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What is an Internship?

An internship is an opportunity that combines learning with work and offers a unique experience for career exploration. The essential component is that as you are working, you have structured and intentional objectives to learn about a career field. An internship or related experience can help you decide whether that field is really for you. Internships help you:

  • Explore potential careers
  • Learn how to conduct a job search
  • Build work-related skills
  • Experience a “3-month interview”
  • Network with people in your field
  • Become more marketable for your future job search
Photo of Kailey Dean at her internship with American Legislative Exchange Council

Types of Internships

Information regarding the types of internships is maintained in the 黑料社区 Policy Library.

Why Should You Pursue an Internship?

  • Explore potential careers
  • Learn how to conduct a job search
  • Build work-related skills
  • Experience a “3-month interview”
  • Network with people in your field
  • Become more marketable for your future job search

Steps to Complete

Review the types of internships (see above).

  • For Extra-Curricular Internship - Select “Extra-Curricular Internship” 
  • For Curricular or Co-Curricular Internship - Select Your Academic Department and Internship Coordinator
  • Be prepared with the following information:
    • Employer/Organization Name
    • Location
    • Industry
    • Phone Number
    • Email address
    • Internship Job Title
    • Department
    • Start/End Date
    • Employment Type (Seasonal, Full Time, Part Time)
    • Salary
    • Offer Date
    • Internship Site Supervisor First and Last Name
    • Internship Site Supervisor Title
    • Internship Site Supervisor Phone Number
    • Internship Site Supervisor Email Address
    • Other Compensation
    • Approximate number of hours you will work each week
    • Scheduled Hours
    • Number of Credit Hours you are requesting 
      • 0 (Zero) credit = less than 37.5 work hours
      • 1 credit = 37.5 total work hours
      • 2 credits = 75 total work hours
      • 3 credits = 112.5 total work hours
      • 4 credits = 150 total work hours
      • 5 credits = 187.5 total work hours
      • 6 credits = 225 total work hours
    • Where the internship will be conducted (Onsite, Virtually, Both)
    • Job Description
    • At least 3 Learning Objectives

Please note: The form for Curricular and Co-Curricular Internships is the same. Students who complete the Curricular/Co-Curricular Internship Form will be registered into the internship course by the University Registrar.

