P-Card Policy
The following policy governs use of University Purchasing Cards (P-Cards). For quick access to common P-Card resources, visit P-Card.
Miami's Purchasing Card (P-Card) Program is designed to create a more efficient and cost effective procurement process for limited dollar purchases from vendors that accept Visa. This program is the preferred form of payment for such transactions and will allow the cardholder to purchase approved commodities and services directly from vendors. Each P-Card is issued to a University employee who will be responsible for its proper use, including compliance with other purchasing policies. The P-Card is not tied to your personal credit records: it can neither hurt nor help your personal credit.
The policy information below governs P-Card usage. See P-Card for quick access to key resources.
1.00 Overview
The Miami P-Card is a Bank of America Visa credit card to be used by employees only for making individual small dollar purchases in accordance with policy guidelines as described herein. The P-card program is the primary method for conducting most routine purchases for departmental use, including travel. The primary goals in offering the program are as follows:
- It is a convenient and efficient way to purchase low-dollar value goods and services that are otherwise paid by purchase order or direct pay request in Workday.
- It can be used to purchase goods and services in person, by phone, fax, mail, and via the internet.
- 黑料社区 P-Card program currently supports two types of P-Cards: departmental and individual.
- Departmental P-Cards simplify the purchase of low-dollar goods and services that cannot be readily purchased through the system catalogs or through other contract suppliers. Departmental P-Cards can be used for purchases under $5,000 that are necessary for departmental operations, or that are essential for the functioning or advancement of a University program or project.
- Individual P-Cards should be used to pay for most travel and business purchases under $2,000 that are associated with an individual’s work performed as part of university related business.
- As a tax exempt organization, Miami is not required to pay sales tax in Ohio and certain other states. Its assigned tax exemption number is clearly marked on the P-Card. Refer to Accounting's Tax Exemption Forms for a list of other states in which Miami is tax exempt.
- The P-Card is not to be used for on campus purchases (e.g., Dining, Ticket Office, parking, event or conference registrations, etc.). These purchases should be charged (via a journal entry) directly to the department by the cashier at the point of sale.
Students should never have possession of a University P-Card. This applies to Graduate 黑料社区s, Graduate Assistants, Undergraduate 黑料社区s, Residence Assistants, and Student Employees of any kind.
2.00 - Types of P-Cards
2.01 - Departmental P-Cards
- Departmental P-cards are used for purchases that are necessary for departmental operations and business purpose. The Departmental P-Cards should be used for low dollar value goods and services (less than $5000 for a single transaction) that cannot be purchased via Workday from contract suppliers. Based on the business need, this card may also be used for payment of group and event expenses. The monthly limit for a departmental P-Card is $20,000.
- Departmental P-Cards are issued in the department’s name and the name of the employee who is assigned to be a Departmental P-Card holder and is administratively responsible for the card.
- The Departmental P-Card holder must be familiar with and adhere to the University purchasing and P-Card policies.
- The Department Chair or Head along with the Departmental P-Card holder are responsible for the oversight and proper usage of the Departmental P-Card. The Department Chair or Head is responsible to ensure that all cardholders, expense delegates, and approvers observe University policies and procedures, including state and federal laws and regulations.
- The Department Chair or Head may delegate purchasing authority and payment approval. However, the Department Chair or Head retains the ultimate responsibility for ensuring the integrity of the University credit card purchase and approval process, even if specific tasks have been delegated.
- The Departmental P-Card must always be stored in a secure place.
- The Departmental P-Card can be shared with other employees within a department so long as the use is approved by the person responsible for approving the P-Card transactions.
- If the Departmental P-Card is used by an individual other than the Departmental P-Card holder, the transfer of custody must be recorded on the Tracking Log. [ Sample Tracking Log] The P-Card holder is responsible for maintaining the Tracking Log.
- The Departmental Tracking Log is required to be retained in the department for 5 years from the last date of activity on the log as required by the retention policy for all P-Card related documents. The Departmental Cardholder must keep the logs in a secure location.
