Paul Reidy
Training and Degrees
Post-Doctoral Fellow: Drummond Laboratory, Dept. Physical Therapy and Athletic Training - University of Utah
PhD., Biomedical Science-Rehabilitation Science: Muscle Biology Laboratory, Dept. of Nutrition and Metabolism, University of Texas Medical Branch
MS., Exercise Physiology Human Performance Laboratory, Ball State University
BA., Exercise Science, Anderson University
Scholarly Interests
I have two areas of inquiry that revolve around the impact of physical activity on metabolism and skeletal muscle size and function. Also, I collaborate with several other faculty, some of whom (Kyle Timmerman, Ph.D., and Kevin Ballard, Ph.D., among others) I share wet lab space. Additionally, I collaborate with several faculty in the Center of Integrative Metabolism.
One of these areas is clinical research (research involving human subjects). With clinical research, I am using the model of step reduction (reduced activity) to examine how quickly the symptoms of diabetes (metabolic dysfunction) develop and how quickly they can recover following recovery (return to normal physical activity levels). I am especially interested in understanding how this happens in different populations (lean vs obese, men vs. women, healthy vs. pre-diabetic vs diabetic) and if immune cells are involved. Our KNH team has also examined how electric bikes could be used to improve glucose control. Additionally, I have an interest and history in examining protein sports nutrition specifically concerning the skeletal muscle stem cells in young and older adults. I also use animal research, typically involving mice, to address another question regarding physical inactivity. I use a rodent model of physical inactivity (or muscle disuse) called hindlimb unloading to examine extreme and stressful physical inactivity like bedrest and hospitalization to cause muscle atrophy (muscle size loss) and then to examine recovery on muscle size. I also use the mouse small mouse cage to test a more generalizable and less extreme form of physical inactivity. My particular interest is to examine how muscle disuse during early postnatal growth (a key period of childhood development) could impact muscle size and function during early and late adulthood.
Undergraduate and graduate 黑料社区s have been very active in all aspects of my research program. Students under my supervision have gained significant experience in laboratory techniques, study design, data acquisition, analysis, and presentation.
Service and Community Engagement
Faculty Advisor for the 黑料社区 Exercise is Medicine - On Campus Initiative.
Courses Taught
- KNH 101 Personal Nutrition
- KNH 188 Physical Activity and Health
- KNH 188H Physical Activity and Health - Honors Section
- KNH 102 Fundamentals of Nutrition
- KNH 409/509 Sport Nutrition
- KNH 468/568 Physiology of Exercise and Physical Activity
- KNH 621 Research Foundations in Kinesiology, Nutrition, and Health
What research experiences can 黑料社区s expect in my lab?
My research areas have some overlapping aspects that 黑料社区s CAN tap into.
Very few 黑料社区s will do ALL the below activities but rather have some exposure to a few of them.
- Clinical research: this will be starting in several months as I am in the process of receiving administrative approval and seeking more funding for this area of research
- Involves
- Clinical coordination (working with people)
- Documentation of paperwork
- Sample collection (blood draws)
- Sample analysis of muscle samples
- Data Analysis
- Data presentation
- Manuscript preparation
- Involves
- Animal research: banked samples and future rodent experiments
- Involves
- Sample collection (rodent dissections)
- Sample analysis of tissue samples (mostly muscle)
- Data Analysis
- Data presentation
- Manuscript preparation
- Involves
Very few 黑料社区s will do ALL the below activities but rather have some exposure to a few of them.
Laboratory work: Sample analysis of muscle samples
- Gene expression analysis
- Muscle processing
- Isolate RNA
- Make copyDNA (reverse transcription)
- Specific gene expression analysis with semi-quantitative Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
- Muscle processing
- Immunohistochemistry/immunofluorescence
- Muscle biopsy sample sectioning
- Staining
- Imaging of
- Image processing
- Image analysis
- Muscle biopsy sample sectioning
Recent Publications
I have a total of 54 peer-reviewed publications () since 2010, 22 of which are 1st author. Since the inception of my position at 黑料社区 in Fall 2019, I have contributed to the publication of 19 peer-reviewed scientific manuscripts, 7 abstracts, and 3 invited scientific presentations.
