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Scholarship and Teaching Grants

The primary goals of the fund are to

  1. support research, exhibitions, performances and other types of scholarship by faculty and staff
  2. support innovative classroom teaching
  3. serve as an initial source of funding prior to application for external support
  4. foster collaboration and creativity among disciplines
  5. support projects that are innovative and have potential for publication, citation, or other external recognition.

General Guidelines

  • Proposers must be full time visiting, tenure track or tenured faculty, full time lecturers, or full time unclassified staff members within the College of Creative Arts.
  • Collaborative projects submitted by two or more faculty are encouraged. Grants typically range from $1,500 to $3,000. Proposals may receive full or partial funding based on merit and the availability of funds. Requests are to be in support of a single project, not multiple projects bundled together.
  • A CCA faculty or staff member may submit only one proposal per year, either alone or as a member of a collaborative group, for up to a maximum sum of $5,000. The review committee may consider the number and frequency of past awards for any given applicant in determining how grants will be allocated. Multiple year requests for the same or very similar projects will not be viewed favorably. It is expected that proposers will seek external funding for ongoing projects.
  • The fund may be utilized for research and creative work; professional development (e.g. seminars, visiting other campuses or artistic venues); innovative teaching/learning and community outreach projects; materials or costs related to publication, exhibition, performance or recording; and travel. Travel must be clearly critical to the project. It is assumed that more routine faculty travel will be covered by departmental travel budgets and that faculty will typically contribute some portion of these costs (grants are not intended to provide 100% travel funds). The fund will not be utilized for routine equipment purchases.
  • Funding can be awarded for projects, conferences, programs, etc. where the applicant's participation is subject to peer review, jury or other process that has not been finalized at time of application. However, if the applicant is not ultimately invited or chosen, then funding reverts back to the granting pool.
  • Scholarship and Teaching Grants should not duplicate funding opportunities that may be found elsewhere (*see list of potential university sources below). Proposals should cite other sources of funds sought for the project. If external funding is not available, an explanation should be provided in the proposal.
  • The project should be brought to a timely completion. The amount budgeted must be expended within 12 months of the date when notification of the award is made. Funds are to be spent on the designated project and any unspent funds are to be returned to the Dean's office. Exceptions to the above are only as pre-approved by the Dean's office.
  • A final report detailing the results of the proposal is required and is a prerequisite for any subsequent awards. Already completed projects are eligible for award; however the expectation is that proposals are submitted (and grants awarded) in advance of the project.

* University internal funding opportunities include, but are not limited to, those found in the following locations:

Advancement of Research & Scholarship

Office of International Education

Center for Teaching Excellence

Information Technology Services Student Tech Fee

Havighurst Center

Submission of Proposals

Two rounds of funding will occur each year. The deadlines are October 15 and March 15.

The application cover page must be submitted and include the signature of your department chair. Proposers should indicate the date and project title of any other recent proposals to any university or external sources.

The proposal narrative is limited to five double spaced pages. It must address the following areas:

  • An abstract of the proposal narrative, not to exceed one paragraph.
  • Project Description: outline the nature and goals of the project and explain how the project addresses the CCA Scholarship and Teaching Grant goals.
  • Plan: describe the methods, techniques, and activities you will utilize to accomplish the project.
  • Expected Outcomes: delineate the expected benefits and results, including anticipated publications, exhibitions, or performances. Support letters, contracts, invitations, etc. documenting potential external communication of results are encouraged.
  • Timeline: provide a brief outline of time plan for completing the project.
  • Budget: provide a detailed budget with documentation of projected expenditures. Proposers must justify budget requests. Requests for travel money should include the status of the proposer s department/unit travel expenditures (i.e. have departmental/unit travel funds been exhausted?). Quotes for travel and hotel must include current documentation. Per diem cost is not supported.
  • The proposer should indicate the viability of the project if partially funded.
  • Include a brief description of other proposals under consideration for this project or cite the results of an unsuccessful search for other funds.

Evaluation Criteria

The CCA Committee on Academic Excellence will review the proposals and recommend projects to the Dean for funding. The committee is guided by the following principles:

  • Members of the committee are not excluded from applying. However, a substitute should be selected to represent the member's home unit.
  • Proposals that do not adhere to the above guidelines will not be reviewed.
  • Proposals are judged on the degree to which the project meets the stated Scholarship and Teaching Grants goals.
  • Innovative projects bridging disciplinary lines, integrating artistic activities, and of artistic or scholarly experimentation and risk will be viewed more favorably.
  • The proposed outcome and scope of the potential benefit will be carefully considered.
  • Travel will be considered in the context of the full project and should be necessary for the completion of the project. Cost sharing from hosting institutions or other funding sources is encouraged.
  • Greater consideration will be given to proposers not funded recently or to projects without external funding possibilities.
  • All proposals are evaluated in the context of requests submitted. Consequently, worthwhile projects may not be approved because of limited funding and the mix of proposals in any given round.

Additionally, please cite the support of the College of Creative Arts in publications, CDs, exhibitions, and the like, for which funding was granted. Inclusion of a copy of any resulting publications, etc., when appropriate, is appreciated along with the final report.

If you have additional questions, please contact Julia Guichard, Professor and Acting Associate Dean, CPA 123, 513 529-1283 or guichajm@MiamiOH.edu

College of Creative Arts

The arts at 黑料社区 didn't evolve on a whim—they were challenged, inspired, modernized, and made more relevant by each new generation of artists. 黑料社区 to the College of Creative Arts, with degree programs that range from the classical to the contemporary.

Center for Performing Arts building exterior with large arched windows