madeline then wrote a one-act play that was performed on campus. The play touched on themes of trauma, memory, ritual and the Jewish community as three women's stories of life during the Holocaust. Madeline wrote the play with hopes of sharing the stories of survivors and keeping their memories alive for future generations.


The Body is Language: Explorations of Subjectivity in Contemporary Chinese Art

Louise McKinney, Art & Architecture History major, Class of 2024.

This paper examines works by Zhang Huan, Zhu Yu, Ma Qiusha, and Chen Lingyang, four contemporary Chinese artists who used photography and performance as mediums with which to explore the changing role of the individual in China following the institution of the Reform and Opening Up policy in 1978. Louise argues that their works align with Buddhist ideas of the "self" and the "subject," which posit that the self exists only as a construct invented by the mind's experiences of senses and feelings. By manipulating their bodies in sometimes extreme and always theatrical and performative ways, Zhang, Zhu, Ma, and Chen developed a corpus of visceral, vulnerable works, opening up the body to contact with the abject and threatening the dissolution of the self. At a time when China as a nation was renegotiating its identity and its position relative to capitalist global powers, these works represent a parallel process of reflection and de/construction.

Louise to Honors, "This essay is the cumulation of work I began three years ago with an Honors extension paper on gender in Buddhism. I further developed my art historical research skills with an Undergraduate Summer Scholars project. With the help of my faculty mentors, I was able to explore a topic of great personal and professional interest. As I prepare to enter a Master's program in Museum Studies, I have a strong foundation of knowledge about the ways in which Chinese contemporary art, performance art and photography, and Buddhist art have been discussed, presented, and received by global audiences."



Education in the United States Compared to The European Schools

Camila Rodriguez, Integrated Mathematics Education and Mathematics majors, Class of 2019.

This project was possible due to Camila's unique 黑料社区 teaching experience at The European Schools in Luxembourg. Camila was able to answer the following questions: What will the biggest differences be between my experiences teaching in the states and in Luxembourg? How can I relay this information when I return? How will I use this information to make a difference as an educator? Initially, Camila and her co-creator, Taylor Wood, wanted to explore specifically the differences between mathematics education in the states and in The European Schools. As they continued to acquire information, the project evolved and shifted its focus to also investigate the differences in staff attitudes, 黑料社区 attitudes, special education, technology, etc. through observations, interviews and research. As a result, Camila and Taylor had the opportunity to holistically compare education in the states to the European Schools and they hope this information can be leveraged by future educators to cultivate a global and inclusive classroom.

Camila told Honors, "This project has impacted me because, as a future educator in the states, it is important for me to know what teaching mathematics is like in other continents around the world. Additionally, I know that I will have a voice in education in the states, and I plan to use it."


Disrupting, Developing, Excavating, and Disseminating Critical ELA Curriculum

Ellie MacDowell, Integrated English Language Arts Education major, Class of 2023.

Through work with Dr. Kelli Rushek, Ellie created a unit-long curriculum focused on flipping the canonical narrative for English teachers. The unit focused on teaching “Just Mercy” to high school 黑料社区s through various lenses. Once the curriculum was written, Ellie and Dr. Rushek excavated it, looking for inherent biases and ways to improve the cultural sustainability of this lesson. Ellie and her faculty mentor are currently working on publishing our findings and presented at the National Conference of Teachers of English in 2023.

Ellie told Honors, "Working with Dr. Rushek has allowed me to understand all that goes into creating culturally sustaining curriculum, and these practices are ones that I will take with me as a first year educator."

Engineering and Computing

Evidence for Psilocybin-Norbaeocystin Entourage Effects in Rats Using a Novel E. coli-based Norbaeocystin Synthesis Process

Lexie Adams, Chemical Engineering major, Class of 2021.

This project focused on the development of a bacterial host for the production of psilocybin, the active ingredient in Magic Mushrooms. Although this illicit substance has been banned in the United States, it is currently being studied in FDA-approved clinical trials as a medication fortreatment-resistant depression, anxiety, PTSD, and other neurological disorders. As part of the Jones Lab, we were focused on finding a more cost-effective way to produce the molecule. As part of our initial findings, we were able to see a build-up of a pathway intermediate, norbaeocystin. This sparked interest in learning more about this molecule and its potential benefits to patients. There are currently no viable manufacturing processes for norbaeocystin, so we were able to re-optimize our E. coli strain to produce large quantities of this molecule. We were able to then partner with the McMurray Lab in the Department of Psychology to show the first evidence of an entourage effect between psilocybin and norbaeocystin. This finding motivates the study of different dosages of psilocybin and norbaeocystin to improve efficacy of treatments using these powerful molecules.

