Altman Institute members earn award for best paper
The paper focuses on how individuals manage identity multiplicity, defined as three or more role identities.

Three members of the John W. Altman Institute for Entrepreneurship will be honored this month for a paper examining religion and business that they authored.
Brett Smith, professor and Founding Director of the Center for L.I.F.E. (Leading the Integration of Faith and Entrepreneurship), Amanda Lawson, assistant director of research at the center, and Tim R. Holcomb, Chair of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Director of the John W. Altman Institute for Entrepreneurship, will receive the 2023 Award for Scholarship on Christianity in Business from for their article, "," published in the Journal of Business Ethics.
The award recognizes academic papers exemplifying excellence in scholarship on Christianity in business. The paper explains how individuals manage their multiple role identities and how those identities influence decisions related to impact investing.
“The paper makes a meaningful contribution to the literature on Christianity in Business,” said Jill Risner, Calvin University marketing professor. “The findings are relevant for those interested in how their faith impacts their investment decisions as well as those working in entrepreneurship and finance.”
The paper was co-authored with Aimee Minnich, Co-Founder, Chief Impact Officer, and General Counsel of the Impact Foundation, and Jessica Jones, assistant professor of management and entrepreneurship at the University of Tennessee - Knoxville.
Smith will present the paper, answer questions, and receive the award on September 18 at the Calvin University School of Business.