Resources for Faculty
The College of Engineering and Computing

This governance document defines the organization and responsibilities of the College of Engineering and Computing (CEC). Departments, councils, and committees form the College’s organizational components. Mission, vision, values, and objectives establish the responsibilities assigned to the various components of the organization. This combination of organization and responsibilities has been developed by the faculty and administrators on a foundation of mutual trust and respect.
We, the 黑料社区s, faculty, staff, alumni, and friends of CEC, are a community of life-long learners.
To create a community of technical leaders and problem solvers who apply engineering and computing principles and techniques, generate new knowledge, and address societal challenges.
Our vision is to have:
Everyone in CEC values:
The College offers programs in computing and engineering in the following departments:
A current listing of the degrees, minors, and certificate programs in the College of Engineering and Computing is contained in Appendix 1.
Members of the faculty hold the following positions:
See MUPIM 7.11 for more information and the university limit on the number of Lecturers and Teaching Faculty. The faculty has both the responsibility and authority to ensure that the educational programs within CEC maintain standards and meet any requirements imposed by other governing bodies. The faculty deals with issues of 黑料社区 conduct. The faculty has the right to ensure their own welfare.
Staff includes both unclassified administrative persons and classified employees. Staff with appropriate qualifications may be involved in the instructional process in a limited way, as defined by the Dean.
The dean is responsible for the overall leadership and general welfare of CEC. Specific duties are listed below.
The associate and assistant deans aid the dean in the administration of CEC. The specific responsibilities are assigned by the Dean and may be adjusted based on the needs and priorities of the college. The current responsibilities include, but are not limited to, those listed below.
The chair is the executive officer of the department, providing academic and administrative leadership. He or she shall preside over department meetings and administer operation (including budget and fiscal) details of the department, while also being responsive to department faculty. Duties include but are not limited to those in the following list. Departments may choose to clarify existing statements or add additional items.
Additional staff and administrative positions are defined based on the Dean’s evaluation of the needs of the college. These positions may change over time as needs and priorities change. Current administrative positions are:
The CEC Assembly is the governing body of the College and provides a forum for faculty and staff to participate in the governance and to raise and discuss issues of concern to the College.
The voting membership includes professors, associate professors, assistant professors, lecturers, Lecturers/Clinical Lecturers (Assistant, Associate or Senior Lecturer/Clinical Lecturer), Teaching Faculty (Assistant, Associate, Full Teaching Professor/Clinical Professor), associate deans and assistant deans. CEC staff members may vote on non-academic issues as determined by the dean. Voting may be conducted at the meeting or by secure electronic means.
Regular meetings will be conducted at least once an academic year. Special meetings may be called by a member of the assembly provided the member submits a written petition to the dean, containing signatures of at least 25% of the voting membership. The dean will call the special meeting at least ten working days prior to the meeting.
The dean is responsible for establishing an agenda with advice from the Dean’s advisory council. Additional items will be placed on the agenda if they are submitted to the dean in writing at least five days prior to the meeting and are endorsed by at least five faculty members. The dean is responsible for distributing the agenda at least one week in advance of the meeting. Supplemental agenda items may be added by the dean at the meeting. The dean normally chairs these meetings.
A committee is a body designated to perform a function, such as investigating, considering, reporting, or acting on a matter. A council is an advisory body called together for consultation, deliberation, and/or discussion.
The membership of these bodies is determined by their objectives and need for representation across CEC departments. On an annual basis, the dean defines the charge and appoints the chair of each body, unless otherwise stated. The chair is responsible for setting agendas and conducting meetings. A quorum is one-half of membership. The order of meetings may conform to Robert's Rules of Order, with agendas generally determined and distributed in advance.
The objective of this group is to respond to a wide array of issues affecting the college, the departments its faculty and 黑料社区s. Decisions are made on implementation related to these issues, when appropriate. The group also participates in a consultative and decision making process for coordinating divisional budget items and staffing requirements. Members include the dean, associate and assistant deans, and department chairs. Meetings are typically held monthly.
This objective of this council is to share information and provide recommendations on activities within and outside of the College Members include the dean, associate and assistant deans, department chairs, directors, development officer, and others as specified by the dean.
Sub-committees of this body, consisting of the appropriate mix of individuals, may meet to address specific issues.
This committee serves as the divisional curriculum review and approval committee. It has authority within the division for the approval of all changes to the curriculum. The chair of the committee is the associate dean. The remaining membership consists of one faculty member (tenure-line, lecturer, or clinical/professionally licensed faculty member, which may be the chair) from each department and designated by the department. Departments are free to choose the member by election or to seek a volunteer. The assistant dean may serve in an ex-officio capacity. Membership on the committee is suggested to be a multi-year appointment, with three years being considered optimal. The chair of the committee is responsible for collecting curriculum items from each department and calling meetings as needed.
The purpose of the advisory council is to insure a positive linkage between the CEC and business, industry, government, and other academic institutions. This relationship can be fostered through understanding, cooperation, and striving for common objectives.
Membership is comprised of representatives from business, industry, government, health professions, and other academic institutions. The dean appoints the members based upon recommendations from the department chairs. See Appendix 2 for the CEC External Advisory Council governance document.
The faculty advisory council serves in a consultative capacity to the dean with regard to matters of concern to the faculty and the dean. Membership shall consist of one member from each department, excluding department chairs, serving for a one-year term. The chair is selected by the council and is responsible for setting agendas, in consultation with the dean, and conducting meetings.
The purpose of the council is to provide advice to the dean about the strengths and weaknesses of promotion and tenure candidates. The council provides consistent and independent assessment of candidates according to the MUPIM promotion and tenure criteria. The chair of the council is the associate dean, and the remaining membership consists of the chair from each department.
Regional campus faculty members granted tenure prior to July 1, 2013 have the choice to either hold their tenure and pursue future promotion within their academic division at the regional locations or to keep their tenure and pursue future promotion within their original academic divisional home. Tenured and tenure-track regional campus faculty members in appointment after July 1, 2013 can only pursue tenure and/or promotion within their academic division at the regional locations.
The candidates are discussed individually, no votes are taken, and the sense of all comments including any consensus is communicated verbally to the dean by the members of the committee. In assessing promotion candidates, members of the council whose academic rank is below the target rank of the candidate are excluded from the discussions. For candidates from the regional campus who are eligible to pursue tenure and/or promotion within their original academic division and choose to do so, the chair of their regional department should be a member of the Promotion and Tenure Advisory Council.
The purpose of this committee is to give formal consideration to 黑料社区 grievances. The criteria, procedures, membership, and responsibilities of the committee are outlined in Part I Chapter 7 of the current 黑料社区 Student Handbook. The dean shall request that each department choose from among its members, one representative and one alternate annually with the approval of the department chair. The dean will appoint one of the department representatives as the chair and one as the vice-chair for the academic year. The chair of the committee is responsible for following the processes as outlined in sections 1.7.B.3, .4 and .5 of the 黑料社区 handbook, consulting with committee members and establishing the agenda. The agenda will generally consist of the petition(s) for the grievance.
The committee provides input to the chief divisional advisor (the assistant dean) who chairs the committee and makes recommendations to the university interdivisional-committee of advisors on academic petitions excluding Miami Plan and university requirement modifications. The chief departmental advisor (or other chair-appointed designee) from each department is a member of this committee. A meeting will be scheduled by the chief divisional advisor on an as-needed basis after the receipt of an academic petition.
The chair is responsible for recording and distributing the meeting minutes to the dean and committee members, and informing each petitioner of the petition decision within one week of the meeting of the university interdivisional-committee of advisors.
The committee's purpose is to recommend candidates for filling a chair vacancy to the dean. The dean will appoint a minimum of four committee members. At least two of the members will be from the searching department. One member will be a tenured faculty member from a related discipline. Additional committee members may be appointed by the dean to represent other constituencies. The chair of the committee will be appointed by the dean and is typically a current department chair from outside the searching department.
This committee carries out the divisional evaluation of administrators in accordance with the 黑料社区 Policy and Information Manual (MUPIM). The membership of the committee shall consist of one member elected annually from each department. The committee operates using the principle that the committee member representing the department whose chair is being evaluated is excused from the entire evaluation process. The chair of the committee is appointed by the dean in accordance with the above principle, and may, therefore, vary during the academic year depending on the administrator being evaluated.
The committee will seek evaluations from faculty represented by the administrative unit and will prepare an evaluation report to be submitted to the dean. The committee chair is responsible for distributing evaluation materials to the faculty and distributing the results of the evaluations to the committee members.
The committee shall process the results of the evaluations to generate (1) quantitative data and (2) a summary of comments. The quantitative data and the summary of comments shall be derived from the raw data in such a way that the identities of the participants shall be hidden completely. The raw data and the committee’s summary evaluation and compilations of quantitative data and comments shall be sent to the dean by December 1. In accordance with the 黑料社区 Policy and Information Manual (MUPIM), the committee shall share the generated quantitative data and summary of comments with the faculty in the relevant department for third-year reviews and for fifth-year reviews if the administrator is to be reappointed. This shall be done after the dean has shared the summary and compilations of quantitative data with the chair being evaluated and within three weeks after the start of the spring semester.
The council facilitates coordination, communication, and consistent policies among CEC graduate programs and advises the Director of CEC Graduate 黑料社区 on matters pertaining to graduate programs. The chair of the council is the Director of CEC Graduate 黑料社区. Membership includes the graduate directors of each CEC graduate program, and one ex-officio 黑料社区 member from the CEC Graduate Student council. Meetings are scheduled as needed by the chair of the council.