- Accounts Payable may perform random audits of the Departmental Tracking Logs to ensure proper recording of card activity. The Departmental Cardholder will be responsible for providing the logs upon request.
- The department affiliate (employee) is responsible for the security and safeguard of the Departmental P-Card while in their possession and returning all of the required documentation for the purchases made while the card is in their possession.
- All users of the Departmental-Card must provide receipts and supporting documentation to the P-Card holder upon return of the P-Card.
- The Departmental P-Card holder is responsible for reconciliation of all transactions and ensuring receipts and supporting documentation are collected.
- The Departmental P- Card holder has the authority to deny usage of the card.
- Departmental P-Cards cannot be taken on a trip and be used by employees while traveling.
2.02 - Individual P-Cards (Travel-Only and Business)
- Miami's Travel P-Card is the preferred method to pay for individual employee authorized travel expenses when a university employee travels multiple times per year. Travel P-Cards limit the types of purchases to travel-related vendors and cannot be used for general business purchases or conference registration (as those described under Business P-Card).
- Travel P-Cards are issued in the individual employee's name and are not to be shared with any other employee/faculty member. The Travel P-Card will have a single transaction limit of no greater than $2,000 and a monthly limit of $10,000.
- Examples of travel related merchants include, but are not limited to:
- Airlines
- Hotels
- Car Rentals
- Taxis
- Airport Terminals
- Tolls
- Gas stations and some convenience stores (only for gasoline when a rental car is used)
- Restaurants (only when hosting for business-related meetings and entertainment pertinent to university business)
- Parking
- All travelers should refer to the Accounts Payable Travel page for more details related to University Business Travel.
Individual Business P-Card
- Individual Business P-Cards are intended for general low-cost purchases on items to conduct 黑料社区 business. Examples include purchases that are necessary for employees to perform their jobs, or facilitate programs and projects (e.g. conference registration, professional dues, business membership, hosting, etc.)
- Individual Business P-Cards can also be used for Travel related purchases. P-Cards are issued in the individual employee’s name and are not to be shared with any other employee/faculty member. This type of P-Card will have a single transaction limit of no greater than $2,000 and a monthly limit of $10,000.
- The P-Card is not to be used for on campus purchases (e.g., MiTech store, Dining, Ticket Office, etc.). These purchases should be charged (via journal entry) directly to the department by the cashier at the point of sale.
3.00 Advantages
The advantages of using the Miami P-Card are:
- The time spent by all parties processing purchase orders and direct pay requests is greatly reduced.
- Most transactions are insured.
- Postage and mailing costs are reduced.
- Card users have the opportunity for discounts on internet orders.
- The processing of paperwork is substantially reduced.
- Orders can be placed, filled and shipped in a timely manner.
- Reduces the need to use personal funds for "rush" orders.
- Ability to view and monitor transactions electronically daily, weekly, or monthly.
- There is a financial benefit to the University.
4.00 Getting Started: Card Application and Activation
When the need for a P-Card is identified, the potential cardholder should obtain a P-Card Application.
After the application is completed and all appropriate signatures have been obtained, it should be returned to the Accounts Payable Department (107 Roudebush) or emailed (accountspayable@miamioh.edu) for processing. Once the requested card is received from the bank by Accounts Payable, the applicant will be contacted to establish a mandatory online training session for the cardholder.
During this training, individuals will learn about:
- Card information
- Card capabilities, limitations, restrictions and violations
- Recordkeeping, scanning receipts and statement reconciliation
- Sales tax exemption
- Disputed charges
- Card activation
- Lost or stolen cards
- Forms
- Customer support contacts
After prospective cardholders complete their online training session they can pick up their P-Card in the Accounts Payable office. Upon arrival, the cardholder will have to sign a Cardholder Agreement and will be given instructions on activation.
5.00 - Capabilities, Limitations, Restrictions, and Violations
5.01 - Capabilities
The P-Card can be used to purchase most of the same goods and services that can be obtained using a direct pay or purchase order, provided the product is not controlled or regulated by a government entity, such as the purchase of volatile or hazardous chemicals. Purchases controlled and/or regulated by a governmental entity, or not permitted per University policy, must be made using an on-line requisition.
When planning your purchase, priority and preference must be given to suppliers that are already available in Workday. If you have questions about commodity-specific purchases, please reach out to the Office of Strategic Procurement via email at purchasing@miamioh.edu or visit the Strategic Procurement Website.
Cardholders may use the card to make purchases in person at a merchant site, to place orders over the phone, and to place mail, fax, and internet orders.
5.02 - Limitations
Each individual P-Card has a single transactions limit ($2,000 default) and a monthly limit ($10,000 default). If the cardholder exceeds any of these limits, the transaction will be denied.
Each departmental P-Card has a single transaction limit ($5,000 default) and a monthly limit ($20,000 default). If the cardholder exceeds any of these limits, the transaction will be denied
If an individual's usage experience indicates that limits other than the defaults listed above should be set, they may:
- Complete their transaction by using a Departmental P-Card (which holds a higher limit).
- Complete the P-Card Increase form and submit it for review.
5.03 - Restricted Items
Items and procurement methods that are not permitted on the P-Card are:
- Capital Equipment (Items exceeding $5,000)
- Furniture, Furnishings, Carpet, Window Treatments
- Desktop computers, laptops, servers, monitors/displays, printers, and network equipment (see section 4 of purchasing handbook).
- Telecommunications equipment and devices
- Business Cards, Letterheads, Envelopes
- Purchases from Purchases from 黑料社区 entities (i.e. parking, conferences or events with other departments).
- Services such as contractors, repair work, etc.
- Payment of Independent Contractors, Consultants, Speakers, etc.
- Contracting for Temporary Employment Services
- Reimbursements to or Purchases from University Employees
- Meals during travel status which must be reimbursed via travel expense reporting, with the exception only for hosting. (Visit Miami's Hosting Policy)
- All purchases where a catalog is available in Workday (B&H, Lowes, etc.) should be made using the appropriate catalogs in Workday. For any exceptions to this policy, you must reach out to Strategic Procurement via email at purchasing@miamioh.edu.
- Personal items, including memberships (such as Amazon Prime, Costco, etc.)
- Personal purchases (This includes accidental or intentional personal purchases on the P-Card. In any situation, these are required to be reimbursed by the cardholder with a violation recorded.)
- Purchases delivered to non-University addresses
- Purchases involving the signing of an agreement, license, contract, or lease (copiers, vehicles, storage spaces, printers, equipment, etc.)
- Drugs and narcotics (controlled or other) (In rare cases an exception may be made. Exceptions must be requested before the transaction takes place by emailing Strategic Procurement at purchasing@miamioh.edu. If granted an exception, it must be included with the detailed receipt as supporting documentation in the expense report it is reconciled on.)
- Controlled Solvent Purchases (such as methylene chloride or dichloromethane)
- Hazardous/Bio-Hazardous Chemicals and Materials
- Apparel not purchased from which contains 黑料社区’s licensed images, logos, etc.
- Software: multi-user license and single license > $1,000
- eBooks (i.e. Kindle, Nook, etc.)
The Office of Strategic Procurement may authorize one or more of the above restrictions for certain cardholders/departments/ whose duties include specifying and procuring that commodity for the University. Any such authorization must be in writing and made in advance of the transaction.
Cash advances are not permitted on the P-Card. Furthermore, cardholders cannot personally benefit through any type of rewards program associated with the P-Card (e.g., frequent flyer miles, Kroger Points).
Gifts are not permitted on the P-Card. Gifts are considered personal purchases and must be paid with an employee's own personal funds.
If a cardholder has a legitimate transaction that cannot be made due to the restrictions, contact the Office of Strategic Procurement and a determination will be made on how to proceed. See Strategic Procurement’s website for a full list of commodities and the appropriate contact for each commodity type.
5.04 - Prohibited Transactions
The following are examples of violations of the P-Card program:
Personal Purchases
Defined as anything that is not purchased for use and ownership by the University. It is a violation of the University P-Card program to make any personal purchase or personal transaction with a University P-Card. Fraudulent use or abuse of the P-Card will result in immediate suspension of privileges and may result in corrective action up to and including termination and/or criminal action. In addition, the University will seek restitution for any inappropriate charges.
Unauthorized Purchases
Defined as purchases of goods or services with State funds that may not be used to further the legitimate government purpose of the buying entity. This is clearly a violation of State purchasing law and the violator's card will be revoked.
Cash or Cash-Type Transactions
Defined as cash, cash in addition to purchase, and cash in lieu of credit for return or exchange of a purchase. It is a violation of the University P-Card program to obtain cash or conduct cash-type transactions using the University P-Card.
Split Transactions
Defined as making one purchase with multiple transactions in order to avoid the need to submit a P-Card Increase Request. It is a violation of the University P-Card program to split transactions to make purchases that would normally exceed the Cardholder’s Spending Limit. If a purchase amount exceeds the Cardholder’s Spending Limit, the cardholder will be required to utilize the department’s Departmental P-Card or submit a P-Card Increase Request form.
5.05 - Tracking Violations
The violations listed previously are tracked on a monthly basis and regularly reviewed. When needed, follow-ups are conducted with cardholders and/or card managers. Please see the chart below for the steps taken for violations.
Violation Occurrence | Failure to Reconcile & P-Card Use Violations | Failure to Approve |
First | A notification email sent to the cardholder and reconciler | A notification email sent to the approver |
Second | A Notification email is sent to the cardholder, reconciler, and cardholders manager | A Notification email is sent to the approver and the approver's manager |
Third | A Notification email is sent to the cardholder, reconciler, cardholder's manager, and the manager's manager | A Notification email is sent to the approver, approvers manager, and manager of the approver's manager |
Fourth | The card is suspended, approval is required for future use, mandatory process review | The card is suspended, approval is required for future use, mandatory process review |
Fifth | P-Card privileges are permanently suspended | P-Card privileges are suspended |
6.00 Travel Expenses
The P-Card is the recommended and preferred method to pay for authorized travel expenses. The following rules apply:
- Airline tickets for University employees must be purchased on a University P-Card in their name, or on a Departmental P-Card.
- Any personal charges on the hotel bill (e.g. meals, personal calls, in-room movies, spouse or accompanying guest charges) should be paid on a personal credit card or out- of-pocket at checkout. Reimbursement will be required for personal charges paid for with the University P-Card and may result in an additional violation.
- Other related expenses that must be purchased on a P-Card, are conference registration fees(unless travel only card), hotel/lodging/meeting rooms for official University travel/business, car rental, and refueling the rental car.
Reporting of travel expenses charged on a P-Card must be included on the individual's Expense Report as a non-reimbursable item. All Travel policies must be followed when making approved, travel-related purchases with the University P-Card.
7.00 Record Keeping
Issuance and use of a P-Card requires the cardholder to maintain card purchase records and individual receipts for each transaction. Records should be kept on a monthly basis coinciding with the individual card billing cycle. Individual itemized receipts must be obtained from the supplier for each purchase. Once supporting documentation is uploaded into Workday and attached to expense lines, hard copies of documents are no longer required to be stored for retention purposes. Electronic images of receipts and other supporting documentation stored in Workday are sufficient for reconciliation purposes and retention.
As public employees under the laws of the state of Ohio, it is extremely important that the department cardholders obtain an itemized record of the transaction, from charge slips, cash register tapes, itemized invoices, or other receipts for all purchases. In some instances, the vendor receipt does not itemize the transaction, and in such instances, a more complete receipt is required. In the event that an individual charge slip and/or cash register receipt is lost, a Missing Receipt Affidavit shall be completed and certified by the purchaser and approved by the department head. For large purchases, the department may be required to obtain duplicate copies, with the costs of obtaining such paid for by the department. Repetitive incidents of lost sales slips may result in the revocation of card privileges for the individual.
When a Missing Receipt Affidavit is used in place of a missing receipt, it must be attached to the transaction expense line in the expense report in Workday and the "Missing Receipt Affidavit" checkbox MUST be checked. If the Missing Receipt Affidavit is used and the checkbox is not marked, it may result in a P-Card violation for improper reconciliation.
8.00 Reconciliation
Each P-Card holder assumes responsibility for the complete, timely, and accurate recording of University expenditures. Therefore, timely reconciliation of charges is critical. All transactions are to be reconciled in Workday by the cardholder or delegate by the 10th of the reconciling month and approved by the approver or approval delegate by the 15th of the reconciling month pertaining to the cycle dates. Failure to reconcile by the deadline will result in a violation and possible card suspension or cancellation.
The cardholder whose name is on the card is ultimately responsible for reconciliation regardless of using delegate or not. In the event that the P-Card holder fails to reconcile their P-Card charges in a timely manner, contact will be made in accordance with the violation policy. P-Card transactions are loaded into Workday from Bank of America daily. Therefore,reconciliation can be started as soon as transactions are visible in the Expense Transactions portion of the Expenses Hub in Workday.
To reconcile in Workday, the P-Card holder must create an expense report:
- Access the Expense Transactions in the Expenses Hub
- Click Create Expense Report above the listing of your transactions and add the report details and transactions you wish to reconcile.
- Finally, the report has to be submitted for approval. If the report was created by the cardholders delegate, it will be routed back to the cardholder for final review and approval. After the cardholder approves the report, it will be routed to the approver (or their approvers delegate).
For cardholders with a high volume of transactions throughout the months cycle, it is highly encouraged to reconcile on a weekly basis or whichever time period fits your business practice most efficiently, reconciling by the deadline. For those who make fewer transactions within the cycle, it is suggested reports be created monthly or as soon as transactions appear in the Expense Transactions portion of the Expenses Hub in Workday, or whichever time period fits your business practice most efficiently, reconciling by the deadline (i.e. weekly, bi-monthly).
If transactions are not reconciled by the established deadlines, the transaction(s) will default to the departmental accounting information provided by the cardholder on the P-Card application. (For PCards that were ordered prior to 7/1/2024, a general departmental account will be selected). After expenses are recorded to the default accounting, no changes can be made in Workday. A journal voucher can be created through General Accounting if changes need to be made. Failure to reconcile will result in a violation.
It is the responsibility of the cardholder to disclose the following business details on any and all purchase documents.
- Who: The party who is the ultimate end user
- What: A reasonable item description of items or services purchased
- When: The date on which the item is purchased or the service is rendered. (I.e. conference date, or project start date)
- Where: The location where the business event or business purchase took place
- Why: A reasonable description of the business purpose and reason for the item to be purchased or the services acquired
9.00 Responsibility and Roles
The department chair/director and cardholder are responsible for the security and the appropriate use of their assigned card. The card is issued in the employee's name and it will be assumed that any purchases made against the card have been properly authorized unless the card is reported lost or stolen prior to use. Use of the card not in accordance with University policies and procedures, or failure of the cardholder or his/her designee to properly account for purchases and reconcile the statement in a timely manner each month, may result in card revocation, personal liability to the University, and/or disciplinary action.
Workday allows for a Cardholder or Approver to have a delegate to assist in report preparation or approval if needed. These roles are defined as follows:
- Cardholder: An employee who has been given purchasing authority and has been authorized to have a Procurement Card (P-Card) for the purposes of making business purchases on behalf of the department or unit.
- Delegate: A person designated by the cardholder to review a cardholder’s transactions and prepare an expense report on behalf of the cardholder.