List of Departmental Internship Coordinators

College Course Attribute Major/Minor/Thematic Sequence Coordinator Name Coordinator Email
Farmer School of Business ACC 340 Accountancy Amanda Pyzoha amanda.pyzoha@miamioh.edu
College of Arts and Science AES 340 Aerospace Studies Lt. Col. Matthew Goodman goodmamg@MiamiOH.edu
College of Arts and Science AMS 340 American Studies Walter Vanderbush vanderw@MiamiOH.edu
College of Arts and Science ATH 340 Anthropology M. Cameron Hay-Rollins hayrolmc@MiamiOH.edu
College of Liberal Arts and Applied Science (Regional) BSC 340 Applied Biology; Human Biology and Health Sciences Concentration; Biological Sciences Paul Harding hardinpa@MiamiOH.edu
College of Liberal Arts and Applied Science (Regional) APC 340 Applied Communication Leland Spencer spencelg@MiamiOH.edu
College of Liberal Arts and Applied Science (Regional) ASO 340 Applied Social Research Beth Dietz dietzbl@MiamiOH.edu
College of Arts and Science ARB 340 Arabic Margaret Ziolkowski ziolkom@MiamiOH.edu
College of Creative Arts ARC 340 Architecture and Interior Design Diane Fellows fellowd@MiamiOH.edu
College of Creative Arts ART 340 Art Kristen Pericleous kristen.pericleous@MiamiOH.edu
College of Creative Arts ART 640 Art Robert Robbins robbinrv@MiamiOH.edu
College of Education, Health and Society KNH 340 Athletic Training Eric Brooks brooksek@MiamiOH.edu
College of Arts and Science BIO 340/640 Biology Susan Hoffman hoffmasm@MiamiOH.edu
Farmer School of Business BLS 340 Business Legal Studies Paul Becker beckerpa@MiamiOH.edu
College of Creative Arts CCA 340 Arts Management Todd Stuart stuartt@MiamiOH.edu
College of Engineering and Computing CPB 340 Chemical, Paper and Biomedical Engineering Steve Keller kellerds@MiamiOH.edu
College of Arts and Science CHM 340 Chemistry and Biochemistry Neil Danielson danielnd@MiamiOH.edu
College of Education, Health and Society EDL 340 Civic Cummer Fellows Kathleen Knight Abowitz knightk2@MiamiOH.edu
College of Arts and Science CLS 340 Classics Elisabeth Hodges hodgesed@MiamiOH.edu
College of Liberal Arts and Applied Science (Regional) CMR 340 Commerce Pat Lindsay lindsapj@MiamiOH.edu
College of Liberal Arts and Applied Science (Regional) CMA 01 Community Arts Roscoe Wilson wilsonr2@MiamiOH.edu
College of Education, Health and Society KNH 640 Community Nutrition for Dietetic Interns Sharman Willmore willmose@MiamiOH.edu
College of Engineering and Computing CSE 340 Computer Science and Software Engineering Alan Ferrenberg alan.ferrenberg@MiamiOH.edu
College of Engineering and Computing CSE 640 Computer Science and Software Engineering John Femiani femianjc@MiamiOH.edu
College of Liberal Arts and Applied Science (Regional) CIT 340 Computer and Information Technology Donna Evans evansd@MiamiOH.edu
College of Liberal Arts and Applied Science (Regional) CJS 220 Criminal Justice Studies Theresa Ervin Conover conovete@MiamiOH.edu
College of Liberal Arts and Applied Science (Regional) CJS 340 Criminal Justice Studies John Forren forrenjp@MiamiOH.edu
Farmer School of Business ECO 340 Economics Steve Elliott elliotsr@MiamiOH.edu
Farmer School of Business ECO 640 Economics Steve Elliott elliotsr@MiamiOH.edu
College of Education, Health and Society EDL 340 Educational Leadership Judy Alston alstonja@MiamiOH.edu
College of Education, Health and Society EDL 340 Educational Leadership - For Outdoor Leadership Certificate Only Jennifer Siliko ryanjm1@MiamiOH.edu
College of Education, Health and Society EDP 795/796 Educational Psychology Katy Mezher krohnkr@MiamiOH.edu
College of Engineering and Computing ECE 340 Electrical and Computer Engineering David Hartup hartupd@MiamiOH.edu
College of Liberal Arts and Applied Science (Regional) ENT 340 Engineering Technology Mert Bal mbal@MiamiOH.edu
College of Arts and Science ENG 340 English Tim Lockridge timlockridge@miamioh.edu
College of Arts and Science ENG 640 English Tim Lockridge timlockridge@miamioh.edu
College of Liberal Arts and Applied Science (Regional) EGS 340 English Studies Marianne Cotugno cotugnm@MiamiOH.edu
Farmer School of Business ESP 340 Entrepreneurship Jim Friedman friedmj2@MiamiOH.edu
College of Arts and Science IES 340/640 Environmental Sciences Sarah Dumyahn harveysl@MiamiOH.edu
College of Education, Health and Society FSW 340/640 Family Science and Social Work Adrienne Newman newman43@miamioh.edu
College of Education, Health and Society FSW494/594 Family Science and Social Work Carolyn Slotten slottect@MiamiOH.edu
College of Creative Arts FAS 340 Fashion Della Reams dreams@MiamiOH.edu
College of Arts and Science FST 340 Film Studies Kerry Hegarty hegartkt@MiamiOH.edu
Farmer School of Business FIN 340 Finance Corey Shank shankc@MiamiOH.edu
College of Arts and Science FRE 340 French Elisabeth Hodges hodgesed@MiamiOH.edu
College of Arts and Science GEO 340/640 Geography for Majors Susan Jakubowski jakubosl@MiamiOH.edu
College of Arts and Science GEO 340/640 Geography for GIS Certificate Robbyn Abbitt abbittrj@MiamiOH.edu
