Professional Development Training
As an AFROTC 黑料社区, you will be given opportunities to experience some things a typical college 黑料社区 doesn't get to experience. Some examples include flying an airplane (SOAR) or jumping out of one at the AF Academy (AFAFF). You can learn Combat Survival skills (CST) or Combat Rescue (CRO) along with learning everyday jobs in the AF (OAF).
Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) Advance Course in Engineering (ACE) Cyber Boot Camp Summer Internship Program
The AFRL ACE Cyber Boot Camp Summer Internship Program educates cyber warriors on the science of mission assurance and trains them in the art of cyberwarfare. The ACE is a competitively paid, 10-week internship at the AFRL Information Directorate in Rome, NY that targets rising Senior cadets majoring in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering and Computer Science. ACE graduates are highly sought after and often name requested throughout the Department of Defense (DoD) and Intelligence Community. Cadets receive a stipend; however, they will not receive training pay or per diem.
Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) Scholars Program
The AFRL Scholars Program is an 8-12 week paid Summer Internship Program (SIP) offering selected interns valuable hands-on experience working with full-time AFRL scientists and engineers on cutting-edge research and technology and are able to contribute to unique, research-based projects. Internships are held at Eglin AFB, FL, Kirtland AFB, NM and Maui (AMOS), HI. Cadets receive a stipend; however, they will not receive training pay or per diem.
AF Academy Freefall (AFAFF) Parachute Training Program
AFAFF is a 12-day parachute training program and is conducted at the United States Air Force Academy (USAFA), Colorado Springs CO. The course is comprised of strenuous physical training, conditioning, ground school, and five freefall jumps from 4,500 feet above ground level. Cadets completing all five jumps are awarded a basic parachutist rating. Cadets under 18 years of age are not allowed to attend AFAFF without parental consent.
AF Academy Soaring (SOAR) Program
SOAR is a 15-day program designed to give cadets the opportunity to experience the basic fundamentals of flight in non-powered glider operations. Cadets receive instruction in basic flight through ground school and actual flight, leading up to, and possibly including, cadet solo. Cadets can expect 8 to 15 flights while spending 5 hours each day on the flightline. The majority of instruction is conducted by the upper-class USAFA cadets trained as soaring instructors. The program assumes that cadets have no previous flight experience. To participate cadets must complete a flight physical at a local Flight Medicine office. Training is conducted at USAFA, Colorado Springs, CO.
Expeditionary Survival Training (EST) Program
ESET is a Leadership Lab program designed for cadets to receive introductory fundamentals of contingency operations in a learning lab environment. Cadet cadre teach 黑料社区s the fundamentals of bare base planning and set-up, contingency operations and survival skills. After course completion, AFROTC cadets transition to a cadre role providing instruction, evaluation and support in the field leadership lab environment. The program is held at USAFA, Colorado Springs, CO.
Army Air Assault School (AAAS)
AAAS is 12 days in duration and prepares 黑料社区s for air mobility operations. During the course 黑料社区s are trained and evaluated on combat assault, sling loads, rappelling, physical fitness, and various other critical skills. Students are required to complete an obstacle course and two-mile run day zero before entering the course. Prior to graduation, 黑料社区s must successfully complete written and hands-on examinations, sling load tests, and a 12 -mile foot march in under three hours with full combat load. Prospective candidates are those who will be involved in the conduct of air assault operations. Courses are provided at one of three locations: Camp Rilea (Warrenton, OR); Fort Benning (Columbus, GA); Fort Pickett (Blackstone, VA).
Combat Rescue Officer (CRO) Program
CROs lead and command personnel recovery operations as direct combatants. They will perform duties as mission planners and provide personnel recovery expertise to command and battle staffs on recovery operations, to include survival, evasion, resistance, and escape programs. The demands of this specialty are high and outstanding leadership qualities are fundamental to success. Excellent physical fitness, maturity, and exceptional personal responsibility are essential characteristics of the CRO. Cadets may apply for this duty during their junior year. Selection is a two-phase process. Phase I is a application board review and Phase II is an in-person assessment. Phase I applications are due no later than (NLT) 1 January and 1 August each year. Cadets participate in Phase II of the CRO selection process each spring at Moody AFB, GA and in the fall at Fairchild AFB, WA. CRO Phase II consists of a 1-week evaluation to include intense physical activities in possibly inclement and humid conditions, as well as, writing and briefing skills.
