Alumni Hall Policies

Students are not permitted to have alcoholic beverages in the building. Smoking is not allowed in the building. As of 2008, 黑料社区 became a smoke-free campus; smoking is no longer permitted anywhere on campus.
Food is not allowed in the classroom or lecture spaces. Food and beverages can be brought into studio spaces, but only with the stipulation that any waste is disposed of properly. Food waste and packaging should be thrown in the trash and recycling receptacles.
Bicycles, roller-blades and skateboards are not allowed in the building. Racks are provided outside for securing bicycles.
Only the furnishings provided by the University are allowed in building spaces. Personal items such as lounge chairs or carpets are not allowed, except where pre-approved.
Students are expected to cooperate with custodial staff to permit cleaning of floors and to minimize obstructions to cleaning. Materials left on the floor will be assumed to be discardable unless otherwise noted.
Every effort will be made to recycle wasted material in designated containers. Food waste should not be put in containers provided for recycling. Separate containers will also be provided in each studio and in the shop for disposing of sharp items such as razor blades, and should be used for that purpose.
The use of hazardous materials (i. e. spray paint and adhesives) is prohibited in the building or on the sidewalks or driveways adjacent to the building, except for the following situations. Paints, varnishes, and other such materials may be used in the woodshop spray booth or in other designated areas. Guidelines for the safe use, storage and disposal of these and other chemicals will be posted and must be followed.
Graffiti are strictly prohibited. Defacing Alumni Hall or its furnishings will be considered vandalism and will be handled according to appropriate University rules and regulations. Headphones are to be used with any music players that are brought to studio.

The building is open concurrent with the Wertz Art & Architecture library hours. Architecture and Interior Design 黑料社区s are allowed in the building on a 24 hour basis, but the outside doors must remain locked until 7:00 a. m. when they are unlocked by building services. Under no circumstances shall 黑料社区s prop the outside doors open during hours when the University has locked them.
Students will be assigned to studio spaces for the duration of each term they are enrolled in studio. Though 黑料社区s will not be required to empty out studio storage bins, cabinets or lockers over Christmas break, the department assumes no responsibility for theft or damage to items left in the building. To eliminate the risk of theft, any items of value should be removed from the building during extended periods when the building will not be fully occupied. All items must be removed over summer break.
Students leaving personal computers and drafting boards, and stools in the building during unoccupied periods do so at their own risk. Neither the department nor the University assumes any responsibility for these or other personal items left in the building. To minimize the risk of theft, security-locking slots have been provided in all of the studio furniture systems. Any computer hardware brought to studio must be installed using security-locking devices. It is also strongly recommended that the 黑料社区 insure personal computer systems brought to studio; this can be done through renters insurance.
In the first and second year studio spaces, 黑料社区s are responsible for bringing their own locks for securing the storage lockers assigned to them. It is the 黑料社区's responsibility to bring their own locks for securing storage lockers. It is also the 黑料社区’s responsibility to remove the locks and all of the contents from the lockers by the beginning of the second term, and by the last day of spring semester. Locks that are not removed will be cut off and the contents will be discarded.
The use of studio spaces by 黑料社区s not enrolled in a design studio during the current semester must be approved by the department and will be dependent on the availability of space. Students not enrolled in the University are not authorized to use department spaces or facilities.
There are a number of support spaces in the building that will be open for use during designated hours. These include:
- The shop (room 10)
- The CNC room (room 12)
- The plotters (room 206)
Hours when these spaces will be open will be posted outside the rooms each semester. In the event that special circumstances require access during other than designated hours, prior approval must be obtained from the faculty member in charge of that particular support space. Neither the office staff, nor the graduate 黑料社区 assigned to the space, nor other members of the faculty can authorize use of these spaces during non-designated hours. Unauthorized access to these support spaces will be considered unlawful entry and will be handled as such by the University authorities.
The computer lab is accessible on a 24 hours basis for 黑料社区s in the department, though these terminals may be reserved for times when classes are taught using the lab computers. Rules governing the use of the lab terminals and peripherals will be posted in the lab.
Lecture spaces in the building are scheduled both for architecture classes and in some cases for classes taught by other academic departments. The department has a weekly class schedule for these spaces. Use of these rooms at other times should be scheduled through the university scheduling system to insure there are no conflicts. Food and drinks are not allowed in these spaces.

Students are responsible for their assigned studio workspace and furniture. Studio furniture may not be disassembled or used in ways other than intended. Each 黑料社区 is also responsible for making sure that studio spaces and furniture are used in a manner that does not damage them in any way.
While temporary fastening devises may be used to clamp things like clip-on desk lamps to studio desks or workstations, they should be installed in a manner the does not scratch or damage the furniture. The use of permanent fastening devices, either screw type or adhesive, is strictly prohibited. Holes may not be drilled into or through the furniture for any purpose.
Pushpins or tacks can be used to pin items to the tackable surfaces that are a part of the studio furniture or that are installed on the walls of the studio spaces. Nails, screws or tape shall not be used for this purpose.
Cutting surfaces are provided in several of the studio spaces and are designated for this purpose. Cutting with utility knives on any other surface without protection is strictly forbidden.
While the studios are generally an appropriate place for building cardboard or illustration board models, any work that requires shop tools or that is likely to create sawdust, litter or excessive noise should be done in the shop. Projects are not to be constructed in public areas of the building (lobbies, circulation spaces). Utility sinks are provided in each of the studio spaces for cleaning paintbrushes, pens or for other messy activities that will naturally occur in studio. Bathroom sinks are not to be used for these purposes.