Lexie told Honors, "As I start my PhD, I will continue to use the skills I’ve learned from these projects to fuel ideas to benefit patients. I have been able to present this work at the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) national conference in 2018 and publish it in the peer reviewed journal, Metabolic Engineering."


Virtual Reality for Medical Training Simulations

Brad Schmitz, Computer Science and Interactive Media Studies majors, Class of 2021.

The goal was this project was to develop a virtual reality (VR) simulation to train nurses and nursing 黑料社区. This specific program presents a scenario of treating a patient with Parkinson's Disease, and is being used in a research study conducted by Lori Cooke (a nursing faculty member at Methodist University) to determine the effectiveness of VR in training nursing 黑料社区s. Medical training can be expensive and dangerous, so technologies like VR are promising for inexpensive, safe, and immersive training alternatives.

Brad told Honors, "For me, the best part of this project was simply getting to learn virtual reality development, with the assistance of my faculty mentor Dr. Eric Hodgson. It was also great to be able to collaborate with other 黑料社区s and faculty to present a finished simulation that will be actually utilized by people!"

Humanities and Social Sciences


Testing Interoceptive Deficits as a Mediator of ADHD Symptomatology and Restrictive Eating Pathology

Abby Tietjen, Psychology major with a Neuroscience co-major, Class of 2022.

The project looked to investigate the role of interoception in the relationship of ADHD symptoms and disordered eating behavior. Interoception which is a concept which captures how one experiences their internal physiological sensations. It was hypothesized that a deficit in these abilities would help to explain the relationship between ADHD symptoms and disordered eating behaviors. A self report methodology was used and did not find interoception to have a mediating role in this relationship, though ADHD symptoms and restrictive eating were found to be highly related to one another as well as trusting one's body sensations.

Abby told Honors, “I learned about data collection and data collection issues which arise in psychology. It also allowed me to work on improving my scientific writing skills which I would not have otherwise focused as much time on. I think it really helped me to understand what psychology graduate school would look like after working so closely with graduate 黑料社区s.”


Attention-Getting Strategies Used by Hearing Parents with their Autistic Children

Katherine Kingsbury, Speech Pathology & Audiology major, Class of 2023.

This project centered on joint attention between autistic children and their parents. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) involves both social and cognitive challenges, one being difficulty with visual attention. The ability to establish and track eye gaze with a caregiver (joint attention) is essential for language acquisition, as disruptions to these foundational interactions can impact the child across their lifespan. This exploratory study between hearing parents and their autistic children seeks to address the following question: what attention-getting and attention-maintenance strategies are used by hearing parents of autistic children ages 3-5 during play?

Katherine told Honors, "As an audiology 黑料社区, this research has contributed to my professional development by providing me an understanding of facilitating joint attention, which can be applied to my future clients. Because I am potentially going to be working with children with neurodevelopmental disabilities, having a greater understanding of what strategies are being used by parents will allow me to better understand my clients’ needs. Additionally, I was involved in all stages of research process from developing the protocol, collecting remote video samples, and also analyzing the data, providing me with a deeper understanding and appreciation of such stages to research."


Protect and Serve Breakfast: Communities of Care and the Impact of the Black Panther Party’s Free Breakfast for School Children Program (1969-1980)

Julia Brannon, History and Integrated Social Studies Education majors, Class of 2023.

