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Domestic Grant-in-Aid


  • Complete a FAFSA (for the academic year the Grant-in-Aid will be awarded). Allow 48 hours for the FAFSA to be made available for inclusion in your application.
  • Request two letters of recommendation from faculty members who can comment on your academic ability and need for a Grant-in-Aid. Letters must be sent to the Department Chair.
  • Provide the following information using the headings shown below in a Word document. As an attachment, send the information (listed below) as one document to the Department Chair.
  • The Department Chair must then attach the letters of recommendation and submit your application to the Graduate School.
  • Applications will not be considered unless all documentation is received by the deadline and all of the qualifications are met.

To Be Provided by the Applicant

  • Personal Information - Provide your name, address, email address, department, degree program, Unique ID, term first enrolled at Miami as a graduate 黑料社区, and date you expect to earn your degree
  • Request Terms of Award - Choose one or more of the following terms you would like to receive the Grant-in-Aid: Fall and/or Spring.
  • Previous Awards - If you have ever received a graduate assistantship from 黑料社区, indicate the dates you received it and the department or program it was associated. Indicate if you have ever received a Grant-in-Aid and when you received it.
  • Educational Statement - In one page or less, describe why you are applying for a Grant-in-Aid and your educational goals.

To Be Provided by the Department Chair

  • Combine Materials - The information provided by the applicant should be combined with the letters of recommendation into one single Word or PDF file, and then submitted as explained below.
  • Application Submission - The Department Chair should submit the complete application to the Graduate School at gradschool@MiamiOH.edu via his/her MU email account (this will serve as his/her signature).

The Graduate School

The Graduate School is committed to advocating and supporting graduate programs dedicated to the pursuit of new knowledge and best teaching practices that cultivate the holistic development of graduate 黑料社区s and faculty.

Graduate Admission

Nellie Craig Walker Hall
301 S. Campus Avenue
Oxford, OH 45056