College of Arts and Science GEO 340/640 Geography for Urban and Regional Planning Majors David Prytherch prythedl@MiamiOH.edu
College of Arts and Science GLG 340/640 Geology Todd Dupont
Kendall Hauer
Liz Widom
College of Arts and Science GTY 440/640 Gerontology Aaron Abbott abbotta3@MiamiOH.edu
College of Arts and Science GSC 340 Global Health Studies Cameron Hay-Rollins hayrolmc@MiamiOH.edu
College of Arts and Science ITS 340 Global and Intercultural Studies Walter Vanderbush vanderw@MiamiOH.edu
College of Arts and Science HST 340 History Helen Sheumaker sheumahd@MiamiOH.edu
Academic Affairs HON 340 Honors Erin Wahler wahlerea@MiamiOH.edu
College of Arts and Science WST 340 Individualized Studies Nik Money moneynp@MiamiOH.edu
Farmer School of Business ISA 340 Information Systems and Analytics Jeff Merhout merhoujw@MiamiOH.edu
College of Liberal Arts and Applied Science (Regional) BIS 340 Integrative Studies Leland Spencer spencelg@MiamiOH.edu
College of Creative Arts IMS 340 Interactive Media Studies James Coyle coylejr@MiamiOH.edu
College of Creative Arts IMS 640 Interactive Media Studies Michael Bailey-Van Kuren baileym@MiamiOH.edu
College of Liberal Arts and Applied Science (Regional) IDS 340 Interdisciplinary Helane Androne adamshd@MiamiOH.edu
College of Arts and Science ITL 340 Italian Elisabeth Hodges hodgesed@MiamiOH.edu
College of Arts and Science JPN 340 Japanese Margaret Ziolkowski ziolkom@MiamiOH.edu
College of Arts and Science JRN 340 Journalism Fred Reeder reederfh@miamioh.edu
College of Liberal Arts and Applied Science (Regional) LST 340 Liberal Studies Leland Spencer spencelg@MiamiOH.edu
LUX 340 Luxembourg Stephanie Shaheen shahees@MiamiOH.edu
College of Education, Health and Society TCE 340 MU-Noyce Internship - The STEAM Studio Tammy Schwartz schwarta@miamioh.edu
College of Education, Health and Society EDT 340 MU-Noyce Internship -Camp O Tammy Schwartz schwarta@MiamiOH.edu
Farmer School of Business MGT 340 Management Thomas Farnbacher farnbat2@MiamiOH.edu
Farmer School of Business MKT 340/640 Marketing Dr. Zhi Yong Yang yangz99@miamioh.edu
College of Arts and Science MTH 340 Mathematics Kostas Beros berosk@MiamiOH.edu
College of Engineering and Computing MME 340/640 Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Kumar Singh singhkv@MiamiOH.edu
College of Arts and Science MAC 340 Media and Communication Matthew Crain crainm@MiamiOH.edu
College of Arts and Science MBI 340 Microbiology Rebecca Balish balishrs@MiamiOH.edu
College of Creative Arts MUS 340/640 Music Jeremy Jones jeremyd.jones@MiamiOH.edu
College of Liberal Arts and Applied Science (Regional) NCS 340 Nonprofit and Community Studies John Forren forrenjp@MiamiOH.edu
College of Education, Health and Society KNH 420G Nutrition Gretchen Brademan
Nancy Parkinson
College of Arts and Science ORG 340 Organizational Leadership Aaron Abbott abbotta3@MiamiOH.edu
College of Arts and Science PHL 340 Philosophy Keith Fennen fennenkg@MiamiOH.edu
College of Arts and Science PHY 340 Physics Steve Alexander alexansg@MiamiOH.edu
College of Arts and Science POL 340 Political Science Christopher Kelley or Matt Arbuckle chris.kelley@MiamiOH.edu
or arbuckmn@MiamiOH.edu
College of Arts and Science POL 340o Political Science - FOR OHIO PUBLIC LEADERS ONLY Patrick Haney haneypj@MiaimOH.edu
College of Arts and Science PMD 340 Premedical Studies Joseph Carlin carlinjm@MiamiOH.edu
College of Liberal Arts and Applied Science (Regional) PSS 340 Psychological Science Beth Dietz dietzbl@MiamiOH.edu
College of Arts and Science PSY 340/640 Psychology Brooke Spangler
Jen Green
College of Education, Health and Society KNH 340 Public Health Eric Brooks brooksek@MiamiOH.edu
College of Arts and Science REL 340 Religion, Comparative James Hanges hangesjc@MiamiOH.edu
College of Arts and Science RUS 340 Russian Margaret Ziolkowski ziolkom@MiamiOH.edu
College of Arts and Science SJS 340 Sociology Mark Curnutte curnutm2@MiamiOH.edu
College of Arts and Science SOC 440c Sociology or Social Justice Studies Thomas Ratliff ratliftn@MiamiOH.edu
College of Arts and Science SPN 340 Spanish Katie Fowler-Cordova fowlerkm@MiamiOH.edu
College of Arts and Science SPA 340 Speech Pathology and Audiology Susan Brehm bakerse1@MiamiOH.edu
College of Education, Health and Society SLM 340 Sports Leadership and Management Sam Morris morrissp@MiamiOH.edu
College of Education, Health and Society SLM 640 Sports Leadership and Management Your Graduate Advisor
College of Arts and Science STA 340/640 Statistics Jing Zhang fishert4@MiamiOH.edu
College of Arts and Science STC 340 Strategic Communication Jon Rutter rutterjd@MiamiOH.edu
College of Education, Health and Society EDT 340 Teacher Education Michelle Cosmah cosmahm@MiamiOH.edu
College of Creative Arts THE 340 Theatre Matt Omasta
College of Arts and Science WST 340 Western Program Nik Money moneynp@MiamiOH.edu
College of Arts and Science WGS 340 Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Sande Garner garners2@MiamiOH.edu