This work examines how the Black Panther Party reimagined society through the communities of care they created in their Free Breakfast for School Children Program. While the Black Panther Party had many survival programs, all of which greatly served the community and filled needs neglected by the state, the breakfast program was the most significant program because it paved the way for survival programs to follow and was a source of communal power and unity. Primarily run by women, serving the most vulnerable members of the population, children, the breakfast program embodied the party’s purpose to protect and serve their community. However, despite the revolutionary care that the Black Panthers practiced, they also represented emerging Marxist ideals in a Cold War climate, plagued with McCarthyism, making them a target of the FBI and their counterintelligence program (COINTELPRO). The efforts made by the FBI to diminish the Black Panther’s relationship with the people reveal the power that the Black Panthers yielded and the breakfast program’s effectiveness. In fact, these programs were so successful that they inspired other marginalized groups to implement their own breakfast programs. The Black Panthers served up solidarity by helping organizations like the Young Lords, Brown Berets, Young Patriots, and Rainbow Coalition establish their own programs, spreading their revolutionary ideas along the way. The significance of the Free Breakfast for School Children Program reverbs to the modern day, as new organizations carry on the Black Panther’s legacy and continue to protect and serve the community.

Julia told Honors, "This project greatly helped me grow in my critical thinking, analysis, writing, and historical empathy skills. through this project, I was able to interview a Black Panther Alumni and visit the Huey P. Newton Special Collection at the Stanford University archives both of which greatly informed the overall project and were life-changing experiences for me. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to produce an original work with the help of my advisors and the wonderful history staff at Miami and showcase the work of a Black Power group." 


Structured Lives: First Wave Feminists, Embodiment, and Corsets

Jillian Schwab, Anthropology major, Class of 2024.

This projected compared the ratios of bust-waist, waist-hip, and bust-hip measurements of over 240 corsets from multiple museum collections and determined that dress reform discourse of universal extreme tightlacing did not accurately reflect the lived experiences of women. Jillian incorporated anthropological embodiment theory to understand how corsets — and therefore by extension, the female body — became the subject of cultural and social discourse, rather than an object. The narrative of corsets is deeply personal and the ability to consider an object in its original context — wearer’s class, age, needs, etc — creates an empathetic relationship between past and present.

Jillian told Honors, "The Honors College gave me opportunities to explore my interests and passions, which are arguably niche, in a deeper academic sense. I never felt silly or out of place when I explained my research, especially when asking for funding. The support from my advisor and the director himself truly motivated me and gave me the confidence I needed. I feel like a much stronger researcher than I did before."


X: Climate Change and Old English Literature

Sam Fouts, Creative Writing and English Literature majors, Class of 2024.

The Exeter Book (Exeter Cathedral Library, MS 3501) is a tenth-century, early medieval manuscript, which includes some of the most celebrated works of early English poetry. Traditional scholarly approaches to this material have argued for a resonance of this poetry within a monastic, Christian tradition. (Förster 1933, Orton 2016, Niles 2019). However, there has recently been a turn towards reconsidering Old English poetry in light of contemporary environmental concerns, and The Exeter Anthology in particular has often attracted scholarly interest along these lines (Estes 2017, Barajas 2021). The first-person voice of the riddle creature has proved especially fascinating for critics interested in nonhuman perspectives in early medieval literature (Paz 2017, Dale 2017). And simultaneously, poets and fiction writers such as Maria Dahvana Headley (The Mere Wife, 2018), Paul Kingsnorth (The Wake, 2014), and Miller Oberman (The Unstill Ones, 2017), have drawn on the Exeter Book to reimagine the present's relationship with the past, while producing works that interrogate environmental concerns and an uncertain future. Core to both this creative and critical work is a larger, temporal question of how can the present look to the past to imagine a future? For this project, Sam joined the discourse by producing his own creative and critical work. The project involved an analysis of Exeter poetry and inspired works such as The Wake through an Eco-critical lens. Then, drawing on the Exeter book - and informed by the critical work above - Sam produced a collection of Exeter-inspired poetry and riddles that address questions of temporality and ecology in an era of climate change.

Sam told Honors, "This project was one of the most formative experiences during my time at Miami. Not only did I become versed in academic research, I developed the rigor and discipline to conceptualize and follow through on a long-form project. This project also served as gateway into other opportunities like the CAS Dean's Scholar and the Geoffrion Family Student Fellowship programs -- as well as the foundation for the project proposal that would result in me receiving the Goldman Prize. Going forward, I plan on developing this research through the Goldman Prize and applying to an MFA in fiction writing."


"It's the Venom Symbiote from Spiderman": Automaticity, FOMO and Social Media Mindfulness

Kaya Fung, Strategic Communication, Class of 2024.

