FSB Directory
Monique Murfield
Associate Professor & Director Of The Center For Supply Chain Excellence & FSB Faculty Fellow
Management & Center for Supply Chain Excellence

Contact Information
- Campus: Oxford
- Office: 3064
- Phone: 513.529.3783
- Email: murfieml@miamioh.edu
Office Hours
- T/TH 11:00-12:15 and by appointment
- [PDF]*
* Accessible version of PDF available upon request.
Academic Background
- Ph.D.,Logistics & Supply Chain Management, University of Tennessee, 2012
- M.B.A., Management, Bowling Green State University, 2006
- B.S.B.A., Marketing & International Business (Spanish minor), Bowling Green State University, 2005
Academic & Professional Experience
- Director, Center for Supply Chain Excellence, Farmer School of Business, 黑料社区 (Feb. 2021-present)
- Associate Professor, Supply Chain & Operations Management, Department of Management, Farmer School of Business, 黑料社区 (July 2021-present)
- Richard T. Farmer Endowed Assistant Professor, Supply Chain & Operations Management, Department of Management, Farmer School of Business, 黑料社区 (June 2019-June 2021)
- Assistant Professor of Supply Chain Management, Farmer School of Business, Department of Management, 黑料社区 (2015-Present)
- Assistant Professor of Logistics, Department of Logistics & Supply Chain Management, Georgia Southern University (2012-2015)
- Graduate Teaching & Research Assistant, Haslam School of Business, University of Tennessee (2008-2012)
- Buyer, Pressure Connections Corp., Columbus OH (2006-2008)
Recent Publications
- Jin, Yao, Murfield, Monique L. Ueltschy, and Bock, Dora. (2023) Do as You Say, or I Will: Retail Signal Congruency in Buy-Online-Pickup-in-Store and Negative Word-of-Mouth. Journal of Business Logistics, 44 (1), 37-60. **Nominated for the 2023 Bernard J. LaLonde Best Paper Award.
- Thomas, Stephanie, Murfield, Monique L. Ueltschy, and Eastman, Jacqueline. (2022) I Wasn't Expecting That! The Relational Impact of Negotiation Strategy Expectation Violations. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 57 (4): 3-25.
- Murfield, Monique L. Ueltschy, Ellram, Lisa M., and Giunipero, Larry C. (2021) Evaluating the Identity of Purchasing & Supply Management: Roadblocks to Moving Beyond a Cost-Focused Identity. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 27 (3): 1-12. ***Winner of Best Paper Award-2021, Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management
- Ellram, Lisa M. and Murfield, Monique L. Ueltschy. (2019) Supply Chain Management in Industrial Marketing--Relationships Matter. Invited paper, Industrial Marketing Management, 79 (May): 36-45.
- Robinson, Jessica L., Murfield, Monique L. Ueltschy, Manrodt, Karl B., Boone, Christopher A. and Rutner, Paige S. (2018) Achieving Integration: A Dual Pathway Model of Supply Chain Orientation and Organizational Identification. International Journal of Logistics Management, 29 (4): 1306-1324.
- Ellram, Lisa M. and Murfield, Monique L. Ueltschy (2017) Environmental Sustainability in Freight Transportation: A Systematic Literature Review & Agenda for Future Research. Transportation Journal, 56 (3): 263-398
- Murfield, Monique L., Boone, Christopher A., Rutner, Paige S. and Thomas, Rodney W. (2017) Investigating Logistics Service Quality in Omni-Channel Retailing. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 47 (4): 263-296.
- Murfield, Monique L. Ueltschy and Tate, Wendy L. (2017) Buyer and Supplier Perspectives on Environmental Initiatives: Potential Implications for Supply Chain Relationships. International Journal of Logistics Management, 28 (4): 1319-1350.
- Murfield, Monique L. Ueltschy and Esper, Terry L. (2016) Supplier Adaptation: A Qualitative Investigation of Customer and Supplier Perspectives. Industrial Marketing Management, 59: 96-106.
- Boone, Christopher A., Skipper, Joseph B., Murfield, Adam L. and Murfield, Monique L. Ueltschy, (2016) Cargo Theft in the Motor Carrier Industry: An Exploratory Study. Journal of Transportation Security, 9 (1/2): 57-70.
- Murfield, Monique L. Ueltschy, Esper, Terry L., Tate, Wendy L., and Petersen, Kenneth J. (2016) Supplier Role Conflict: An Investigation of Its Relational Implications and Impact on Supplier Accommodation. Journal of Business Logistics, 37 (2): 168-184. ***Winner of the 2016 Bernard J. LaLonde Best Paper Award.
Honors & Awards
- Competitive Grants:
- Ellram,Lisa M., Giunipero, Larry C. and Murfield,Monique L. Ueltschy. Metrics of The Future: Moving Supply Management Beyond Cost Reduction. Competitive research grant awarded by CAPS Research, Tempe, AZ; Funded May 2019-April 2020 for $32,000.
Monique Murfield (Ph.D. University of Tennessee) is an Associate Professor in Supply Chain & Operations Management, and serves as the Director of the Center for Supply Chain Excellence, in the Farmer School of Business at 黑料社区 in Oxford, Ohio. Her research focuses on supply chain challenges of an omni-channel retail approach, buyer-supplier relationship issues, and environmental sustainability in supply chain management. Monique has published in the Journal of Supply Chain Management, Journal of Business Logistics, the International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, among other journals. Monique serves on the multiple editorial advisory boards. She enjoys integrating her work with companies with her research and teaching, and currently teaches logistics and supply chain management at the undergraduate level.
- MGT 431 A MW 11:40AM-1:00PM FSB 0024
- MGT 431 B MW 1:15PM-2:35PM FSB 0024