(†denotes work published/completed since hire date; *denotes Miami graduate 黑料社区 contributor; **denotes Miami undergraduate 黑料社区 contributor; #denotes equal contribution)
- † Roberts MD, McCarthy JJ, Hornberger TA, Phillips SM, Mackey AL, Nader GA, Boppart MD, Kavazis AN, Reidy PT, Ogasawara R, Libardi CA, Ugrinowitsch C, Booth FW, Esser KA. Mechanisms of mechanical overload-induced skeletal muscle hypertrophy: current understanding and future directions. Physiol Rev. 2023 Oct 1;103(4):2679-2757. doi: 10.1152/physrev.00039.2022. Epub 2023 Jun 29. Review. PubMed PMID: 37382939.
- †Reidy PT, Borack MS, Dickinson JM, Carroll CC, Burd NA, Drummond MJ, Fry CS, Lambert BS, Gundermann DM, Glynn EL, Markofski MM, Timmerman KL, Moro T, Volpi E, Trappe S, Trappe TA, Harber MP, Rasmussen BB. Postabsorptive muscle protein synthesis is higher in outpatients as compared to inpatients. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2023 Aug 1;325(2):E113-E118. doi: 10.1152/ajpendo.00144.2023. Epub 2023 Jun 14. PubMed PMID: 37315157; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC10393319.
- †Alessio, HM, Timmerman, KL., Ballard, K, Reidy, PT., Bagg, A**., Montoye, AHK. Health and Environmental Benefits of Riding an Electric Bicycle. ACSM's Health and Fitness Journal
- †Ferrara PJ, Reidy PT (co-first author), Petrocelli JJ, Yee EM, Fix DK, Mahmassani ZS, Montgomery JA, McKenzie AI, de Hart NMMP, Drummond MJ. Global deletion of CCL2 has adverse impacts on recovery of skeletal muscle fiber size and function and is muscle specific. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2023 Apr 1;134(4):923-932. doi: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00444.2022. Epub 2023 Mar 2. PMID: 36861669; PMCID: PMC10069960.
- †Reidy PT, Smith AD*, Jevnikar BE**, Kachulkin A**, Williams, R**, Perlman E**, Schmidt R**, Doctor A**, Monnig J**, Mahmassani ZS, Fix D, McKenzie AI, Petrocelli JJ, de Hart NM, Drummond MJ. Muscle disuse as hindlimb unloading in early postnatal mice negatively impacts grip strength in adult mice: A pilot study. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2023 Apr 1;134(4):787-798. doi: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00681.2022. Epub 2023 Feb 9. PMID: 36759163; PMCID: PMC10042595.
- †Doctor AK**, Monnig JM**, Kerr CN*, Bagg AM**, Pickering CE**, Reidy PT. Role of ingested amino acids/protein in the promotion of resistance exercise-training adaptations in aging: analysis of meta-analyses. Nutrition and Healthy Aging Preprint: 1–17, 2022. doi: 10.3233/NHA-220183
- †Ferrara PJ, Yee EM, Petrocelli JJ, Fix DK, Hauser CT, de Hart NMMP, Mahmassani ZS, Reidy PT, O'Connell RM, Drummond MJ. Macrophage immunomodulation accelerates skeletal muscle functional recovery in aged mice following disuse atrophy. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2022 Sep 1. doi: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00374.2022. PMID: 36049060
- †Petrocelli, J. J., Mahmassani, Z. S., Fix, D. K., Montgomery, J. A., Reidy, P. T., McKenzie, A. I., . Drummond, M. J. (2021). Metformin and leucine increase satellite cells and collagen remodeling during disuse and recovery in aged muscle. Faseb j, 35(9), e21862. doi:10.1096/fj.202100883R [2019 IF: 4.966; QR: 1 (Medicine Misc); QR: 1 (Biochemistry); AR: 19%; Contribution: 5%; Citations: 0].
- †Graber TG, Borack MS, Dickinson JM, Fry CS, Reidy PT, Markofski MM, Deer RR, Jennings K, Volpi E, Rasmussen BB. (2021) Effect of the Lysosomotropic Agent Chloroquine on mTORC1 Activation and Protein Synthesis in Human Skeletal Muscle. Nutr Metab (Lond), 18(1), 61. doi:10.1186/s12986-021-00585-w [2021 IF: 3.932; QR: 2 (Medicine Misc); QR: 2 (Nutrition and Dietetics); AR: 19%; Contribution: 20%; Citations: 1].