This Honors Senior Research Project sought to research the social media usage behaviors and experiences of fellow 黑料社区s at 黑料社区. Focused on the themes of automatic social media usage, fear of missing out (FOMO), and social media mindfulness, this project utilized a Qualtrics survey which was distributed to and completed by 148 黑料社区 黑料社区s. The results of this project demonstrate the prevalence of automatic social media behaviors among 黑料社区s surveyed, even during dangerous and illegal situations such as using social media while driving. Survey results demonstrated that FOMO manifests as a need to stay in the loop with updates of those in one's social circle, but that social media alone does not meet the social needs of 黑料社区s. The results of questions focused on mindfulness and behavioral awareness demonstrate that many 黑料社区s are aware of their social media usage, but that this awareness doesn't necessarily correspond to behavioral changes. The qualitative responses to this survey demonstrated that many individuals are regularly engaging with high levels of social media mindfulness, which has manifested as some deleting their social media accounts, while others cannot bear to leave the platforms behind. Ultimately, 黑料社区s surveyed are engaging with simultaneous experiences of automatic social media behavior, FOMO and mindfulness.

Kaya told Honors, "This research project has been an incredible learning experience for me as an undergraduate researcher. It has equipped me with many of the skills I will be relying on as a graduate 黑料社区 and researcher at the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign next year. I became a CITI certified researcher, designed an original survey, distributed an original survey, and gained experience in quantitative data analysis. Throughout the process of developing this project and working on the final write up for it, I improved my time management skills and have fostered new ideas for future research in graduate school. Furthermore, I was able to gain one-on-one mentorship from two wonderful professors in my Department [of Media, Journalism, and Film] who have not only helped me grow as a researcher but as a person."


Transgender Debate at the Statehouse

Peren Tiemann, Public Administration major, Class of 2024.

Transgender and gender non-conforming (T/GNC) people are the focus of countless bills being decided upon across the country. At the same time, there is an increasing power of trans and gender non-conforming lawmakers taking office and speaking up. In a nation where political rhetoric models behavior for all citizens, a critical question remains as to whether the presence of transgender and gender non-conforming legislators in these statehouses changes the way other lawmakers decide and speak about trans issues, as well as the impacts of T/GNC lawmakers themselves. In this project, Peren analyze how lawmakers in states with and without trans legislators speak about transgender people and policy. They find that T/GNC lawmakers vastly increase the amount of empathetic and humanizing language used around T/GNC issues in state legislature, but that far more research remains to be done as these lawmakers gain years and seniority in order to determine more about their impact on the rhetoric of others in the body. This work can serve as a guide towards a more inclusive future in and through legislative systems. In a field of little existing research, this piece will begin to discuss the new phenomenon of how trans people will make an impact from within government.

Peren told Honors, "As a young trans person who has grown up in the midst of anti-trans legislation that actively makes it less safe for me and my community to exist, I am constantly searching for ways to help create a path towards safety. Pursuing this project has been immensely important to me as it allows me to look at those who are already blazing a trail in politics in representing trans and gender non conforming people, and identify how we can use their impact to push us all towards a better future."


Why West Virginia Leads the Nation in Disability Rates

Lilly Ryan, Political Science major, Class of 2024.

West Virginia leads the nation in disability rates, with a disproportional number of West Virginians having disabilities. Despite this fact, current scholarship fails to provide a conclusive answer as to the cause of this high disability rate. This research aims to fill this gap and provide a thorough summary as to why West Virginia has a disproportionately high disability rate, identifying the causes of this rate, and outlining solutions. West Virginia’s high disability rate must be examined to ensure proper policy changes can be recommended to address the challenges individuals with disabilities face. There is no single answer to why West Virginia has a disproportionately high rate of disability. Instead, this paper identifies a list of factors contributing to West Virginia’s high rate of disability while outlining solutions to the problems individuals with disabilities face. This research found that the leading cause of disability isn’t disability; it’s a multitude of reasons, all relating to the barriers that exist within the society we live in. These barriers can take many forms; they can be educational, in the workplace, present in healthcare, due to ignorance, or even be a product of society. Each of the causes of West Virginia’s disproportionately high disability rate identified represents a barrier that needs to be addressed within the State.

