Golf Cart and UTV Use
Operating and Safety Requirements
A Golf Cart and Utility Vehicle (UTV) Safety PowerPoint training is available through the office of the Senior Vice President for Finance and Business Services. Please email if you are interested in receiving a copy.
The following identify the operating and safety requirements for golf carts and utility vehicles
- All golf cart and UTV operators shall comply with all Ohio Revised Code traffic laws and University policies.
- All golf carts and UTVs must be placarded with a slow moving vehicle sign.
- Vehicles shall not be operated in a manner that may endanger the driver, passengers, pedestrians, or other individuals or cause damage or harm to the 黑料社区 campus.
- Under normal circumstances, golf carts and UTVs shall only be operated within the confines of the campus, not on city streets or state roads. When travel must be made on a city street or state road, the motorized low power and utility vehicle must travel on the shoulder and may only cross perpendicular to the road (left hand turns from a city street or state road are not permitted).
- Golf carts and UTVs are encouraged to use transportation pathways (university owned streets, parking lots, and other paved surfaces other than sidewalks). When necessary, golf carts and UTVs may use sidewalks, bikeways, pedestrian pathways or recreational trails.
- The speed limit for golf carts and UTVs is 5 miles per hour in congested areas and 10 miles per hour in uncongested areas. Special care must be exercised while driving through parking lots.
- Operators shall at all times yield to pedestrians. Pedestrians should never be forced to move from a sidewalk to make room for a motorized low power an utility vehicle that is either moving or parked.
- Golf carts and UTVs shall be operated and parked in a way that will not interfere with a disabled person's ability to navigate the pathway, shall not use a wheelchair accessible parking space or drop-off lane and shall not impede normal pedestrian flow on roadways, ramps and sidewalks.
- Golf carts and UTVs shall not be parked within 20 feet of the entrance to any building except loading docks.
- Drivers and passengers must keep hands, arms, feet, and legs within the confines of the cart while in motion, unless the driver is using a left hand and arm to indicate turn and stop signals.
- Tools and equipment longer than the length of the vehicle's bed may extend past the back of the vehicle if they can be transported in a secure manner and should be with a red warning flag.
- The use of cell phones or headphones by the driver is prohibited while the vehicle is in motion.
- Appropriate hand signals must be used if the vehicle is not equipped with turn signal indicators.
- Golf carts and UTVs must only be operated in daylight unless equipped with turn signal indicators. Golf carts and UTVs must only be operated in daylight unless equipped with functioning head lights and tail lights.
- Manufacturer capacity limits must never be exceeded by either the number of passengers or the weight limits.
- Operators shall stop at all blind intersections and sound horn before proceeding.
- Operators shall brake slowly, especially on downhill slopes.
- Operators should avoid sharp turns at high speeds, U-turns and when backing up.
- Towing is only permitted by UTVs designed for towing.
- When a golf cart/UTV is not in use, the parking brake must be set and the keys must be removed. Never leave the keys in a golf cart or UTV when unattended.
- Passengers are not permitted to ride in cargo beds.
- Golf carts and UTVs should not attempt to pass other vehicles, including other motorized low power and utility vehicles.
- University owned gas powered vehicles must be refilled at the Physical Facilities Gas Buddy pumps. Gas key fobs may be requested through the Operations Center (513-529-6111).
- Safety and maintenance concerns must be reported to the supervisor of the department to which the vehicle is registered.
- All accidents must be reported immediately to the supervisor of the department to which the vehicle is registered and to the office of the Senior Vice President for Finance and Business Services. Accidents which result in property damage or injury must also be reported to the 黑料社区 Police Department on the Oxford Campus and to the local law enforcement on the regional campuses.
- Violations of the Safety and Operating Policy may result in disciplinary action.

Finance and Business Services
218 Roudebush Hall501 E. High St.
Oxford, OH 45056 513-529-4226 Signature Authorities Workday Submit a Lean Idea