Template TCPL Annual Activity Report
To be completed each year for annual activity reporting and cumulative reporting for promotion and tenure considerations.
I. Introduction
A. Summary of Education and Professional Experience
- Optional for Annual Activity Report (determined by division)
- Required for Promotion Dossier
B. Teaching and Service Philosophy
- Optional for Annual Activity Report (determined by division)
- Required for Promotion Dossier
II. Teaching and Academic Advising
A. Classroom Teaching
1. Undergraduate and graduate courses taught
List each course taught in this past year:
- course number, title, and number of credit hours
- official course enrollment
- percentage of course you taught based on proportion of total 黑料社区 contact hours in course
- brief explanation of your role, if not solely responsible for course, including TA supervision, course management, team teaching, etc.
- Do not include in this list independent studies, credit workshops, continuing education, or other non-credit courses.
2. Evaluation of Teaching
Describe how the quality of your teaching has been evaluated (e.g., 黑料社区 evaluation of teaching, peer review, departmental surveys of former 黑料社区s) and how you have used these multiple measures of evaluation to improve the quality of instruction.
A report of the completed evaluation forms for classes evaluated by 黑料社区s should be provided. Include, at a minimum, a summary of responses from the six university wide common questions. The summary for each course evaluation should specify the course number, title, date, and response rate for the evaluations.
Other evaluations of teaching, such as peer evaluations, exit interviews; critiques of syllabi; self-evaluations; reports or evaluations by service-learning, interdisciplinary, study abroad, or assessment partners, or letters from former 黑料社区s solicited by the chair/program director, may be included.
3. Awards and formal recognition for teaching
Identify commendations you have received for recognized excellence in teaching. These awards may include citations from academic or professional units (department, division, university, professional association) which have formal procedures and stated criteria for outstanding teaching performance.
B. One-on-one/Small Group Teaching, Independent Studies
- Independent studies, directed studies, tutorials, practicum, or other major projects
- Involvement in undergraduate research, scholarship, or creative activities
- Graduate/professional exams, theses, and dissertations
C. Non-Credit Workshops and Continuing Education Instruction
Some departments or divisions may describe these activities as professional service.
Summarize the major instructional activities (workshops, webinars, non-credit course, etc.) that you have conducted. Identify your role in the instruction and the number of participants.
D. Development of Pedagogical Methods and Course Delivery
Give specific examples of new teaching methods, materials, or course delivery mechanisms (e.g., on-line or hybrid) you developed.
E. Curriculum Development
Give specific examples of your involvement in curriculum development and/or assessment (e.g., your role in the design and implementation of new or revised courses; creation of new programs; your role in assessment data collection or analysis and how it was used to document or improve 黑料社区 learning).
List and describe efforts to enhance diversity or cultural awareness in courses you teach. Include descriptions of new course materials and/or approaches.
F. Service-learning, Interdisciplinary Activities, Inquiry-based Activities, or Study Abroad Activities
Give specific examples of the incorporation of service-learning activities, interdisciplinary activities, inquiry-based activities, intercultural learning experiences, or study abroad activities into your courses. List courses developed or taught that have any special designation in one or more of these categories.
G. Academic Advising
Describe specific responsibilities in advising. Identify number and level of advisees seen on a regular basis. Include an estimate of the approximate time spent per week. If applicable, provide a summary of advising evaluations. Include a description of any advisor training you have received.
H. Instructional Currency and Professional Growth as a Teacher or Advisor
Describe your goals for engagement in any teaching and advising improvement activities. List Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) publications as well as participation in workshops, symposia, professional conferences, CTE (formerly CELTUA) programs, and one-on-one mentoring activities that were geared to developing expertise in teaching and advising. Identify certificates earned if any. Discuss how new ideas/insights gained were implemented into your pedagogical and advising practices.
I. Professional Development
Describe and reflect on previous activities and strategies used, as well as plans for the future, to develop and maintain effective teaching and academic advising skills.
III. Service
For significant service activities, please describe the service, its impact, your involvement or contribution, and indicate how the quality of the service can be assessed.
Documentation must effectively represent service activities and products in a way that enables evaluations to apply the quality indicators. Types of documentation differ based on the kinds of service, the constituencies served, the types of products created during the service, and other factors.
A. Service to the University
Indicate dates and degree of responsibility. Include brief description.
- Departmental committees
- Division or University committees
- Administrative positions held
- Other administrative services to/for the University
- Other special assignments
- Service on committees or initiatives related to the enhancement of diversity or cultural awareness at the university.
