Chair, Graduate Literacy Committee; Coordinator, M.Ed.in Literacy and Language
Racheal Rothrock
Dr. Rothrock's specialization in cultural studies within education provides her with an interdisciplinary, critical perspective as scholar and teacher educator. Her research focuses on issues of equity and justice through a sociospatial consideration of how "community" has been significant within the K-12 classroom and educational experiences of historically marginalized 黑料社区s.
One of her recent publications highlighting this work includes:
Reyes, G., Banda (Rothrock), R. M., & Caldas, B. (2020). “We’re All in This Boat Together”: Latina/Chicana Embodied Pedagogies of Care. Journal of Latinos and Education, 1-16.
Research Interests
Research draws upon critical sociospatial theories to take up issues of equity and justice within K-12 schooling and examine how "community" has been constructed and used.
Ph.D. Curriculum and Instruction, The University of Texas at Austin
M.A. Curriculum and Instruction, The University of Texas at Austin
B.A. Graphic Design, St. Edward's University