- Approver: A person who assumes financial responsibility for the purchases made by one or more cardholders. As the P-Card Policy requires a regular, timely, and meaningful supervisory review of all transactions, the department must identify an individual to review and approve the cardholder’s monthly transactions. The P-Card approver should be the direct supervisor of the cardholder or an individual delegated by such supervisor.
- Approval Delegate: A person who is designated by the approver to review a cardholder’s expense report when an approver is out of the office or otherwise unavailable to approve P-Card/Travel reports. This delegation is critical due to the monthly P-Card allocation and approval deadlines.
Having a delegate does not remove all responsibility from the Cardholder or Approver from taking an active role in Workday. Their cooperation and attention when needed is to be expected.
Expenses, Travel or P-Card, should never be approved by the person who submitted the report. It is important to pay special attention when assigning Reconciliation Delegates and Delegate Approvers in Workday.
- Expense Owners (P-Card holders & Travelers) must never be set up as their own Approvers or as Delegate to their Approver.
- If an Expense Owner has a Reconciliation Delegate, that person should not also be set as their Approver or their Approver’s Approval Delegate.
- The person who submits the report should never be the same person who approves it.
If you are a current P-Card holder and you are transferring to a new department, one of the following should occur:
- If you no longer need your P-Card in your new department, please return your card to Accounts Payable and let them know the card can be closed.
- If you will need a P-Card in your new department, complete the following three steps:
- Login to Workday and update your Delegate information
- Email accountspayable@miamioh.edu to inform them of your department change and who your new approver is.
If you no longer need your P-Card or are leaving 黑料社区, bring your P-Card to Accounts Payable in an envelope. Include a note describing the effective date that you will no longer need your P-Card and/or your last day you are expected to work at Miami
10.00 Tax Information
Ohio Sales Tax Miami is a tax-exempt, State-supported university. In Ohio, no sales tax should be charged on the P-Card, with the exception of the Federal Excise Tax. Merchants should be informed of our tax-exempt status at the time of the transaction. Merchants may request a copy of Miami's Tax Exemption Certificate for their files. See Accounting's Tax Exemption Forms to access a copy of this certificate, which may be reproduced, faxed, mailed or e-mailed as needed.
Miami is not always considered tax-exempt in other states. Certain taxes assessed by cities (tourist assessments) are legitimate and will be paid by the University. If there is uncertainty about a specific tax charge, refer to Accounting's Tax Exemption Forms or contact Accounts Payable.
If the sales tax is inadvertently charged to the P-Card, it is the cardholder's responsibility to contact the vendor and have them issue a credit for the tax amount.
11.00 Disputed Charges and Declined Transactions
If your P-Card is declined with a merchant or vendor, attempt to work with them to find out if they can provide a declined reason. If they cannot provide that, the cardholder will need to call the number on the back of the card to inquire about why a transaction is being declined. (Many times, a transaction will decline for an invalid PIN. PIN's can only be set and re-set by the cardholder by calling the number on the back of the P-Card.)
If any questionable transactions appear on the cardholder's account for which there is no information, or if the amount does not match receipts, contact the merchant listed regarding the disputed transaction. If the merchant agrees that an error was made, the merchant will make an adjustment which will post as a credit to the account. The cardholder must review and approve the adjustment received (credit) on the website in the same Index and account code of which it was originally charged.
If the merchant does not agree to make an adjustment, the transactions should be disputed in Works within 60 days of the post date. Bank of America will then investigate the transaction. Be aware that they may contact the cardholder for further information. If a dispute needs to be made after 60 days, the cardholder will need to contact Bank of America at 1-800-673-1044. Transactions must be disputed within 110 days of the post date. It is the responsibility of the cardholder to dispute erroneous transactions in accordance with the process described above.