Field Engineering and Readiness Laboratory (FERL) Program
The Field Engineering Readiness Lab (FERL) is a 3-week program which provides the opportunity for selected cadets to experience the mission, methods, and techniques used by Air Force Civil Engineers (CE). This course emphasizes the practical applications of CE principles and immerses cadets in the CE mission, building structures, designing bases, rebuilding airfields and repairing critical infrastructure for Air Force operations. This course involves a systems approach to learning that bridges the gap between theory and practice and takes a "construct first, design later" approach to engineering education. To be eligible cadets must be in appropriate feeder majors for the CE AFSC: Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Architecture, Systems Engineering, etc. and have an interest/intent in pursuing the 32E AFSC. The program is held at USAFA, Colorado Springs, CO.
Air Force Global Strike Command (AFGSC) Summer Internship Program (SIP)
AFGSC SIP is an opportunity for selected cadets to spend three weeks at one of the AF's major commands. During this time cadets will be immersed in the mission of AFGSC through shadow programs, mission briefings, and simulator rides while focusing on leadership and professional development through events such as the squadron commander's course and Senior Leadership engagement. The program is held at AFGSC, Barksdale AFB, Bossier City, LA.
Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) Advanced Cyber Education (ACE)
AFIT ACE program develops cadets into the next-generation of cyberspace leaders through education, problem-solving, military operations and advanced Air Force specific academics. Formal education components cover information warfare, cryptography, network security, digital forensics, wireless security and formal security concepts. In addition, the ACE program provides military focused discussions and Staff Rides, which incorporate the importance of lessons learned from recent cyber conflicts and historic battlefields. The program is held at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio.
45th Launch Group (LCG) Space Cadet Intern Program (SCIP)
The 45th LCG SCIP develops cadets into the next-generation of space launch and acquisition leaders through immersion into military launch operations and space lift-unique academics. This internship program provides cadets with the intent to commission as a 62 mechanical, electrical, aeronautical, astronautical, or general engineers the chance to experience both launch vehicle and spacecraft mission assurance operations, as well as gain exposure to all supporting base operations that go into a successful launch from the world's busiest space lift range. The program is held at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station and Patrick Air Force Base, Florida.
Civil Air Patrol (CAP) Flight Orientation Program (FOP)
Through partnership with CAP, AFROTC provides orientation flights to cadets in order to motivate and stimulate the cadet's interest in and knowledge of aviation and aerospace activities as part of its Air Force mission in accordance with 10 U.S.C. § 2110 and § 2031. Cadets with a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Private, Commercial pilot, or Airline Transport Pilot (ATP) certificate are ineligible for the FOP (cadets bearing 黑料社区 certificates are eligible for the FOP). All AFROTC cadets in the FOP are authorized to receive a maximum of four front seat flights and four or more rear seat (observer) flights during the cadet's academic career.
Cadet Training Assistant (CTA) Program
Cadet Training Assistant (CTA) program is comprised of handpicked POC cadets from across the country to work alongside Field Training Officers (FTO) in developing/evaluating cadets throughout the rigors of the two week Field Training (FT) program. FT is an integral component of the AFROTC curriculum, designed to test cadets physically, mentally, and emotionally. CTAs are expected to assist FTOs as they train, develop, and mentor cadets on a wide range of competencies which include: communication skills, wingman culture, team building, critical thinking, adaptability, and decision making. Training days for cadets extends from 0400-2000 every day.