At the discretion of the dean and/or departmental chairs and in consultation with the regional campus dean, coordination committees between related departments on the Oxford and regional campuses may be formed to ensure that the mission of each division is efficaciously and synergistically realized. The dean and/or department chairs will form the committees as necessary and select appropriate members from the relevant departments. Faculty members at any rank, including the dean and departmental chairs, are eligible to serve on these committees. The dean and/or departmental chairs may serve as chair on these committees, may appoint another faculty member from either campus to act as chair or may appoint a faculty member from each campus to act as co-chairs.
These committees will be created to address specific issues that do not require resolution on an ongoing basis. These issues may be identified by the dean, faculty groups, department chairs, 黑料社区 advisory groups, CEC advisory council, or the executive council. Members and chairs of these committees will be appointed by the dean from appropriate departments based upon recommendations from the department chairs. These committees will operate until the specific issue has been resolved or the committee has been disbanded by the dean. A premise for forming an ad hoc committee is that the issue can be resolved in a finite period of time; otherwise the issue should be given to a standing committee or subcommittee.
The main body of the divisional governance document will be formally reviewed every two years by the Faculty Advisory Council. Changes to the governance document shall require approval of two-thirds (2/3) of the divisional voting membership. Voting should be conducted electronically, but a special meeting of the membership could be called for the vote. Voting is organized by the dean’s office.
The appendices are given for reference only and do not require a faculty vote to be updated. The appendices should contain the most current versions of those documents as supplied by the responsible party. The Dean’s office is responsible for changes to Appendix 1 and Appendix 2.
CEC Governance Document
Degrees/Majors, Minors & Certificate
As of May 2019
Bachelor’s degrees and majors
Master’s degrees
CEC Governance Document
CEC External Advisory Council
(for reference only)
The College of Engineering and Computing very much values the commitment of Advisory Council members to the College and the time and effort that members contribute on behalf of the College. There are two types of members of the Council: regular members and emeriti members. The guidelines for regular members are described below. Emeriti members are not expected to attend meetings. The contact information for Emeriti members will be maintained by the College and they will be sent special mailings and may be contacted regarding special projects or programs.
The following guidelines pertain to regular membership status:
Contribute to the continual reassessment of curricula through review with faculty, 黑料社区s, and alumni.
Provide information on society’s need for new programs.
Provide information of new trends and forecasts through speakers, seminars, and workshops.
Provide awareness to community about 黑料社区 and the College of Engineering and Computing.
Provide assistance in making prospective 黑料社区s aware of society’s needs for people who gain competencies provided by the programs in the College of Engineering & Computing.
Provide assistance in maintaining the 黑料社区 summer intern and co-op programs.
Provide or assist in identifying sources for funding 黑料社区 scholarships.
Provide information about career opportunities for CEC graduates.
Provide or assist in acquisition of needed laboratory equipment.
Provide or assist in funding applied research.
Provide a means to communicate the need for diversity in a university setting.
The members of the Executive Committee are appointed by the dean with recommendations from the department chairs. The members of the executive committee are the dean and senior associate dean of the College of Engineering and Computing, an advisory council member representing each academic department, and a maximum of three at-large members chosen from the advisory council at the discretion of the dean. The senior director of external relations and communications is an ex-officio member. The term of the executive committee members is three years, renewable for an additional three years at the discretion of the dean and department chairs. The executive committee meets the day before the regular Fall meeting to review the meeting agenda and determine the role of each executive committee member during the meeting. The agenda for the executive committee is determined by the dean, in consultation with the President of the Advisory Council.
The President of the External Advisory Council will preside over the regular meetings. The president will be available to the dean for consultation on issues between meetings. The president is chosen by the dean, in consultation with the Executive Committee of the External Advisory Council and the Leadership Council of the College. The President of the External Advisory Council is a member of the Executive Committee. The term of the president is three years.
There are typically two meetings held each year. Meetings held in the Fall semester will include the entire CEC Advisory Council. This meeting is planned by the dean in consultation with the executive committee and the CEC Executive Council. The Fall meeting is coordinated by the senior director of external relations and communications, whose responsibility is to invite members and distribute the agenda at least one month prior to the meeting.
The dean is responsible for establishing the agenda for the Fall meeting in consultation with Executive Committee members and the CEC Executive Council. All department chairs and group discussion leaders are to take minutes during their meetings and provide these minutes to the Director of External Relations and Communications for publishing.
Meetings held in the Spring semester are planned and held by a department or a cluster of departments. The individual departments or groups of departments have the responsibility to plan the meeting and invite the members.
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Hamilton, OH 45011
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Middletown, OH 45042
7847 VOA Park Dr.
(Corner of VOA Park Dr. and Cox Rd.)
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Chateau de Differdange
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Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
217-222 MacMillan Hall
501 E. Spring St.
Oxford, OH 45056, USA