12.00 Lost or Stolen Card
The P-Card is the property of 黑料社区 and should be protected and secured just like any other credit card. If the individual transfers to a different department or has any changes in the information supplied on the original card application, they should notify Accounts Payable immediately. In most instances, a new card will be required. Departments are also responsible for notifying Accounts Payable regarding the transfer or termination of employees who are cardholders.
If a card is lost or stolen, it is the responsibility of the cardholder to contact Bank of America to report the card lost or stolen. If unauthorized purchases are made as a result of the card being lost or stolen, the cardholder will not be held responsible if the situation is reported in a timely manner.
If a card is believed to be misplaced, the cardholder should notify Bank of America Bank Card Services at 1-866-500-8262. A temporary hold can be placed on the card to prevent further transactions until the status of the card is determined. If the card is later found and a report of transactions shows that it has not been used fraudulently, the hold can easily be removed by notifying Accounts Payable. If the card is not found, Bank of America will cancel the card and issue a new one.
If the card is stolen in the evening or on the weekend, please contact Bank of America Bank Card Services at 1-866-500-8262 to cancel the card and request a new card. The cardholder will be contacted when the new card arrives. It will be the responsibility of the cardholder to pick up the card in the Accounts Payable Office, 107 Roudebush Hall.
Please notify Accounts Payable (via accountspayable@miamioh.edu ) if a new card is on the way so they can record the new card details and be aware of why a new card is being sent.
13.00 Personal Charge Reporting & Reimbursement
As stated in section 5.03 of the P-Card Policy, Personal Purchases, including accidental or intentional charges of personal nature to the P-Card, will result in a P-Card violation and must be reported and reimbursed to the university. Follow the steps below to both report the expense as personal on your expense report and to reimburse the university.
- REPORTING - When a personal charge occurs on a P-Card, you must reconcile this charge on your Expense Report in Workday:
- Once the transaction is added to the expense report, select an expense item as closely related to what the purchase was for as possible. Then, you must check the Personal Expense checkbox on the expense item.
- If a reimbursement is included on the expense report, it will be deducted by the amount of the personal expense that you have marked. If the amount of reimbursement covers the full cost of the personal expense, you will not need to write a check. Regardless, be sure to leave the Personal Expense box checked.
- If you do not have a reimbursement on the report (or if the reimbursement is less than what you owe from the personal expense), this will leave a “negative” amount on the Reimbursement portion of the expense report summary, showing that you owe the university for that expense. This reimbursement amount must be submitted to the University when you submit your expense report.
- REIMBURSEMENT - How to submit your reimbursement:
- Write a check made payable to 黑料社区 (or use a cashiers check or money order) for the amount owed.
- In the memo line of the check, include the Expense Report number (EX-########).
- Enclose with the check any additional information that will be helpful to explain or identify the original transaction.
- Send to Accounts Payable (107 Roudebush Hall, 501 E. High Street, Oxford, OH 45056).
- PROCESSING - Next Steps:
- Once the check is received, Accounts Payable will verify that all information necessary for processing is present and then record the repayment, reducing the amount owed to the university by the employee, which is displayed in the Expenses Hub.
- The check will then be forwarded to Treasury Services for final accounting and check processing.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who can request a P-Card?
- All University employees (except 黑料社区s) are eligible for a P-Card and have to complete a P-Card application to request a P-Card.
- An employee’s department evaluates the need for a P-Card and approves the application.
- P-Card Applications are reviewed and processed by Accounts Payable.
- Department Heads are responsible for the designation of the duties and responsibilities of Departmental P-Card holders.
- Students, including graduate 黑料社区s, undergraduate 黑料社区s, and 黑料社区 employees, are not eligible to have a University P-Card, nor check out or borrow a University P-Card (including Departmental P-Cards).
How can I contact the Office of Strategic Procurement?
The best way to reach out to Strategic Procurement is by emailing purchasing@miamioh.edu.
Can a cardholder share individual P-Cards with other employees of the University?
- Individual Business P-Cards and Travel P-Cards cannot be shared. By Miami’s policy, each cardholder is responsible for all transactions performed with their card.
- Departmental P-Cards can be shared as long as:
- The Departmental Cardholder oversees the secure keeping and maintenance of the card in accordance with the Departmental P-Card Policies
- The Departmental P-Card is properly checked in and out using the Departmental Tracking Log
- All policies and procedures in accordance with P-Card use are followed by the Departmental Cardholder and Authorized Users who check out the card.
I only have one or two hosting events per year. Do I need to request a P-Card?
- If an employee has only one or two hosting events per year, they are not required to have a P-card. They may request to use a Departmental P-Card for hosting events.
- If an employee incurs business-related expenses only once or twice a year, they can use a Departmental P-Card. As the last option, employees can use a personal credit card and submit a request for reimbursement. However, the Miami P-Card is the recommended method to pay for University-related travel and business expenses.
- Regardless of the type of card used, all purchases must be approved by the authorized approvers before payment is made.
Can I buy a laptop or other technology equipment with my P-card?
No. Desktop computers, laptops, servers, monitors/displays, printers, and network equipment are not permitted to be purchased with any P-Cards (see Purchasing Handbook and contact the Office of Strategic Procurement for additional questions).
Can I buy software or cloud services with my P-Card?
- Prior to making any Software or Cloud service purchases, please visit IT Contract Review and Risk Management Process
- Software may be purchased using your PCard as long as all guidelines set forth by IT Services regarding software are followed.
- No software purchase over $1000 may be made with a University P-Card without explicit approval in writing from Strategic Procurement.
Will my P-Card purchases be monitored or reviewed?
- Yes. Your approver (or delegate) must sign off on all purchases. Also, your purchase activity will be audited by Accounts Payable and Internal Audit and Consulting Services.
- Business expenses and reports are subject to periodic review by the Accounts Payable department for compliance with all applicable policies.
How do I reconcile my P-Card transactions?
- All P-Card transactions are transmitted daily to Workday under the cardholder’s name. (Departmental P-Card transactions are transmitted to the Departmental Cardholder’s name in Workday).
- The cardholders can reconcile transactions themselves or assign a delegate to prepare a reconciliation report on their behalf.
- All transactions must be approved by a Designated Approver.
Is P-Card training available online?
P-Card Training is available within Workday’s Learning library. Once an employee applies for a P-Card, the training will be assigned as required by Accounts Payable.
Can a P-Card be used for on-campus purchases?
A P-card cannot be used to make purchases at Dining facilities, the Miami Bookstores, or other internal vendors. Use an inter-departmental transfer to make purchases on-campus. See the Purchasing Policy on Strategic Procurement’s website.
Can I buy flowers for a coworker with my P-Card?
- Flowers, items of a personal nature, and celebrations that are not work-related (Birthdays, Weddings, Births, etc.) can NOT be purchased from discretionary funds. Flowers for funerals can be purchased from discretionary accounts if done with prudence.
- The President's and Vice-President's Offices purchase funeral flowers on behalf of the University community for current faculty, staff, 黑料社区s, faculty and staff holding emeriti rank, and current or former board members.
What should I do if I transfer departments?
If you are a current P-Card holder and you are transferring to a new department, one of the following should occur:
- If you no longer need your P-Card in your new department, please return your card to Accounts Payable and let them know the card can be closed.
- If you will need a P-Card in your new department, complete the following three steps:
- Login to Workday and update your Delegate information (under Settings: Delegate Settings)
- Email accountspayable@miamioh.edu to inform them of your department change and who your new approver is.
- Email employment@miamioh.edu to confirm that your new Supervisor is updated in your Workday profile, as this field is maintained in the Human Resources and Academic Personnel offices.
What should I do if I no longer need my P-Card or am leaving 黑料社区?
If you no longer need your P-Card or are leaving 黑料社区, bring your P-Card to Accounts Payable in an envelope. Include a note describing the effective date that you will no longer need your P-Card and/or the last day you are expected to work at Miami.