Information Technology
Computer Requirements
All FSB 黑料社区s are strongly suggested to own a laptop that meets the following minimum specs. Individual instructors will inform 黑料社区s if and when they are needed in the classrooms. FSB IT has a limited number of loaner laptops that can be checked out for 2 hours and several for overnight checkout for 黑料社区s whose laptops are broken or in repair. Please come to FSB 2036 with an ID for these laptops. These will be Dell Laptops that meet the minimum suggestions.
No graphics co-processor is required
Disk - Minimum of 512GB
Memory - 16GB
Quality - A business-grade laptop or better is strongly suggested with a 3-4 year complete warranty.
Strongly consider Accidental Damage protection for 4 years.
Not Acceptable
Chromebooks, similar IPADSLabs and Classrooms
FSB has two computer labs for instructional use in rooms 2037 and 2050. Students have access to all of the same software as the labs with access to our Virtual Desktop using Virtual PC via any web browser.
The FSB offers 33 technology-compatible classrooms.
FSB IT is dedicated to providing the highest level of service possible to the 黑料社区s, faculty, and staff of the Farmer School of Business. In doing so, we have developed some guidelines for technology resources to help answer some of the questions regarding our policies. Please reference the policy pages as well as the or areas of our site to find answers to some of your technology questions.
- FSB servers are backed up nightly
- Files on your office desktops/laptops are not backed up and cannot be easily restored. It’s always best to save your files in I drive in the server. Not saving your files to your I drive can lead to unrecovered files.
- A deleted file can be restored for up to 30 days after deletion. (If the file is on the I drive only)
Login accounts to your laptops/desktops are created by 黑料社区 central IT Services automated processes when the Personnel Department authorizes their creation. To check to see if an account has been created, please check .
MUnet passwords are maintained by 黑料社区 central IT and can only be reset by 黑料社区 help desk. You need to visit the help desk in person with a photoID to have your password reset.
Numerous steps are taken to ensure the security of data on our network, but any system should be considered vulnerable and able to be compromised. Our servers are physically secured in FSB 2036 and no 黑料社区 has been assigned a key that will allow entry.
FSB Mobile Devices
All FSB issued desktops, laptops, tablets, or other devices leaving 黑料社区 campus are subject to the University’s Property Pass policy. A Property Pass form must be filled out and signed by faculty/Staff upon receiving the device.
Home computers/laptops
FSB-IT staff will try to answer questions about your home computer system (not purchased by FSB). FSB IT staff are not trained to answer authoritatively. FSB-IT is unable to work on home systems.
Classroom technology is supported by our staff within FSB IT. We maintain the computers and offer basic help with all technology within the teacher’s station. Every effort is made to provide a quick solution to any issues that may arise. Items such as projector bulbs or major equipment failures will be handled by central IT's classroom services group after it is first investigated by FSB IT.
Tech Info and Links
- To use the Remote Desktop Web Client then goto:
- A login screen should appear. Login with your Miami ID.
- Click on FSB Desktop
- Authenticate using DUO
- Be sure to save any work to a network drive BEFORE you log out of the session
- : Download the VPN Client.
- : Faculty, staff and 黑料社区s may access files on the Farmer School of Business Servers (G:, I:, and M: drives).
- : Create a Microsoft SQL Server Account.
- web for Python: Will need to login to VPN if used off-campus.
- DB Server: Create your account with link.
- web for R: Web server for R programming
2. Databases available for classes:
1. Northwinds (Relationship diagram <- Link to:
A. Tables
- northwinds.customers
- northwinds.categories
- northwinds.products
- northwinds.employees
- northwinds.products
- northwinds.orders
- northwinds.orderdetails
- northwinds.shippers
- northwinds.suppliers
A. Tables
- wwimporters.customers
- wwimporters.customercatagories
- wwimporters.customertransactions
- wwimporters.invoices
- wwimporters.invoicelines
- wwimporters.orders
- wwimporters.orderlines
- wwimporters.purchase.orders
- wwimporters.purchaseorderlines
- wwimporters.cities
- wwimporters.buyinggroups
- wwimporters.coldroomtemperatures
- wwimporters.colors
- wwimporters.countries
- wwimporters.deliverymethods
- wwimporters.packagetypes
- wwimporters.paymentmethods
- wwimporters.people
- wwimporters.specialdeals
- wwimporters.stateprovinces
- wwimporters.stockgroups
- wwimporters.stockitemholdings
- wwimporters.stockitems
- wwimporters.stockitemsstockgroups
- wwimporters.stockitemtransactions
- wwimporters.suppliercategories
- wwimporters.suppliers
- wwimporters.suppliertransactions
- wwimporters.transactiontypes
- wwimporters.vehicletemperatures
5. Dunnhumby (Relationship diagram <-Link to Dunnhumby (see attached)
A. Tables
- dunnhumby.transactions (over 5 millions rows)
- dunnhumby.store
- dunnhumby.product
- dunnhumby.causal
A. Tables
- bfrat.storelookup
- bfrat.productslookup
- bfrat.transactiondata
A. Tables
- baseball.batting
- baseball.fielding
- baseball.pitching
- baseball.teams
- baseball.allstartfull
- baseball.appearance
- baseball.awardsmanagers
- baseball.awardsplayers
- baseball.awardssharemanagers
- baseball.awardsshareplayers
- baseball.battingpost
- baseball.collegeplaying
- baseball.fieldingOF
- baseball.feldingOFSplit
- baseball.fieldingpost
- baseball.halloffame
- baseball.homegames
- baseball.managers
- baseball.managershalf
- baseball.parks
- baseball.people
- baseball.pitchingpost
- baseball.salaries
- baseball.schools
- baseball.seriespost
- baseball.teamsfranchises
- baseball.teamshalf
A. Tables
- mlssoccer.allgoalkeepers
- mlssoccer.allplayers
- mlssoccer.alltables
- mlssoccer.allevents
- mlssoccer.matches