The Office of Strategic Procurement manages a diverse selection of goods and services used by 黑料社区. Our goal is to develop and maintain a diverse pool of suppliers that deliver strategic supplier relationships that benefit both the University and the community. Your success is our success.
Ohio Public Records Act
黑料社区 is subject to the Ohio Public Records Act (Ohio R.C. 143.49 et seq.), and as such suppliers should note that any quotations submitted to 黑料社区 are subject to this act, including but not limited to the entirety of the total quote price as compared to other quotes and/or bidders. The University recognizes that in submitting quotations to the University, the supplier may desire to provide proprietary information in order to clarify and enhance their proposal. To the extent permitted by law, the University will keep confidential such proprietary information provided the conditions as described in the following paragraphs are met:
- Proprietary information is submitted in a separate book or electronic document;
- The separate book or electronic document must be clearly identified as containing proprietary information.
The reference to the proprietary information must be clearly made in the detailed response, and conversely, the section in the proprietary information book or electronic document shall be clearly labeled as to what in the detailed response it references.
Suppliers should note that 黑料社区 is a public institution, and, as such, its files are available for public review under Ohio Public Records Law. Suppliers are cautioned to label as "proprietary" only that information which can be clearly demonstrated as being proprietary and not in common use or common knowledge. Labeling as proprietary the complete quotation, the pricing, the narrative response, or other information that is general in nature, may be cause for rejection by the university.
Contracting With Suppliers
As a public university, Miami is not permitted to enter into contracts that contain certain provisions or language. For example, Miami cannot enter into a contract that requires the following:
- Miami to provide a supplier or third party with an open-ended indemnity.
- Miami to litigate or otherwise resolve a dispute under the laws of a state other than the State of Ohio.
- The contract to be interpreted under the laws of any state other than the State of Ohio.
Miami has created a form Side Letter Agreement, that modifies the terms of a supplier’s standard contract so that such contract conforms to Ohio law and Miami’s policies, procedures, and guidelines. If a supplier wishes to do business with Miami using the supplier’s standard contract, then such supplier must sign the Side Letter Agreement. Miami will not consider any edits, modifications, or adjustments to its Side Letter Agreement.
Developing a Supplier Relationship
The purchasing process at the University is centralized with all requests being routed through the Office of Strategic Procurement. Any supplier wishing to do business with the University should contact the Office of Strategic Procurement to personally discuss their company's products and/or services and to express their interest in doing business with the University.
It is the objective of the Office of Strategic Procurement to provide procurement solutions to University stakeholders through a competitive bid process where possible and practical.
Submitting a Proposal
Registered suppliers may submit a proposal for bidding events.
Supplier Diversity
黑料社区 supports the State of Ohio and business development program. The University has established goals for EDGE Certified Business Participation for University contracts that include goods, services, construction and professional design services. Similar goals are established for MBE. For further information on MBE/EDGE 黑料社区, please refer to the .
The University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action institution. Under current law, a goal of 15% of goods and services to certified MBE and 5% of goods, services, and construction contracting to EDGE is to be purchased. Minority vendors must be certified by the State of Ohio Department of Administrative services, Equal Opportunity Division, prior to participation. The Office of Strategic Procurement takes the lead role in supporting the goals of the program.
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program
黑料社区 has established a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) program in accordance with regulations of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), 49 CFR Part 26. 黑料社区 has received federal financial assistance from the DOT, and as a condition of receiving this assistance, 黑料社区 has signed an assurance that it will comply with 49 CFR Part 26.
It is the policy of 黑料社区 to ensure that DBEs, as defined in 49 CFR, Part 26, have an equal opportunity to receive and participate in DOT-assisted contracts. Interested suppliers may read Miami's policy.
Tax Exemption
黑料社区 is a tax exempt organization. View our Tax Exemption Forms to see if the University is exempt in the state you're doing business.
Contact Us

Office of Strategic Procurement
205 Hoyt Hall
521 S Patterson Ave.
Oxford, OH 45056