Deadline to register each semester is set by the Academic Calendar and the Office of the Registrar.  

Last Add Day for Departments - Full Term: First Friday of the semester

Last Add Day for Departments - Sprint Course: Wednesday, 9th week of the semester

Your Internship Search

  • Start your search with 
  • Discover thousands of internships 
  • Connect with employers representing all career clusters
  • Find career-related events that allow face-to-face interactions
  • All 黑料社区s should request for their experience to be documented and/or awarded academic credit prior to beginning an internship in Handshake. See information below for instructions.
    • Summer requests should be submitted before July 16. Please Submit fall term requests before October 24.

Networking, job shadowing, and informational interviews often open doors to additional opportunities.

Be advised that you must pay tuition for internship credit hours greater than zero. The costs for an internship completed for credit hours is equivalent to all other academic hours.

If you have paid full-time tuition, such as for the Fall or Spring Semester, you will not incur additional charges for internship hours. If you are not enrolled full-time, such as during the Winter or Summer Term, you will be charged for each credit hour you take. This includes any internship credit hours.

You may have your internship recorded on your transcript without taking it for credit hours. Reach out to Erin Dunn at erin.dunn@miamioh.edu for more information about zero-credit, no-cost options.

Step 1: Search and Explore

Step 2: Consult Resources

Campus Resources

  • International Students and Scholar Services (ISSS) for Curricular Practical Training (CPT)
    •  Assist 黑料社区s with federal requirements for Curricular Practical Training
  • One Stop / Bursar / Registrar
    • Assists with questions regarding billing and schedules
  • Internship Grants/Professional Attire Grants
    • If your internship or research experience is unpaid or underpaid, you can  to assist with personal expenses related to your internship.
    • The Office of Research for Undergraduates also offers financial assistance exclusively for research projects.

Advising Resources

  • Career Advisor
    • Assist in internship search by helping with resumes, cover letters, interviewing and navigating Handshake. 
  • Academic Advisor
    • Assist in internship search by helping with resumes, cover letters, interviewing and navigating Handshake. 
  • Assistant Director of Internships
    • Assist with 
    • Answer questions pertaining to internship grant applications
    • Approves any changes in credit hours and grade mode? (credit/no credit or letter grade

Academic Department Internship Coordinator

  • Assess the alignment of the internship with curriculum for the major
  • Oversee Internship Experience and acts as point of contact for Employers/Site Supervisors
  • See 

Step 3: Secure Internship

  • Make certain Step 2 is complete
  • Check in with your Academic Advisor & Internship Coordinator

