Mark Krekeler
- Ph.D. Transmission electron microscopy investigation of palygorskite-sepiolite, University of Illinois @ Chicago
My research interests are in explaining the variation of mineral properties in both natural and synthetic systems. My work is environmental in nature and has primarily focused on phyllosilicates, oxhyroxides, phosphates, metals and industrial minerals in sedimentary systems and geotechnologies. Current specific interests include mineralogical variation of shales in space and time, gold mineralization, rare earth element mineralization, constructed wetlands in the Yucatan for wastewater treatment and interaction of consumer products such as plastic and batteries with geoenvironmental processes. I work extensively with undergraduates and graduate 黑料社区s on numerous projects often involving transmission electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and bulk chemistry.
Possible thesis/dissertation topics
- Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) studies of natural and synthetic minerals.
- Environmental mineralogy of urban and disturbed landscapes including industrial settings, suburban settings, tourist settings and mine sites.
- Minerals as catalysts, adsorbents and use in removal of micropollutants from water.
- Environmental and applied investigations of unconventional shale reservoirs.
- Economic geology relating to gold and rare earth element resources.
- Consumer wastes in the environment.
Current/recent graduate 黑料社区 research
- Heather Barrett (M.S. 2013) Transmission electron microscopy study of defects in natural and synthetic cryptomelane.
- Michelle Burke (M.S. in progress) Electron microscopy studies of the gold-quartz interface.
- Joshua Silverstein (M.S. in progress) Investigations of placer gold deposits in Venezuela.
- Jennifer Miller (M.S. 2013) An electron microscopy and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy investigation of Great Miami River sediment pollution in the industrialized landscape of Hamilton, Ohio
- Lulu Jian (M.S. in Paper & Chemical Engineering, co-Advisor with Catherine Almquist) Catalytic performance and characterization of Zn-doped cryptomelane-type manganese oxide for ethanol oxidation.
- Cynthia Tselepis-Loertscher (M.S., 2011) Investigation of heterogeneous oxidation of manganese (II) and oxide formation on natural and synthetic goethite.
- LeGalley, E., Krekeler, M.P.S. (2013) A mineralogical and geochemical investigation of street sediment near a coal-fired power plant in Hamilton, Ohio: an example of complex pollution and cause for community health concerns. Environmental Pollution, Voo. 176, 26-35.
- LeGalley, E., Widom, E., Krekeler, M.P.S., Kuentz, D.C. (2013) Chemical and lead isotope constraints on sources of metal pollution in street sediment and lichens in southwest Ohio. Applied Geochemistry, Vol. 32, 195-203.
- Krekeler, M.P.S., Aldridge, D. (2012) Some perspectives on progress and problems regarding recycling and waste management by the non-profit organization Centro Ecologico Akumal in the Yucatan: Observation from Akumal Playa, Pueblo Akumal and surrounding regions. A glance at the world column - Journal of Waste Management, Vol 32, 2563-2564.
- Krekeler, M.P.S., Barrett, H.A., Davis, R., Burnette, C., Doran, T., Ferraro, A., Meyer A., (2012) An investigation of mass and brand diversity in a spent battery recycling collection with an emphasis on spent alkaline batteries: implications for waste management and future policy concerns. Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 203, 222-226.
- Schellenbach, W.L. and Krekeler, M.P.S. (2012) Mineralogical and geochemical investigations of pyrite-rich mine waste from a kyanite mine in central Virginia with comments on recycling. Environmental Earth Sciences, Vol. 66, 1295-1307.
- Barrett, H.A., Ferraro, A., Burnette, C., Meyer, A.L., Krekeler, M.P.S. (2012) An investigation of heavy metal content from disposable batteries on non-U.S. origin from Butler County, Ohio: an environmental assessment of a segment of a waste stream. Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 206, 414-420.
- Barrett. H.a., Borkiewicz, O., Krekeler, M.P.s. (2011) An investigation of zincite from spent anodic portions of alkaline batteries: an industrial mineral approach for evaluating stock material for recycling potential. Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 196, 508-513.
- Geise, G., LeGalley, E., Krekeler, M.P.S. (2011) Mineralogical and Geochemical Investigations for Silicate-rich Mine Waste from a Kyanite Mine in Central Virginia: Implications for Mine Waste Recycling. Environmental Earth Sciences, Vol. 62, 185-196.
- Allen, C.S., Krekeler, M.P.S. (2011 Crude oil, petroleum and water discrimination on terrestrial substrates with airborne imaging spectroscopy. Active and Passive Signatures II. Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering 7687: 7687OL DOI 10.1117/12.852200.
- Krekeler, M.P.S. and Emore, S. (2010) Counter weapon containment. US Patent, US 7,662,738 B2 (Final Issue Date: February 16, 2010).
- Krekeler, M.P.S., Elmore, S., and Tselepis, C.M. (2010 Radioactive materials sequestration. US Patent. 34 US 7,647,935 B2. (Final Issue Date January 19, 2010).
- Krekeler, M.P.S., Elmore, S., Tselepis, C.M. and Stoll, D. (2010) Secondary process for radioactive chloride deweaponization and storage. US Patent. US 7,663,014 B2. (Final Issue Date: May 25, 2010)
Teaching Interests
- GLG 111—The Dynamic Earth
- GLG 121—Environmental Geology
- GLG 311—Geoenvironmental Field Methods
- GLG 307—Water and Society
- GLG 710—Advanced Mineralogy