- †de Hart, N., Mahmassani, Z. S., Reidy, P. T., Kelley, J. J., McKenzie, A. I., Petrocelli, J. J., . . . Drummond, M. J. (2021). Acute Effects of Cheddar Cheese Consumption on Circulating Amino Acids and Human Skeletal Muscle. Nutrients, 13(2). doi:10.3390/nu13020614 [2021 IF: 5.719; QR: 1 (Food Science); QR: 1 (Nutrition and Dietetics); AR: 53%; Contribution: 10%; Citations: 1].
- †Mahmassani, Z. S., McKenzie, A. I., Petrocelli, J. J., de Hart, N. M., Reidy, PT., Fix, D. K., . . . Drummond, M. J. (2021). Short-term metformin ingestion by healthy older adults improves myoblast function. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol, 320(4), C566-c576. doi:10.1152/ajpcell.00469.2020 PubMed PMID: 33406027. [2020 IF: 4.249; QR: 1 (Physiology); QR: 2 (Cell Biology); AR: 19%; Contribution: 15%; Citations: 1].
- †Reidy PT, **Monnig JM, **Pickering CE, Funai K, Drummond MJ. Modeling Physical Inactivity-Induced Muscle Insulin Resistance in Rodents: Challenges and Solutions. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2020 Dec 24;. doi: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00954.2020. PubMed PMID: 33356986 [2020 IF: 3.531; QR: 1 (Medicine Misc); QR: 2 (Physiology); AR: ; Contribution: 50%; Citations: 4].
- †Reidy PT, Edvalson LT, McKenzie AI, Petrocelli JJ, Mahmassani ZS, Drummond MJ. A combined neuromuscular electrical stimulation and protein countermeasure during bed rest induced skeletal muscle macrophages but did not correspond to muscle size or insulin sensitivity. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. 2020 Nov;45(11):1261-1269. doi: 10.1139/apnm-2020-0064. PubMed PMID: 32470312. [2020 IF: 3.455; QR: 1 (Sports Science); QR: 1 (Nutrition and Dietetics); AR: 19%; Contribution: 15%; Citations: 0].
- †Reidy PT, Mahmassani ZS, McKenzie AI, Petrocelli JJ, Summer SA, Drummond MJ. Influence of exercise training on skeletal muscle insulin resistance in aging: spotlight on muscle ceramides. Int J Mol Sci. 2020 Feb 22;21(4). pii: E1514. doi: 10.3390/ijms21041514. Review. PMID: 32098447 2020 PMID: 32098447 [2020 IF: 4.183; QR: 1 (Medicine); QR: 2 (Molecular Biology); AR: not available yet; Contribution: 70%; Citations: 5]Petrocelli JJ, McKenzie AI, Mahmassani ZS,
- †Reidy PT, Stoddard GJ, Poss AM, Holland WL, Summers SA, Drummond MJ. Ceramide Biomarkers Predictive of Cardiovascular Disease Risk Increase in Healthy Older Adults After Bed Rest. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2020 Sep 16;75(9):1663-1670. doi: 10.1093/gerona/glaa072. PubMed PMID: 32215553; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC7494040. 2020 PMID: 32215553 [2020 IF: 4.711; QR: 1 (Aging); QR: 1 (Geriatrics and Gerontology); AR: not available yet%; Contribution: 20%; Citations: 3].
- †McKenzie AI, Reidy PT, Nelson DS, Mulvey J, Yonemura N, Petrocelli JJ, Mahmassani ZS, Tippetts T, Summers SA, Funai K, and Drummond MJ. Pharmacological inhibition of TLR4 ameliorates muscle and liver ceramide content after disuse in physically active mice. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2020 Mar 1;318(3):R503-R511. doi: 10.1152/ajpregu.00330.2019. Epub 2020 Jan 29.PMID: 31994900 [2018/2019 IF: 2.991; QR: 1 (Physiology, Physiology (medical)); AR: 31%; Contribution: 20%; Citations: 2].
- †Mahmassani ZM, Reidy PT, McKenzie AI, Petrocelli JJ, Matthews O, de Hart NM, Ferrara PJ, O’Connell R, Funai K, Drummond MJ. Absence of MyD88 from skeletal muscle protects female mice from inactivity-induced adiposity and insulin resistance. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2020 Apr;28(4):772-782. doi: 10.1002/oby.22759. Epub 2020 Feb 28. PMID: 32108446 [2018/2019 IF: 3.969; QR: 1 (Physiology, Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, Nutrition and Dietetics, Medicine-Misc) AR: 19.8%; Contribution: 20%; Citations: 1].
- †Reidy PT. Muscle or Nothing! Where Is the Excess Protein Going in Men with High Protein Intakes Engaged in Strength Training? Journal of Nutrition. 2020 Jan 3. (Accepted Dec 4th 2019) [2018/2019 IF: 4.443; QR: 1 (Nutrition and Dietetics); QR: 1 (Medicine-Misc); AR: N/A – Invited Commentary; Contribution: 100%; Citations: 1].
- †Reidy PT, Dupont-Versteegden EE, Drummond MJ. Macrophage Regulation of Muscle Regrowth From Disuse in Aging. Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews. 2019 Oct;47(4):246-250. doi: 10.1249 PMID: 31525165 2019 PMID: 31525165 [2019 IF: 4.739; QR: 1 (Sports Science); QR: 1 (Physiology); The editor-in-chief screens all recruited and unsolicited proposals to ensure that the potential manuscript will meet the aim of the journal. If a proposal is accepted, the associate editors work with authors to bring the best possible manuscript forward. Due to these early checks, the manuscript acceptance rate is close to 95%.; Contribution: 80%; Citations: 3].
- Markofski MM, Jennings K, Timmerman KL, Dickinson JM, Fry CS, Borack MS, Reidy PT, Deer RR, Randolph A, Rasmussen BB, Volpi E. Effect of Aerobic Exercise Training and Essential Amino Acid Supplementation for 24 Weeks on Physical Function, Body Composition, and Muscle Metabolism in Healthy, Independent Older Adults: A Randomized Clinical Trial. The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences. 2019 Sep 15;74(10):1598-1604. doi: 10.1093/gerona/gly109. PMID: 29750251.[ 2019 IF: 4.711; QR: 1 (Aging); QR: 1 (Geriatrics and Gerontology); AR: 38%; Contribution: 20%; Citations: 14].
- Heden TD, Johnson JM, Ferrara PJ, Eshima H, Verkerke ARP, Wentzler EJ, Siripoksup P, Narowski TM, Coleman CB, Lin CT, Ryan TE, Reidy PT, de Castro Brás LE, Karner CM, Burant CF, Maschek JA, Cox JE, Mashek DG, Kardon G, Boudina S, Zeczycki TN, Rutter J, Shaikh SR, Vance JE, Drummond MJ, Neufer PD, Funai K. Mitochondrial PE potentiates respiratory enzymes to amplify skeletal muscle aerobic capacity. Science Advances. 2019 Sep 11;5(9):eaax8352. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aax8352. eCollection 2019 Sep. PMID: 31535029 [2019 IF: 12.80; QR: 1 (Medicine); QR: 1 (Multidisciplinary); AR: N/A “We do not make our journal acceptance rates publicly available, but I can say that our accept rates are highly selective “; Contribution: 5%; Citations: 12].
- Reidy PT, McKenzie AI, Mahmassani ZS, Petrocelli JJ, Nelson DB, Lindsay CC, Gardner JE, Morrow VR, Keefe AC, Huffaker TB, Stoddard GJ, Kardon G, O'Connell RM, Drummond MJ. Aging impairs mouse skeletal muscle macrophage polarization and muscle-specific abundance during recovery from disuse. The American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2019 Apr 9. doi: 10.1152/ajpendo.00422.2018. PMID: 30964703 [2019 IF: 3.782; QR: 1 (Physiology, Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism); AR: 21%; Contribution: 75%; Citations: 14].
- Reidy PT, Yonemura NM, Madsen JH, McKenzie AI, Mahmassani ZS, Rondina MT, Lin UK, Kaput K, Drummond MJ. An accumulation of muscle macrophages is accompanied by altered insulin sensitivity after reduced-activity and recovery in older adults. Acta Physiology (Oxford, England). 2019 Jan 10:e13251. doi: 10.1111/apha.13251. PMID: 30632274. [2019 IF: 5.868; QR: 1 (Physiology); AR: 20%; Contribution: 60%; Citations: 16].
- Mahmassani ZS, Reidy PT, McKenzie AI, Stubben C, Howard MT, Drummond MJ. Disuse-induced insulin resistance susceptibility coincides with a dysregulated skeletal muscle metabolic transcriptome. Journal of Applied Physiology (1985). 2019 Feb 14. doi: 10.1152/japplphysiol.01093.2018. PMID: 30763167. 2019 PMID: 30605403. [2019 IF: 2.948; QR: 2 (Sports Science, Physiology); AR: NA; Contribution: 25%; Citations: 5].
- Mahmassani ZS, Reidy PT, McKenzie AI, Stubben C, Howard MT, Drummond MJ. Age-dependent skeletal muscle transcriptome response to bed rest-induced atrophy. Journal of Applied Physiology (1985). 2019 Apr 1;126(4):894-902. doi: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00811.2018. PMID: 30605403. [2019 IF: 2.948; QR: 2 (Sports Science, Physiology); AR: NA; Contribution: 25%; Citations: 9].
- Reidy PT, McKenzie AI, Mahmassani ZS, Morrow VR, Yonemura N, Hopkins PN, Marcus RL, Rondina MT, Lin UK, and Drummond MJ. Skeletal muscle ceramides and relationship to insulin sensitivity after two weeks of simulated sedentary behavior and recovery in healthy older adults. Journal of Physiology. 2018 Nov;596(21):5217-5236. doi: 10.1113/JP276798. PMID: 30194727. [2018 IF: 4.040; QR: 1 (Physiology); AR: 25%; Contribution: 60%; Citations: 17].
- Reidy PT, Lindsay CC, McKenzie AI, Fry CS, Supiano MA, Marcus RL, LaStayo PC, Drummond MJ. Aging-related effects of bed rest followed by eccentric exercise rehabilitation on skeletal muscle macrophages and insulin sensitivity. Experimental Gerontology. 2017 Jul 10. pii: S0531-5565(17)30263-2. doi: 10.1016/j.exger.2017.07.001. PMID: 28705613 2017 PMID: 28705613 [2017 IF: 3.469; QR: 2 (Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Aging); AR Not Given- “I wish to inform you that I check the Guide of authors and there is no information to disclose about the timeline of submission to the final result of acceptance / rejection of paper.”; Contribution: 60%; Citations: 25].
- Drummond MJ, Reidy PT, Baird LM, Dalley BK, Howard MT. Leucine Differentially Regulates Gene-Specific Translation in Mouse Skeletal Muscle. Journal of Nutrition. 2017 Jun 14. pii: jn251181. doi: 10.3945/jn.117.251181. PMID: 28615380 [2017 IF: 4.398; QR: 1 (Nutrition and Dietetics); QR: 1 (Medicine-Misc); AR: 20.6%; Contribution: 30%; Citations: 7].
- Reidy PT, McKenzie AI, Brunker P, Nelson DS, Barrows KM, Supiano M, LaStayo PC, Drummond MJ. Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation Combined with Protein Ingestion Preserves Thigh Muscle Mass But Not Muscle Function in Healthy Older Adults During 5 Days of Bed Rest. Rejuvenation Research. 2017 Jun 19. doi: 10.1089/rej.2017.1942. PMID: 28482746 [2017 IF: 3.110; QR: 3 (Aging); QR: 2 (Geriatrics and Gerontology); AR: unknown; Contribution: 60%; Citations: 25].
- Reidy PT, Fry CS, Igbinigie S, Deer RR, Jennings K, Cope MB, Mukherjea R, Volpi E, Rasmussen BB. Protein Supplementation Does Not Affect Myogenic Adaptations to Resistance Training. Medicine Science Sports and Exercise. 2017 Jun;49(6):1197-1208. doi: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000001224. PMID: 28346813 2017 PMID: 28346813 [2017 IF: 4.291; QR: 1 (Sports Science, Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation, Orthopedics and Sports Medicine); AR: 23%; Contribution: 70%; Citations: 30].