Lilly told Honors this project was impactful because "completing this research project allowed me to research a population and community I am a part of. I decided my Honors Senior Project focus would be on individuals with disabilities from my home state of West Virginia. Despite the state’s high disability rate, little attention is being paid to the challenges individuals with disabilities from West Virginia face. I dedicated a year to researching why West Virginia has a disproportional disability rate and I made policy recommendations on how disability law can be changed to better support those individuals."

Kinesiology, Nutrition, and Health

Changes in skeletal muscle mass and measured REE of older adults following a 6-month weight loss program

Iris Puthoff, Nutrition and Public Health majors, Class of 2021.

This project was an extension of an NIH funded research lab in the Kinesiology department at 黑料社区. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of a 6-month weight loss program on skeletal muscle mass and resting energy expenditure (REE) in overweight and obese older adults. Results found that older adults may achieve weight loss without significant skeletal muscle mass loss, although regular aerobic exercise may not significantly increase skeletal muscle mass or resting energy expenditure. The final data was compiled into a poster presentation and was presented virtually at the 2020 Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo (FNCE). It was also published in the Journal of the Academy and Nutrition and Dietetics.

Iris told Honors, "This project was very impactful on my educational experience. I was able to get hands on experience through data collection and interactions with participants. Completing statistical analysis helped me to gain a better understanding of the research process and this research project allowed me to grain a deeper understanding within my field."


Typologies of Adaptation: Parenting Children with Primary Lymphedema

By Rakhsha Khatri, Public Health and Microbiology majors, Class of 2021.

Mothers of children with primary lymphedema (LE) may be vulnerable to experiencing feelings of helplessness, frustration, grief, and excess stress that can lead to negative mood and child behavioral problems. This study aimed to gain an in-depth understanding of the lived experiences of these mothers. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews with mothers of children with LE from seven countries. Qualitative data were coded using a codebook. Codes were then subject to discussion by the research team who identified a pattern of parenting approaches. The resulting typologies of these approaches to parenting provide insight into the unique challenges these mothers face that may be used by healthcare providers, social workers, child life specialists, and family life educators to ensure that parents, and other caregivers are receiving the support they need. The outcomes of this project were presentations at 2019, 2021 Undergraduate Research Forum, 2019 National Council on Family Relations Conference, International Lymphoedema Framework Conference 2019, and a manuscript.

Rak told Honors, "As future a healthcare professional, I hope to understand my patients beyond their disease, thereby becoming their advocates in ways that are best fit for their identity. I hope to provide support to my patients that may off-set their unique stressors and to understand my patients beyond their illness. Patients need someone to understand their disease beyond the definition that healthcare professionals learned in their textbooks. As seen in this study, regardless of having the disease, how it affects individuals varies greatly not only across national borders but also among those who are living in the same country. It is important for us to keep advocating for our patients that best fits them, not us."



Promote the General Welfare: A Political History and Economic Analysis of Medicare and Medicaid

Sara Rosomoff, Political Science major and Economics Combined BA/MA program, Class of 2019.

Throughout U.S. history, national health insurance has been a topic of great controversy. Three times during the 20th century legislation to enact such insurance was defeated. However, in 1965, the Medicare/Medicaid legislation was successfully passed in Congress, establishing a compulsory health insurance program for the elderly in the United States.

The obvious questions, and the center of research, is what made this attempt different? What factors led to its successful passage? And lastly, what factors led to states choosing to participate in Medicaid and offer a certain level of generosity? To answer these questions, Sara examined the history of health insurance in the U.S. qualitatively and through various statistical models, to analyze the results empirically.


Reinventing Agriculture: Addressing Urban Growth and Food Production through Vertical Farming

Nicole Rusk, Architecture major with a Sustainability co-major, Class of 2019.

Vertical farming, the practice of raising produce without soil in a controlled indoor environment, pushes agricultural boundaries by providing innovative and productive means for growing food within a city. This project allowed Nicole to combine knowledge of architecture, sustainability, and agriculture into the application of urban food issues.

After traveling to several vertical farms in the U.S. and Germany, Nicole built a small indoor hydroponic farm, proposed schematic architectural plans for a downtown Toledo vertical farm design, and wrote a comprehensive research paper about this innovative revolution in conserving water and growing food.


You Get What You Pay For: Combating Hezbollah Terrorist Financing in the Tri-Border Area of South America

Annika Fowler, Finance and Political Science majors, Class of 2020.

