5.4 Leaves
One- or two-semester leaves are available as Faculty Improvement Leaves, or as On- or Off-Campus Assigned Research Appointments. These are awarded per the guidelines described in 5.4, 5.5, and 5.6 below. The Department further makes every effort to distribute available leaves equitably among all faculty and based on the merit of the proposal.
5.4.1 The Faculty Improvement Program, established in conformity with Section 3345.28 of the Ohio Revised Code, provides extended periods for professional growth and development. It enables faculty development away from campus and requires seven years of full-time service for eligibility.
This program is crucially important for enabling the improvement of teaching techniques, extending the frontiers of knowledge, and maintaining the vitality of individual faculty members and programs.
The terms of the program provide for release from teaching duties and other University assignments; either full compensation during one term or two-thirds compensation during two terms; the continuation of benefits based on full salary; and eligibility for salary increment and promotion.
Specifics of the program are outlined below:
5.4.1.a Application for a Faculty Improvement Leave is initiated through the department chair to the Dean, Provost, and President.
5.4.1.b In any single year, because of commitments to teaching and service as well as to faculty development, the University customarily will not authorize more than 30 Faculty Improvement Leaves.
5.4.1.c Professional leave taken as a Faculty Improvement Leave shall not normally be deemed to be in lieu of Assigned Research (assigned duty in connection with a specific research, scholarly, or creative program).
5.4.1.d A Faculty Improvement Leave ordinarily does not involve additional funding for a department. A request for Faculty Improvement Leave must indicate how the department will cover the load of the staff member applying for the leave. In rare instances when extreme hardship would result in a department if a Faculty Improvement Leave were granted, funds may be authorized by the Provost or dean to hire replacement staff.
5.4.1.e All full-time, tenured members of the instructional staff with teaching loads who have served at least seven years in any rank in full-time service are eligible for a Faculty Improvement Leave. Faculty Improvement Leaves are granted on the basis of the contribution that the appointee will make to the Profession or University upon returning to normal assignment. Years of service are crucial for determining eligibility but are not a major factor in discriminating among aspiring candidates.
5.4.1.f An individual may not receive a second (or "the next") Faculty Improvement Leave until seven years have elapsed from the end of the previous Leave.
5.4.1.g A request for a Faculty Improvement Leave should detail the activities proposed for the year or the term and indicate their significance for the mission of the University. They may relate to professional growth, disciplinary research, a research project dealing with the effectiveness of various instructional methods, or teaching development.
5.4.1.h Persons receiving a Faculty Improvement Leave are obligated to remain at Miami during the ensuing academic year and to make a full report of the results of the assignment to the department, chair, dean, and Provost within 90 days of the completion of the Leave. If an individual chooses not to return to Miami during the ensuing academic year, he or she is expected to refund compensation equal to that received during the Faculty Improvement Leave.
5.4.1.i Recipients of Faculty Improvement Leaves may receive money for approved study or research or other activities expressly related to the purpose of the leave without prejudice to their receipt of income from Miami, provided that the total remuneration from all sources does not exceed the recipient's annual 黑料社区 salary.
5.4.1.j In addition to salary, special arrangements may be made for grants to defray travel and similar coincidental expenses. These arrangements must, however, be approved in advance of the leave.
5.4.1.k Applications for a Faculty Improvement Leave should be submitted to the Chair by October 15 in order to be received in the Office of the Dean by November 1 and in the Office of the Provost by December 1, of the academic year preceding the leave period if one is to receive most favorable consideration.
5.4.1.l Questions regarding the program and its guidelines should be addressed to the Office of the Dean or the Office of the Provost.