- Reidy PT, Fry CS, Dickinson JM, Drummond MJ, Rasmussen BB. Postexercise essential amino acid supplementation amplifies skeletal muscle satellite cell proliferation in older men 24 hours postexercise. Physiological Reports. 2017 Jun;5(11). pii: e13269. doi: 10.14814/phy2.13269. PMID: 28596299 [2017 IF: ~2; QR: 2 (Physiology); AR: 60%; Contribution: 70%; Citations: 11].
- Graber TG, Borack MS, Reidy PT, Volpi E, Rasmussen BB. Essential amino acid ingestion alters expression of genes associated with amino acid sensing, transport, and mTORC1 regulation in human skeletal muscle. Nutr Metab (Lond). 2017 May 11;14:35. doi: 10.1186/s12986-017-0187-1. eCollection 2017. Erratum in: Nutrition and Metabolism (Lond). 2017 Jun 14;14 :39. PMID: 28503190 [2017 IF: 2.974; QR: 1 (Nutrition and Dietetics); QR: 1 (Medicine (misc); AR: 27%; Contribution: 30%; Citations: 15].
- Reidy PT, Borack MS, Markofski MM, Dickinson JM, Fry CS, Deer RR, Volpi E, Rasmussen BB. Post-absorptive muscle protein turnover affects resistance training hypertrophy. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2017 May;117(5):853-866. doi: 10.1007/s00421-017-3566-4. PMID: 28280974 [2017 IF: 2.401; QR: 1 (Sports Science); AR: 25.1%; Contribution: 70%; Citations: 25].
- Dickinson JM, Reidy PT, Gundermann DM, Borack MS, Walker DK, D'Lugos AC, Volpi E, Rasmussen BB. The impact of postexercise essential amino acid ingestion on the ubiquitin proteasome and autophagosomal-lysosomal systems in skeletal muscle of older men. Journal of Applied Physiology (1985). 2017 Mar 1;122(3):620-630. doi: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00632.2016. PMID: 27586837 [2017 IF: 3.163; QR: 1 (Sports Science); AR: NA; Contribution: 60%; Citations: 21]
- Borack MS, Reidy PT, Husaini SH, Markofski MM, Deer RR, Richison AB, Lambert BS, Cope MB, Mukherjea R, Jennings K, Volpi E, Rasmussen BB. Soy-Dairy Protein Blend or Whey Protein Isolate Ingestion Induces Similar Postexercise Muscle Mechanistic Target of Rapamycin Complex 1 Signaling and Protein Synthesis Responses in Older Men. Journal of Nutrition. 2016 Dec;146(12):2468-2475. PMID: 27798330 [2016 IF: 4.14; QR: 1 (Nutrition and Dietetics); QR: 1 (Medicine-Misc); AR: 23.9%; Contribution: 30%; Citations: 31].
- Reidy PT, Borack MS, Markofski MM, Dickinson JM, Deer RR, Husaini SH, Walker DK, Igbinigie S, Robertson SM, Cope MB, Mukherjea R, Hall-Porter JM, Jennings K, Volpi E, Rasmussen BB. Protein Supplementation Has Minimal Effects on Muscle Adaptations during Resistance Exercise Training in Young Men: A Double-Blind Randomized Clinical Trial. J Nutr. 2016 Sep;146(9):1660-9. doi: 10.3945/jn.116.231803. Epub 2016 Jul 27. PubMed PMID: 27466602; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4997282. [2016 IF: 4.14; QR: 1 (Nutrition and Dietetics); QR: 1 (Medicine-Misc); AR: 23.9%; Contribution: 60%; Citations: 38].
- Fry CS, Porter C, Sidossis LS, Nieten C, Reidy PT, Hundeshagen G, Mlcak R, Rasmussen BB, Lee JO, Suman OE, Herndon DN, Finnerty CC. Satellite cell activation and apoptosis in skeletal muscle from severely burned children. Journal of Applied Physiology (1985). 2016 Sep 15;594(18):5223-36. doi: 10.1113/JP272520. PMID: 27350317 [2016 IF: 3.435; QR: 1 (Sports Science, Physiology); AR: NA; Contribution: 60%; Citations: 29].