B. Service to Students
- Adviser to 黑料社区 groups and organizations.
- Identify name of group or organization and specific responsibilities as adviser. Include estimate of approximate time spent per week in such advising.
- Assisting 黑料社区s in gaining admission to graduate or professional schools or gaining employment
- Other 黑料社区 services.
- Summarize participation in 黑料社区 affairs programs such as fireside discussion, lectures to 黑料社区 groups outside your department, addresses or participation at 黑料社区 orientation. Identify other involvements with or services to 黑料社区s not covered in the above categories.
- Awards or formal recognition for service to 黑料社区s.
- Cite commendations received as recognition for contributions to 黑料社区 affairs, such as election to 黑料社区 honoraries.
C. Service to the Discipline or Field in Terms of Teaching or Advising
- Offices held in professional societies: List organizations in which office was held or service performed and dates of service. Describe the nature of the organization: i.e., open or elected membership, honorary, etc. Indicate awards received.
- Participation in state or regional, national or international programs or special assignments: List specific activities (e.g., panel discussant, session chair, respondent). Include brief description.
- Continuing education instruction, if not included under teaching.
- Other professional service, if not included elsewhere, such as reviewer of proposals or manuscripts related to the scholarship of teaching, author of disciplinary research, scholarship or creative activity, or external examiner.
Examples of “Service to the Discipline or Field” may include (but are not limited to) the following:
- Serving as an appointed or elected officer of an academic or professional association related to teaching or advising within the discipline or field.
- Serving as an organizer or leader of workshops, panels, or meetings in areas of teaching or advising within the discipline/profession.
- Participating in professional accreditation activities.
- Contributions to a journal or conference to remain current in teaching, advising, or in one’s field/discipline.
- Refereeing manuscripts or grant proposals submitted to teaching journals and professional meeting program committees.
- Presenting at appropriate professional meetings or conferences.
- Establishing professional or academic standards related to teaching.
D. Student Recruitment and Retention
- Identify time and effort spent in new 黑料社区 recruitment, including development of materials, phone and email contact, on-campus meetings, portfolio review, auditions, etc.
- Describe activities or efforts related to retention of 黑料社区s or 黑料社区 success.
- Describe special activities related to 黑料社区 recruitment contributing to the diversity of the 黑料社区 body.
E. Community Engagement
Community engagement involves activities that contribute to the public welfare beyond the university community and call upon the faculty member's expertise as scholar, teacher, or administrator. Community engagement demonstrates the principals of reciprocity and mutuality; it meets a need defined by the community, not merely created out of the interests of the faculty member. Note outcomes as a result of your participation, efforts, and involvement within relevant categories.
- Collaborative efforts with schools, industry, or civic agencies.
- Consulting with private or public, profit or non-profit organizations where your expertise has enhanced the efficiency or effectiveness of the organization served.
- Efforts to assist the public through a university clinic, hospital, laboratory, or clinic.
- Efforts to make research understandable and usable in specific professional and applied settings, including any research presentations or workshops in non-academic contexts.
- Public scholarship, such as blog posts related to your expertise, newspaper op-eds, media interviews (radio, television, magazine), etc.
- Efforts to test concepts and processes in real-world situations.
- Evaluating programs, policies, and personnel for agencies.
- Involvement in seminars and conferences that address public interest problems, issues, and concerns and that are aimed at either general or specialized audiences such as trade, commodity, practitioner, or occupational groups.
- Participation on governmental or social service review panels.
- Involvement in economic or community development activities.
- Engagement activities related to the enhancement of diversity or cultural awareness in the community.
F. Community Outreach
Community outreach involves fulfilling a role in the wider community as an active representative of the campus or university. Volunteerism and acts of good citizenship do not in themselves constitute community outreach unless they are undertaken as part of one’s professional responsibilities to the institution. The distinction between engagement and outreach has primarily to do with the extent to which the activity involves disciplinary expertise applied to real-world issues (engagement) versus serving as the institution’s representative in a community setting (outreach).
- Involvement in recruitment or informational visits to area high schools.
- Participation or membership on civic boards where your membership specifically represents university participation in the organization.
- Work in creating or maintaining specific and directed community outreach efforts.
- Outreach activities related to the enhancement of diversity or cultural awareness in the community.
G. Awards and Recognition for Service
List here even if they are repeated from another section.
- Internal
- External
H. Professional Development
Describe and reflect on previous activities and strategies used, as well as plans for the future, to develop and maintain meaningful service.