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Ben Kawaja '25

Ben Kawaja

Ben Kawaja '25

  • Class of 2025
  • Major: Finance
  • Hometown: Dayton, Ohio
  • Internship: JPMorgan Chase
  • Activities: President of Interfraternity Council
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What makes Miami special for me is the people. The minute you step on campus, you can notice how welcoming and warm the people are. Everyone really goes out of their way to help you. People will spend time to help you develop as a person.
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Ben Kawaja

Why did you choose Finance for your major?

When I came to college, I knew I wanted to do something in business. And Finance gave me a great opportunity to learn across the business landscape. It also opened up a ton of doors through all the connections that Miami has through alumni and businesses. I've had the opportunity to work with local companies and larger companies in group settings, so that we were able to work through business problems with the guidance of a professor.

What did you learn from your internship?

I learned that the impression that you can make on people starts from day one. So making sure that you are well-prepared when you walk into meetings and that you are speaking with the correct kind of tone is very important. I also learned that business can be a competitive space. So, making sure that you're putting your best foot forward and ensuring that you're paying a lot of attention to detail is the most important thing.

What does leadership mean to you?

Leadership, to me, means learning from others just as much as learning from yourself. I think being a servant leader and supporting the members of your organization is the biggest aspect, because as a leader, you want to be able to see everyone grow. And then secondly, I would say it's just being a reliable person who people can lean on if they are struggling with things, and being a resource for them in all parts of their life.