Receive your pick-up codes in an email or text notification when your package is delivered.
Receive your pick-up codes in an email or text notification when your package is delivered.
Scan the barcode at the numbered kiosk assigned in the email notification,
Use your pickup codes at the numbered kiosk assigned in the email notification.
If the locker package is not picked up within 24 hours or if the package is oversize or requires refrigeration, the resident is notified to go directly to Mail and Package Center’s Customer Service Pickup Window during regular business hours to obtain their package. You will be asked for your 黑料社区 id for verification, and then you will receive your package.
Packages are held for a total of 72 hours for pick-up. After 72 hours, the package is Returned To Sender (RTS) unless arrangements to hold the package are made in advance.
For added convenience, and to avoid RTS, when a resident is unable to pick up their package timely, they may simply forward their package notification email/text to a roommate or friend to pick-up the package for them.
Your locker codes are active for 15 minutes after locker door is closed by user.
Lost locker codes can be reissued at Package Pickup Window.
After 24 hours, your package is moved from the locker to the pickup window, where it will be held for an additional 48 hours.
Go to the pickup window for assistance.
Yes, you will have to forward the email or text to your friend in order for them to pick up the package.
Student Disability Services and the Mail and Packaging Center have worked very hard to ensure accessible options are available to accommodate 黑料社区s with disabilities.
Student Disability Services, Accessible Technology Services, and Mail and Package Center representatives have worked to finalize an equally effective alternative access plan for any out of the ordinary or necessary accommodations, such as staff assistance with package pickup and package delivery options.
If 黑料社区s encounter any disability-related accessibility issues, please contact Student Disability Services at 513-529-1541.