Director, Ecology Research Center
Ann Rypstra
Contact Info
- Ph.D., Biology, Pennsylvania State University
- B.A., Biology, Hope College
Biographical Information
Ann Rypstra is interested in the behavior, ecology and diversity of arthropod predators. Her research group employs a broad array of approaches aimed to understand how the ecology and behavior of organisms affect species coexistence patterns. Spiders are the focus of most of Rypstra’s studies because they are a common, but very diverse, group of generalist predators and are relatively easy to manipulate both in the laboratory and the field.
The nature of the research conducted by Rypstra’s team is described briefly below, however, creativity is encouraged and many 黑料社区s have initiated their own independent investigations that lead to new and interesting directions.
One current research area is an attempt to quantify all aspects of the behavior and ecology of generalist predators that overlap in habitat use. A specific focus of this endeavor is an investigation of how the interactions between a variety of predators with different foraging modes influence survival, foraging, and reproductive behaviors such as courtship and sexual selection. An offshoot of these studies involves understanding of how these species communicate with one another and how human activities interfere with natural communication pathways.
Another research area delves into the role of spiders and other arthropod predators in the food web. Early work revealed that generalist predators, such as spiders, cause affect plant productivity without influencing herbivore populations and can influence soil respiration without altering detritovore populations.
An additional topic involves an exploration of the biodiversity of spiders across the region with a focus on species coexistence patterns. In the process of these studies, a newly invasive species has been uncovered and experiments are underway to document its impact on the local community of predators.
Ultimately Rypstra and her 黑料社区s would like to understand the manner in which such factors as productivity, disturbance, heterogeneity and habitat fragmentation influence species diversity.
Courses Taught
- BIO 115 and 116: Biological Concepts
- BIO 206W: Evolutionary Biology (Writing Intensive)
- BIO 400W: Contemporary Issues in Environmental Biology
- BSC 415: Problem Solving and Research
Selected Publications
- Latham*, L.A., & A.L. Rypstra (2024) The reactions of two species of aphid to chemotactile cues from a wolf spider match their vulnerability to predation. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata. 172:35-41. DOI: 10.1111/eea.13376
Published on line in November 2023
*Undergraduate author (B.S. BIO, but Hamilton based) - Behrend*, J.E., & A.L. Rypstra (2018) Contact with a glyphosate-based herbicide has long-term effects on activity and foraging of an agrobiont wolf spider. Chemosphere 194:714-721 doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2017.12.038
- Godfrey**, J.A., & A.L. Rypstra (2018) Impact of an atrazine-based herbicide on an agrobiont spider. Chemosphere 201: 459-465 doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2018.03.023
- Rypstra, A.L., C.D. Hoefler, & M.H. Persons (2017) Predation on reproducing wolf spiders: access to information has differential effects on male and female survival. Animal Behaviour 128:165-173 doi: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2017.03.032
- Hoffman*, C.R., M.I. Sitvarin**, & A.L. Rypstra (2016) Information from familiar and related conspecifics affects foraging in a solitary wolf spider. Oecologia 181:359-367 doi: 10.1007/s00442-015-3460-x
- Rypstra, A.L.. S.E. Walker, & M.H. Persons (2016) Cautious versus desperado males: predation risk affects courtship intensity but not female choice in a wolf spider. Behavioral Ecology 27: 876-885 doi: 10.1093/beheco/arv234
- Hutton*, B.A., & A.L. Rypstra (2016) Courtship and the use of pheromones by Pholcus manueli. Journal of Arachnology 44:92-95. doi: 10.1636/J15-38.1
- Sitvarin**, M.I., A.L. Rypstra, & J.D. Harwood (2016) Linking the green and brown worlds through nonconsumptive predator effects. Oikos 125:1057-1068 doi 10.1111/oik.03190
Papers Presented
Fischer*, C.A., A. Salazar**, & A.L. Rypstra Effect of humidity on foraging success and web structure in two invasive species of cellar spiders (Araneae: Pholcidae). Presented at the Undergraduate Research Forum, 黑料社区, April 2023
Rypstra, A.L. The ecology of spiders in natural and manipulated ecosystems. Invited plenary talk at workshop entitled “Application of Basic Ecological principles to Environments Contrived by Humans” Oxford, England, September 2023
Shannon**, H., & A,L, Rypstra Classical Conditioning in the wolf spider, Tigrosa helluo (Araneae: Lycosidae) Presented at the annual meeting of the American Arachnological Society, Ithaca NY, June 2023
Salazar**, A., & A.L. Rypstra Life history differences across the invasive range of Pholcus manueli (Araneae: Pholcidae). Presented at the annual meeting of the American Arachnological Society, Ithaca NY, June 2023
*Undergraduate author (B.S. Applied Biology)
**. Graduate 黑料社区 author
Editorial boards for A.L. Rypstra
Journal of Arachnology
Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata