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Program Overview

黑料社区's Superintendent Licensure Program aims to build the capacity of leaders who aspire to the complex, multi-dimensional, and rewarding work of the Superintendency.

The curriculum for coursework is guided by the Department of Educational Leadership's Four Guiding Principles:

  1. Leadership is an intellectual, moral, and craft practice situated in the cultural, political, and social contexts of institutions and societies.
  2. Educational leadership is both positional and non-positional in form; it is a process of power-sharing rather than power-imposing which works toward collaboration, emancipation, and empowerment.
  3. Educators commit to the community. The building and development of diverse, inclusive communities are never assumed and should be continuously nurtured, interrogated, and supported.
  4. Educational leaders understand and navigate the present environment to work towards transforming organizations and the individuals within them to become more democratic and socially just.

During the four required courses, 黑料社区s will experience authentic learning experiences and an emphasis on the “craftlike” nature of school district leadership. Admission into the Superintendent Licensure Program is done on a rolling basis.


Students may jump into the series of four required courses at the start of any semester. The current rhythm of course offerings is:

  • Fall Semester: EDL 710S, Superintendent Internship. Students remain enrolled in this course for the entire school year but are enrolled just in the Fall.
  • Spring Semester: EDL 727, School Business Affairs and Physical Resources
  • Summer Semester: EDL 782, Social Justice and Transformation; EDL 729, Board-Superintendent-Staff Relationships

Coursework is offered in an online-synchronous format usually over Zoom or a similar platform.

What Our Alumni Say

Adam Puthoff

Superintendent, St. Henry Consolidated Local Schools

"The Superintendent Licensure Program at Miami provided me with multiple authentic learning opportunities to participate in discussion and collaboration with superintendents and treasurers to provide a better understanding of the position and the role within a school district. The program was intentional in providing literature and assignments that were applicable to the district you served and pushed you to step up and engage in environments required to extend your leadership ability. I'm thankful for the program and most importantly, thankful to the professors that provided authentic learning experiences and promoted growth as a leader."

David Hile

Superintendent, Licking Valley Local Schools

"The Miami Ed.D program lived up to its description and stated goals in every way. The courses were relevant, rigorous, and fun. The professors are experts in their fields, interesting, supportive, and a pleasure to work with. They want you to learn, grow, and succeed. The cohort consisted of exceptional professional educators from whom I learned a great deal, and with whom I built strong collegial relationships and friendships. For these reasons, working toward my doctorate at Miami wasn’t an onerous chore, it was a labor of love."

Charles J. Ogdan

Principal, Loveland Middle School

"The experience in 黑料社区's Superintendent Licensure program was one of relationships and professionalism. The professors and content provided me with the necessary tools and mindset to dig deeper into the day-to-day experiences I had as an educational leader. I was able to evaluate decisions above me, at the building, and within the teacher ranks with an increased sense of clarity and understanding. I highly recommend this program as you leave with not only a higher sense of purpose but a solid network of administrators of which to continue your career."

Contact Us

For additional information, please contact the program coordinator, Guy Parmigian via email at ParmigGL@MiamiOH.edu

Admission Requirements

Candidates must apply and be accepted by both the Graduate School and the Department of Educational Leadership.

Other minimum entrance requirements:

  • Completion of a graduate degree
  • Possession of a professional principal license
  • Submit one letter of reference from a colleague or supervisor who can attest to your professional work, potential for successful graduate study, and potential for making a positive contribution as a leader in an educational context.
  • Submit one letter of reference from your current Superintendent or designee stating that they recommend you for the Superintendent Licensure Program and that she/he (or designee) will support you in completing the requirements for EDL 710S, the Superintendent Internship.

Steps to Apply

  1. Submit an electronic Graduate School along with a $20 non-refundable application fee. Be sure to select that you are applying as a Non-degree/Non-certificate seeking applicant. Next, when asked if you will be taking courses for Licensure or Endorsement, select "Superintendent-License" from the list.
  2. What is needed to Apply for your Superintendent License?
    • ODE Language: The superintendent license shall be issued to an individual who holds a principal or administrative specialist license and shall be valid for supervising programs for prekindergarten through grade twelve; or for administrative duties in a school system.
    • The following requirement shall be met prior to issuance of the superintendent license: Three years of successful experience in a position as a principal or administrative specialist while holding the respective license.
    • See:
  3. The deadline for applications is on a rolling basis.

License Requirements

You will need to complete the 4 courses for the Superintendent License:

  • EDL 710S - Superintendent Internship
  • EDL 729 - Board-Superintendent-Staff Relationships
  • EDL 727 - School Business Affairs and Physical Resources
  • EDL 782 - Social Justice and Transformation

3 or more years of experience under an Administrator Specialist License under which you completed administrative duties directly related to the Administrator Specialist License you have.

OR 3 or more years of experience under a Principal License under which you completed Principal duties directly related to the Principal License you have.

At the end of the 4 courses have your Human Resources or Superintendent send a Letter to ParmigGL@MiamiOH.edu stipulating that you have the 3 or more years of experience, under the Administrator Specialist or Principal License.

Also send to ParmigGL@MiamiOH.edu, prior to applying for the Superintendent License, a copy of your Administrator Specialist License or your Principal License.

Additional Opportunities

TEAM Scholarship

The Teacher Education Access at Miami (TEAM) Scholarship provides a discount on graduate tuition and fees for Ohio PreK-12 Educators.

TEAM Scholarship Information

Contact Us

Department of Educational Leadership
304 McGuffey Hall
Oxford, OH 45056