- Ogunbileje JO, Porter C, Herndon DN, Chao T, Abdelrahman DR, Papadimitriou A, Chondronikola M, Zimmers TA, Reidy PT, Rasmussen BB, and Sidossis LS. Hypermetabolism and hypercatabolism of skeletal muscle accompany mitochondrial stress following severe burn trauma. The American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2016 311: E436-448. PMID: 27382037. [2016 IF: 4.267; QR: 1 (Physiology, Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism); AR: 21%; Contribution: 10%; Citations: 25].
- Porter C, Hurren NM, Cotter MV, Bhattarai N, Reidy PT, Dillon EL, Durham WJ, Tuvdendorj D, Sheffield-Moore M, Volpi E, Sidossis LS, Rasmussen BB, Børsheim E. Mitochondrial respiratory capacity and coupling control decline with age in human skeletal muscle. The American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2015 Aug 1;309:E224-32. PMID: 26037248. [2015 IF: 4.284; QR: 1 (Physiology, Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism); AR: 21%; Contribution: 10%; Citations: 75].
- Porter C, Herndon DN, Chondronikola M, Chao T, Annamalai P, Bhattarai N, Saraf MK, Capek KD, Reidy PT, Daquinag AC, Kolonin MG, Rasmussen BB, Borsheim E, Toliver-Kinsky T, Sidossis LS. Human and Mouse Brown Adipose Tissue Mitochondria Have Comparable UCP1 Function. Cell Metabolism. 2016 Aug 9;24(2):246-55. PMID: 27508873. [2016 IF: 18.164; QR: 1 (Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Physiology); AR: <10% (“While we don’t keep an official acceptance rate, it is somewhere <10%.”); Contribution: 5%; Citations: 70].
- Markofski MM, Dickinson JM, Drummond MJ, Fry CS, Fujita S, Gundermann DM, Glynn EL, Jennings K, Paddon-Jones D, Reidy PT, Sheffield-Moore M, Timmerman KL, Rasmussen BB, and Volpi E. Effect of age on basal muscle protein synthesis and mTORC1 signaling in a large cohort of young and older men and women. Experimental Gerontology. 2015 May;65:1-7. doi: 10.1016/j.exger.2015.02.015. PMID: 25735236. [2015 IF: 3.896; QR: 2 (Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Aging); AR: Not Given- “I wish to inform you that I check the Guide of authors and there is no information to disclose about the timeline of submission to the final result of acceptance / rejection of paper.”. Contribution: 15%; Citations: 92].
- Reidy PT, Rasmussen BB. Role of Ingested Amino Acids and Protein in the Promotion of Resistance Exercise-Induced Muscle Protein Anabolism. Journal of Nutrition. 2016 Feb;146(2):155-83. doi: 10.3945/jn.114.203208. Epub 2016 Jan 13. Review. PubMed PMID: 26764320; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4725426. [2016 IF: 4.14; QR: 1 (Nutrition and Dietetics); QR: 1 (Medicine-Misc); AR: 23.9%; Contribution: 70%; Citations: 114].
- Porter C, Herndon DN, Børsheim E, Bhattarai N, Chao T, Reidy PT, Rasmussen BB, Andersen CR, Suman OE, Sidossis LS. Long-Term Skeletal Muscle Mitochondrial Dysfunction is Associated with Hypermetabolism in Severely Burned Children. Journal of Burn Care Research. 2016 Jan-Feb;37(1):53-63. doi: 10.1097/BCR.0000000000000308. PubMed PMID: 26361327; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4691377. 25539479 [2016 IF: 1.402; QR: 1 (Surgery, Rehabilitation, Emergency Medicine); AR: 21%; Contribution: 10%; Citations: 35].
- Porter C, Reidy PT, Bhattarai N, Sidossis LS, Rasmussen BB. Resistance Exercise Training Alters Mitochondrial Function in Human Skeletal Muscle. Medicine Science Sports and Exercise. 2015 Sep;47(9):1922-31. PMID: 25539479 2015 PMID: 25539479 [2015 IF: 4.041; QR: 1 (Sports Science, Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation, Orthopedics and Sports Medicine); AR: 20%; Contribution: 50%; Citations: 110].