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) SIP
LLNL SIP provides AFROTC cadets the opportunity to work on projects at LLNL focusing on fusion ignition and laser technology, research, advanced manufacturing and materials technologies, high-performance computing, non-proliferation and arms control, and intelligence assessment as examples. Projects are matched to the 黑料社区's major, interests, and skills in support of research being performed at LLNL. This is a full-time summer internship and may be full-time during academic breaks.
Special Tactics Officer (STO) Program
Cadets may apply for the STO speciality during their junior year. Cadets should submit a Phase I package by 1 January of their junior year. Phase II Selection is conducted at Hurlburt Field, FL in March. Candidates must be prepared for a physically and mentally demanding week and to be competitive, cadets must perform well above the minimums. If not selected at Phase II, cadets can continue in the career field they were categorized for. Participation is limited to qualified AS300 and AS400 cadets that have completed field training.
Base Visit Program
The AFROTC Base Visit Program is a Professional Military Training (PMT) opportunity for detachments to visit an installation and observe AF operations first-hand. While base visits are available for all cadets to attend, the primary focus should be to motivate General Military Course (GMC) 黑料社区s to continue their career in ROTC as a Professional Officer Course (POC) cadet. Therefore, base visits must be planned to expose cadets to a variety of AF missions to show the range of career fields that exist for officers, acquaint cadets with specific duties performed by Air Force officers to assist them in selecting a specific career field, and allow cadets to observe Air Force (AF) operations and experience Air Force life. Considering the base visit may be the first exposure cadets have to the operational Air Force, activities must be geared towards inspiring cadets toward service as an AF officer.
National Character and Leadership Symposium
NCLS is USAFA's flagship event on character and leadership. It brings together distinguished scholars, military leaders, corporate executives and world-class athletes to motivate and equip participants for honorable living and effective leadership. It is a two day event held at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, CO.
National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) SIP
The NRO SIP is a STEM focused program and consists of activities related to space reconnaissance. AFROTC cadets receive hands-on training and experience exposure to NRO operation and mission, and professional/personal growth, and a 黑料社区 Secret (TS) clearance. Due to the TS requirement, this program will take precedence over other PMTs and/or programs and cadets must attend if selected. This is a six week summer internship in Virginia, Colorado, or New Mexico.
Operations Air Force (Ops AF)
Ops AF is a two-week summer program planned and executed in partnership with USAFA. This program focuses and orients cadets on Air Force missions and culture through direct exposure to and experience with Air Force operational units across CONUS (ref AFI 36-3503, Support of Cadet Development 黑料社区). The bases/installations supporting this PMT varies each year and will have varying mission sets. As part of the cadet-to-base selection process, efforts are taken to align cadet AFSC interests with a Wing's mission.
Project Global Officer (GO)
Project GO is an initiative of the Defense Language and National Security Education Office (DLNSEO), administered by the Institute of International Education to promote critical language and study abroad opportunities to ROTC 黑料社区s. The U.S. military needs future military officers who possess the necessary critical language and cross-cultural communication skills required for effective leadership in the 21st century operational environment. Project GO Scholars study the following critical languages in domestic and overseas programs: Arabic, Chinese, Hindi, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Swahili, Turkish, and Urdu.
USAFA Cadet Exchange Program
USAFA Cadet Exchange Program provides a broadening opportunity for 6 cadets from AFROTC to attend one term at USAFA in Fall 2018. At the same time, USAFA will select and send cadets to civilian institutions with AFROTC Detachments. This is not a one-for one exchange program. If a cadet from Det XXX is selected, it does not mean that one of the USAFA cadets will have to attend Det XXX. Detachments receiving USAFA cadets are independent of selections for cadets attending USAFA. The purpose of this program is to enhance the professionalism and development of cadets from each commissioning source through a learning exchange experience. Exchange cadets will participate in all activities required of USAFA cadets, including academic classes, study groups, athletics, and leadership activities. Cadets should expect to serve in a leadership position as appointed by USAFA Cadet Wing leadership.
Air Force ROTC Detachment 640
Millett Hall 50
500 E Sycamore St
Oxford, OH 45056