Since the late 1970s, the Tri-Border Area (TBA) of South America has served as a money laundering haven for criminal operations, and Hezbollah has successfully leveraged this paradise to finance and plan its global terrorist operations. Annika argued that to effectively combat Hezbollah terrorist financing in the Tri-Border Area, criminal investigations must be cooperatively aligned transnationally with terrorism investigations. The 25th anniversary of the 1994 AMIA bombing in Buenos Aires sparked Argentine action on Hezbollah and presents an opportunity for improved collective international law enforcement action that acknowledges the interconnectedness of global terrorism and drug trafficking while appropriately reconciling broader political objectives at home and abroad.

Annika told Honors, "This project allowed me to combine all of my majors and minors (finance, political science, Spanish, and Latin American Studies) in an interdisciplinary way, preparing me for graduate school and a career in public service."


An Introduction to Quantum Cognition for Undergraduates

Antonio Vazquez Lim, Physics, Philosophy, and Psychology majors, Class of 2022.

Antonio’s goal was to give 黑料社区s at an [advanced] undergraduate level an introduction to a very new and exciting field of cognitive and mathematical psychology which uses the mathematics of quantum mechanics to model strange and irrational phenomena in cognition. It introduces the math of quantum theory, the history of the field, the reasons why we use this math, and then some models which use it.

Antonio told Honors, “At the end, I provide some philosophical ideas to push 黑料社区s to think critically about the topic in hopes of them going on to develop the field further. Honestly, the impact of this project was less about the project itself and more about what it meant to me to complete it. Over my career at Miami, I've struggled a lot with mental illness and various difficult life events. There are times where I thought about dropping out and times where I felt inadequate, but knowing that I could do something which might leave an impact is more than enough. I hope to show that you can do something you're proud of, even when you're full of doubt.”


How Cultural Phenomena and Major Events Shape the European Hockey World

Aidan McGaughy, Information Systems & Analytics and Marketing majors, Class of 2023.

This project's goal is to provide an in-depth understanding of how differences in culture, infrastructure, and cultural phenomena or significant events have shaped the hockey world and the different countries. The final deliverable was a substantial 45-page research report comprised of extensive primary and secondary research leading to hypotheses and conclusions about the effect these topics have on the hockey world. This project allowed Aidan to contextualize Europe and the hockey world. 

Aidan told Honors, "I completed my project during my senior year and part of my project included studying abroad in Europe [with the Honors College]. This trip was an excellent opportunity to visit Europe for the first time, experience new cultures, try new things, and research something I am incredibly passionate about; the hockey world. I supplemented the Borders and Bridges [study abroad program's] Post WWI European History class curriculum with my research. I created a 45-page research paper analyzing how differences in culture, infrastructure, and cultural phenomena or significant events have shaped the hockey world and different countries. I enjoyed immersing myself in European cultures I studied all year and attending my first European hockey game in Interlaken, Switzerland. I am thankful for the opportunity to create memorable and meaningful learning experiences like these during my undergraduate career! The Honors College at 黑料社区 gave me access to many resources that helped me get the most out of my undergraduate career."


Nature as Medicine: Representations in German Literature from 1800 to the Present

Alivia O'Donnell, Biology and German majors, Class of 2024.

Alivia reviewed a collection of German literary works from the 1800s through present. The overarching project goal was to analyze the representations of medicine in German literature over time and the connections between medicine and nature within these works. Alivia explored the following research questions: In what ways do representations of nature and medicine evolve in German literature throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, reflecting changes in scientific understanding and cultural attitudes? To what extent do German literary texts from the Romantic period idealize nature and its healing properties, and how does this compare to later literary movements such as Realism and Expressionism? Are there discernible shifts in the portrayal of medical professionals and institutions in German literature over the examined period, and how do these depictions intersect with evolving views on nature and human health? Alivia found consistent themes surrounding escapism, nature aesthetics, and the interconnectedness of nature, spirituality, & medicine that are both explored and challenged in literary works. Additionally, the range of works provided unique sociocultural insights into the state of medical thought at the time of publication.

