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Alison LaPointe

Mrs. Alison LaPointe (Slaughter) is a Researcher and Statistician at the Discovery Center for Evaluation, Research, and Professional Learning. Ms. Slaughter obtained a Master’s degree in Psychology, specializing in Quantitative Psychology, from Illinois State University in May 2017. Since 2017, Mrs. LaPointe has worked on a variety of local-, state-, & federally-funded projects across the nation (e.g., NSF, NIH, NEH, DHHS, ODE).

Her expertise includes quantitative data collection, cleaning, and analysis; instrument development, modification, and testing; and evaluation and technical report development. Ms. Slaughter has been part of the evaluation team for the Myaamia Center since 2017 and has assisted in the evaluation for several of the Center's National Breath of Life and Language Archival projects. In February 2022, Ms. Slaughter became an official affiliate employee of the Myaamia Center in the Office of Assessment and Evaluation.

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