Step 4: Request Experience

Step 5: Track Progress

  • Requesting an experience does not guarantee approval
  • Make sure you track progress in Handshake
  • Process of Approval:
    • Request goes from Handshake to the Career Center, where it will be moved from pending to approved, as long as learning objectives are included
    • Next, Faculty Coordinator approves request
    • Then, request goes to Registrar to be added to your schedule based on Registration Deadlines
      • Confirmation will be sent to International Students and Scholar Services (ISSS) if applicable
    • Approval from internship site supervisor is the final step, but does not impede the ability of the course to be added to schedules

Step 6: Follow Up and Monitor Progress

  • Complete mid term and end-of-term evaluations for your Internship (if applicable)

Reneging on a Job/Internship Acceptance

Renege: to go back on a promise, undertaking, or contract. Reneging is unethical, unprofessional, and jeopardizes the reputation of fellow 黑料社区s and the University. Therefore, the Center for Career Exploration and Success prohibits any 黑料社区 from reneging on an accepted job/internship offer. To renege is to accept a new internship/job offer after already committing to a previous internship/job. 

A 黑料社区 who accepts any offer shall withdraw from the hiring process for any other position. A 黑料社区 who fails to withdraw, continues to solicit another position, or reneges on a previously accepted position may be denied future services from the Career Center and barred from future on-campus recruiting until such time that the Center for Career Exploration & Success, in their discretion, removes such ban. A 黑料社区 that violates this policy shall also be referred to his or her departmental chair(s) for consideration of additional sanctions at the discretion of the department chair(s).

If you are uncertain as to whether you should accept an offer, please seek guidance from a member of the Career Center staff before taking any action.

Request Your Internship Experience

Complete our  in Handshake for your internship experience to be documented and/or to receive academic credit for it. Your internship can be paid or unpaid but should be in a degree-related field. 

Your internship can be in any semester/term. If you hope to be awarded academic credit, be sure to follow the deadlines posted on the One Stop’s Internships for Academic Credit page.

A 黑料社区 smiles while speaking with an employer at a career fair.
icon of a television

Registering Your Internship on Handshake

2024 Summer at the Cuyahoga

黑料社区 alumni represented as mentors at Cleveland’s premiere internship event.

Connor Kadlic

Connor Kadlic

I am a Commercial Banking Associate at CIBC US responsible for providing credit underwriting, relationship, and portfolio management support for bilateral and syndicated deals.

Background: I was a Political Science major at Miami. When I was a Junior I decided I wanted to follow a different path. I got my hands on every business class I could and joined some banking-related clubs to re-tool my resume. I was able to get an internship with CIBC US’ Commercial Banking office in Cleveland, where I joined full-time after college ended.

Lessons learned: everyone makes mistakes (particularly when you’re just starting a new job), but it’s how you respond to and learn from those mistakes that makes you better.

Dallas Holifield

Dallas Holifield

Raw Material Planning Lead at PPG Industries in Cleveland, OH. I am Responsible for the planning and purchasing of all raw materials needed for manufacturing of automotive paint to support customers.

Background: I was a Supply Chain & Operations Management Major and Marketing Minor at Miami. My career started as an intern at American Greetings in Cleveland, OH, which I found through Miami’s Career Fair. After that, I moved to PPG as a Customer Supply Chain Coordinator, then into Raw Material Planner in early 2021.

Lessons learned: know when to advocate for yourself! If your work speaks for you, it’s important to make sure the right people are aware and acknowledge what you’re doing.

Nicholas Paterniti

Nicholas Paterniti

I am a Senior Associate, Private Client for Journey Wealth Management.

Background: I studied Economics and Finance at 黑料社区, completed an internship with Guardian Life/Capital Planners in Cleveland where I received my Life Insurance license. After graduating I returned to Capital Planners where I got my securities license.

Lessons learned: it's rewarding to work with people and help them achieve goals in some way.

Lauren Rudman

Lauren Rudman

Sr. Director, HR & Training for GNCO, Inc.

Background: I studied Human Resources Management at 黑料社区. I am an Human Resources Leader for 15+ years with experience in material handling, manufacturing, construction, and public transit. 

Lessons learned: never stop learning! Always look to educate yourself both professionally and personally.

Center for Career Exploration and Success

45 Armstrong Center
550 E. Spring Street
Oxford, OH 45056