Alivia told Honors, "This project has profoundly impacted my understanding of how sociocultural trends can shape and modify medical thought, practice, and institutions in various sociocultural and historical contexts. Additionally, this project sparked a major interest in the medical humanities, which has become an area I wish to pursue in research in the future. I am extremely grateful for [participating in] the CAS Dean's Scholars program. I would also like to thank my research mentor, Dr. Nicole Thesz, who not only sparked my interest in this research project, but also provided immense guidance and encouragement throughout the process."

Science and Mathematics


Investigating the Role of Ephrin/EPH Signaling in Newt Lens Regeneration

Alyssa Miller, Biology major with a Premedical Studies co-major, Class of 2020.

Aylssa worked on a research team that identified specific protein signaling pathways that are essential downstream targets in the mechanism of Ephrin-mediated regeneration. These results will be extremely beneficial to the field as characterizing a map of the downstream targets of Ephrins will be pivotal in understanding regeneration. As a result of this work, there are now the necessary tools in order to gain a mechanistically insights into the function and regulation of Eph/ephrin signaling during lens regeneration. Alyssa plans to go to Medical school and also research the mechanisms of cancer formation and molecular and cellular biology associated with cancer.

Alyssa told Honors, "In my opinion, the best physicians are those who have both great passion for patient well-being as well as a deep understanding of the molecular events that lead to an illness. As a future physician scientist, I want to be at the forefront of both translational medicine and the application of medical research to improve patient outcomes. While my coursework has allowed for the academic backbone in my understanding of cell and molecular processes and general physiology, my work in this laboratory and on this project has given me the experiential learning to narrow down my specific career interests outside of the typical classroom environment." Alyssa presented this research on-campus at the 黑料社区 Undergraduate Research Forum, in addition to off-campus presentations at the Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Native Americans in Science Annual Convention and the Society of Developmental Biology Regional Conference.


Gut Organoids: Current Landscape and Future Directions for Modeling Diabetes

Valerie Thompson, Microbiology major with a Premedical Studies co-major, Class of 2021.

This project was an exploration-based research project in which Valerie provided insights into the intestinal organoid model and projections of its applications to the study of metabolic disorders such as diabetes. Detailing its origins in basic science and describing its current position in translational research, this project culminated as a comprehensive synthesis of these research areas, translating the potential of this technology into the public health, precision medicine, and preventative medicine domains.

Valerie told Honors, "As an aspiring physician-investigator, it was important for me to utilize my time in the Honors Program to invest in the research I have become so passionate about; pursing this Honors project was an excellent way to engage in undergraduate research with more independence, stretching my capacity as a 黑料社区 while also learning to think and write as a scientist. This was an enjoyable opportunity for me to combine my in-classroom learning experiences in Microbiology and Public Health to a project with real-world applications. Now reflecting on my experience at Miami and with the Honors Program, I am grateful that I was able to take on such a significant undertaking with this Honors project."


Development of a Probe for Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy with Variable Source-Detector Separation

Boyd Colbrunn, Biological Physics major with a Premedical Studies co-major, Class of 2022.

The objectives of this project were centered around creating and testing the utility of a diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) system with variable source-detector separation. This system would essentially allow for detection of oxygen and hemoglobin in the skin at various depths, allowing DRS to become more flexible. The research is still ongoing, but Boyd presented his current findings at a virtual symposium through the Ohio Space Grant Consortium.

Boyd told Honors, “This was my first opportunity to lead my own research project in the lab. Beyond the knowledge and skills I gained in optics and photonics, I was able to learn more about how research projects are run and how the world of academic research functions. Ultimately, these skills will translate effectively into my future in medical school and beyond.”


Using Biologging Data from Turtles to Assess Repeatability and Consistency in Physiological Behaviors

Cassidy Waldrep, Zoology and Spanish majors with Neuroscience co-major, Class of 2023.

This project was a fully coding-based study meant to develop a novel methodology for discovering animal personality on animals wearing biologgers. Cassidy found that by analyzing the data from biologgers, it is possible to determine temporal consistency, repeatability between individuals, and clusterings of individuals that show behavioral syndromes. Cassidy hopes to publish her research and was able to present it at 黑料社区's Undergraduate Research Forum, the Indiana University Animal Behavior Conference, and for the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology.

Cassidy told Honors, "This project has been my pride and joy for the past 4 years. I came into the project as just a little freshman, not knowing how to code or even write a scientific paper. I jumped into the project headfirst, very unaware that I would fall in love with coding and that it would push me to pursue a graduate degree with a heavy emphasis on biological statistical analysis. As someone who wants to do research and write papers for the rest of my life, this project has taught me just that. I got the opportunity to learn R through online class, classes at Miami, and just general googling. Furthermore, my wonderful mentor Paul Schaeffer gave me the opportunity to be first author on my manuscript, an accomplishment that not many others can say they did in undergraduate. This project really determined my career and I cannot be thankful enough for it."


Effect of µ-Opioid Receptor Knockout on Fear Conditioning, Extinction, and Morphine-Analgesia

Henry Beckett, Psychology major with Neuroscience and Premedical Studies co-majors, Class of 2023.

The project aimed to do an initial analysis of a new line of mice in the neuroscience lab Henry pursued research. These mice have a receptor (mu-opioid) knocked out from specific cells in a brain region called the amygdala. Those cells are important in the processing of fear. Henry found the KO caused no affect on the acquisition of fear, but does have effect on the extinguishing of fear. This shows us that the receptors are involved in fear processing on the back end but not in initial consolidation of fear. Henry was able to present this research with other undergraduate researchers and his faculty mentor at the Animal Behavior Conference.

Henry told Honors, "This project has allowed me to take the reins of a scholarly pursuit for the first time. Being the point person for a project allowed me to go through the proposal process, coordinate across our lab and others, learn statistics, improve my writing, and continue to develop as a scientist. Additionally, the Honors College gave me the opportunity to take my experiences in the classroom beyond the syllabus. Through things like course extensions, I was able to deep dive into topics that interested me under the guidance of faculty. The impact that has imparted on my scientific writing and research skills is invaluable."


A Two-Year Analysis of Comprehensive Balance Testing: Diagnoses and Treatment Recommendations

Lydia Copeland, Chemistry major with Premedical Studies co-major and Master of Science in Health Promotion, Class of 2023.

With the help of Dr. Smith and Dr. Geller, this project aimed to investigate how balance testing can distinguish various etiologies to better understand how to treat dizziness accurately and effectively. Lydia analyzed two years of data from a private comprehensive balance testing center to determine various frequencies and/or trends seen when diagnosing the common dizzy patient. Overall, if was found that comprehensive balance testing can provide detailed information for diagnosing and treating dizzy patients and that the most common referrals were for imaging and vestibular rehabilitation physical therapy. It was also found that less than 8% of the 2000 patients needed surgical consultations which suggests that non-surgical specialties could potentially play a larger role in the treatment of this population. The paper is currently being reviewed for publication at an ENT journal in 2023.

Lydia told Honors, "Overall, completing this project was one of the most challenging and rewarding processes. I had never designed a study on my own and had complete creative freedom from start to finish. I have grown so much as a researcher throughout this process and am forever grateful for the opportunity. I have learned so much that will help me in the coming years as I hope to continue to pursue research during medical school. I will forever remember my time in the Honors College. Some of my most meaningful experiences throughout college have been during my Honors experiences and I am grateful for the Honors College for providing me the platform to pursue other areas outside of my classes. The individualized advising and opportunities the College provides are unmatched and truly made my time at Miami more valuable."


Impacts of Microplastic Ingestion on Disease in Rainbow Trout

Katie Gabe, Biology major with a Sustainability co-major, Class of 2024.

After ingesting nylon microplastic fibers or particles, juvenile rainbow trout were analyzed for their vulnerability to viral infection (infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus). It was found that the fish that had not eaten plastic were significantly more likely to be infected by the virus. This challenges existing ideas about the negative impacts of microplastics on fish but could be explained by innate immune priming, where the plastic had primed the trouts' immune systems before viral exposure, preparing them to fight infection. Due to low infection rates overall, there is also a possibility that viral dosing was insufficient to observe more impactful results.

Katie told Honors, "My project helped me to hone my interests in marine science and explore the anthropogenic impacts on marine ecosystems, advancing the field by creating a foundational project with the potential to grow in numerous ways. By working with the Virginia Institute of Marine Science on this project, I also gained an incredible network in Virginia and learned about what working in science realistically looks like. I also grew dramatically in my research skills, scientific communication abilities, and confidence as a scientist."

Honors College

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