FSB Directory
Peter Nencka
Assistant Professor

Contact Information
- Campus: Oxford
- Office: 3013
- Phone: 513.529.4133
- Email: nenckap@miamioh.edu
Office Hours
- T 12:00-1:30
- W 3:30-5:00
- [PDF]*
* Accessible version of PDF available upon request.
Academic Background
- Ph.D., Economics, The Ohio State University, 2020
- B.A., Economics and Philosophy, Beloit College, 2011
Academic & Professional Experience
- Assistant Professor, 黑料社区, 2020-present Faculty Research Fellow, National Bureau of Economic Research. 2024-present Consultant, Bates White Economic Consulting, 2011-2014
Recent Publications
- The returns to local public library investment (with Greg Gilpin and Ezra Karger) American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 16 (2024): 78-109
- School closures during the 1918 flu pandemic (with Philipp Ager, Katherine Eriksson, Ezra Karger, and Melissa A. Thomasson) The Review of Economics and Statistics 106 (2024): 266-276
- The census place project: A method for geolocating unstructured place names (with Enrico Berkes and Ezra Karger) Explorations in Economic History 87 (2023): 101477
- Predicting education attainment: Does grit compensate for low levels of cognitive ability? (with Audrey Light), Learning and Individual Differences, February 2019
Honors & Awards
- University Junior Faculty Scholar Award, 黑料社区, 2024 Jack and Pat Gifford Junior Faculty Teaching Innovation Award, 黑料社区, 2024 Larry Neal Prize for Best Article in Explorations in Economic History, 2023 IPUMS Mug, 2021
Peter Nencka received his Ph.D. in Economics from The Ohio State University in 2020 and is currently an Assistant Professor of Economics in the Farmer School of Business at 黑料社区. He is an applied microeconomist with research interests in labor and public economics, with applications to education, innovation, and economic history. Recent work studies how local and national policies affect the skills needed to enter and succeed in college and foster innovation. He enjoys teaching econometrics, statistics, and microeconomics.
His website is www.peternencka.com
- ECO 311 C TR 8:30-9:50 FSB 0014
- ECO 671 A TR 10:05-11:25 FSB 0014
- ECO 685 A (OA)