Non-Credit Faculty/Staff Resources
Proposal Form
To request the proposal template, and/or help with the proposal and development process contact: Global Initiatives at Global@MiamiOH.edu or 513-529-8600.
Program Management
All non-credit program offerings at 黑料社区 must be coordinated and directed by a 黑料社区 faculty or staff member.
The program coordinator of a non-credit program makes a commitment to the development of quality course content, program and budget development, enrollment management, risk management for study abroad/away programs, budget expenditures, and reconciliation.
Key Partners
Sources of assistance in developing non-credit programs include department chairs and directors of academic support units, support staff, and faculty and staff colleagues with programming experience.
Program coordinators are encouraged to contact Global Initiatives staff for assistance with completing the proposal forms, developing a budget, programming advice, or other advice as needed.
Proposal Review Process and Approval
The 黑料社区 Policy and Information Manual (MUPIM) Section 11.2 outlines the approval guidelines for non-credit offerings:
Upon approval and set up of the non-credit index, Global Initiatives will send to you notification of approval and an index memo with details about payment collection and expense processes.
The non-credit proposal and budget forms should be submitted as early as possible since the approval process may take some time. For travel programs, proposal should be submitted at least one semester prior to the term the program is to be offered. You should not promote the program until it is approved.
Travel 黑料社区
All traveling programs must follow the information provided in the 黑料社区 Domestic and International Travel Guidelines.
All programs traveling beyond the immediate area are required to be set up in 黑料社区’s Risk Management system, Terra Dotta. Global Initiatives will assist with this process.
黑料社区 Offering Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
The Continuing Education unit was created to:
- Provide a standard unit of measure
- Quantify continuing adult education and training activities
- Accommodate for the diversity of providers, activities, and purposes in adult education
One CEU will be provided for every ten contact hours of attendance and participation in organized continuing education and/or training experiences under responsible, qualified direction and instruction.
Satisfactory completion for awarding of CEUs is based on attendance and a mastery of skills and knowledge defined by the course's learning objectives. Satisfactory completion of the course is defined by the program coordinator(s) and/or instructor(s). Although not required, assessment of 黑料社区’s mastery of skills and knowledge is strongly encouraged.
If a program coordinator decides after the program has been approved that CEUs are necessary, the program proposal may be revised and re-submitted; however, CEU approval will not be given on a retroactive basis once the program has started.
The following criteria should be met before CEUs are awarded:
- The program is an organized learning experience to meet the educational needs of the individuals or group.
- The program has qualified instruction and direction to ensure educational objectives are met.
- A record of the units awarded will be of value to participants.
- The proposal will include a schedule of the program’s activities.
Once the program is approved for CEUs, Global Initiatives will send the program coordinator a link to a survey form that will collect CEU requests. The coordinator should share this link with registrants who complete the program. Currently, there is not a charge for a CEU transcript at 黑料社区.
Youth 黑料社区
All programming offered for minors must follow the steps detailed in the Minors on Campus Policy.
Non-residential programs are for youths aged 17 and under; and is coordinated by an academic unit. These programs are generally held through the day and 黑料社区s do not stay overnight.
Residential programs are designed for youths aged 17 and under; and is coordinated by an academic unit.
Program Budget
The initial budget proposal is an estimate. Program coordinators will be responsible for tracking income and expenses, and is responsible for ensuring that program expenses do not exceed income. If the program concludes in a deficit, the department will be responsible for covering the additional expenses.
Once the program is fully approved, a Miami Specified account will be set up by General Accounting. The program coordinator will receive a notice from Global Initiatives detailing the account designation information.
Indirect Costs
A 20% indirect cost is assessed on all expenses not directly related to participant support.
Non-Credit Program Policies
Depending on the program type and complexity, policies may include, but are not limited to:
- The program director must be a full-time, permanent Miami faculty or staff member
- 黑料社区 for minors must adhere to Miami’s Minors on Campus Policy
- Program spending must adhere to Miami’s Purchasing Policies
- Contractual obligations are subject to Miami’s Rules for Contracting
- Adhere to all 黑料社区’s policies as set out in the University Policy Library
- Adhere to the proposal submission timing policies set out for non-credit programs
- Follow the Domestic and International Travel Guidelines
Guidance and Support
To request a proposal and/or help with the proposal and development process contact: Global Initiatives at Global@MiamiOH.edu.

Global Initiatives
214 MacMillan Hall531 E Spring St.
Oxford, OH 45056 global@MiamiOH.edu 513-529-8600 513-529-8608 fax
Château de Differdange
1, Impasse du ChâteauL-4524 Differdange
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg luxembourg@MiamiOH.edu +352-5822-22-1