- Porter C, Herndon D, Børsheim E, Chao T, Reidy P, Borack M, Rasmussen B, Chondronikola M, Saraf M, Sidossis L. Uncoupled skeletal muscle mitochondria contribute to hypermetabolism in severely burned adults. The American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2014 2014 Sep 1;307(5):E462-7. PMID: 25074988. [2014 IF: 4.397; QR: 1 (Physiology, Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism); AR: 21%; Contribution: 5%; Citations: 47].
- Dickinson JM, Gundermann DM, Walker DK, Reidy PT, Borack MS, Drummond MJ, Arora M, Volpi E, Rasmussen BB. Leucine-enriched amino acid ingestion after resistance exercise prolongs myofibrillar protein synthesis and amino acid transporter expression in older men. Journal of Nutrition. 2014 Nov;144(11):1694-702. PMID: 25332468. [2014 IF: 3.88; QR: 1 (Nutrition and Dietetics); QR: 1 (Medicine-Misc); AR: 24.9%; Contribution: 25%; Citations: 95].
- Gundermann DM, Walker DK, Reidy PT, Borack MS, Dickinson JM, Volpi E, Rasmussen BB. Activation of mTORC1 signaling and protein synthesis in human muscle following blood flow restriction exercise is inhibited by rapamycin. The American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2014 May 15;306(10):E1198-204. PMID: 24691032. [2013 IF: 4.576; QR: 1 (Physiology, Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism); AR: 21%; Contribution: 25%; Citations: 92].
- Reidy PT, Walker DK, Dickinson JM, Gundermann DM, Drummond MJ, Timmerman KL, Cope MB, Mukherjea R, Jennings K, Volpi E, Rasmussen BB. Soy-dairy protein blend and whey protein ingestion after resistance exercise increases amino acid transport and transporter expression in human skeletal muscle. Journal of Applied Physiology (1985). 2014 Jun 1;116(11):1353-64. PMID: 24699854. [2014 IF: 3.279; QR: 1 (Sports Science, Physiology); AR: NA; Contribution: 60%; Citations: 75].
- Reidy PT, Konopka AR, Hinkley JM, Undem MK, and Harber MP. The Effect of Feeding During Recovery From Aerobic Exercise on Skeletal Muscle Intracellular Signaling. The International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism. 2014 Feb;24(1):70-8. doi: 10.1123/I PMID: 23980254. [2014 IF: 2.442; QR: 2 (Sports Science); AR: 30%; Contribution: 60%; Citations: 13].
- †Reidy PT, Hinkley J, Trappe T, Trappe S, Harber, MP. Protein Composition of Endurance Trained Human Skeletal Muscle. International Journal of Sports Medicine. 2014 Jun;35(6):476-81. PMID: 24234010. [2014 IF: 2.065; QR: 1 (Sports Science); AR: 27%; Contribution: 70%; Citations: 8].
- Reidy PT, Walker DK, Dickinson JM, Timmerman KL, Drummond MJ, Fry CS, Gundermann DM, Rasmussen BB. Protein Blend Ingestion Following Resistance Exercise Promotes Human Muscle Protein Synthesis. Journal of Nutrition. 2013 Apr;143(4):410-6. PMID: 23343671. [2013 IF: 4.22; QR: 1 (Nutrition and Dietetics); QR: 1 (Medicine-Misc); AR: 24.5%; Contribution: 60%; Citations: 170].
- Drummond MJ, Dickinson JM, Fry SC, Walker DK, Gundermann DM, Reidy PT, Timmerman KL, Markofski MM, Paddon-Jones D, Rasmussen BB, Volpi E. Bed rest impairs skeletal muscle mTORC1 signaling, amino acid transporter expression and protein synthesis in response to essential amino acid ingestion in older adults. The American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2012 May;302(9):E1113-22. PMID: 22338078. [2012 IF: 5.188; QR: 1 (Physiology, Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism); AR: 21%; Contribution: 10%; Citations: 185].
- Walker DK, Dickinson JM, Timmerman KL, Drummond MJ, Reidy PT, Fry CS, Gundermann DM, Rasmussen BB. Exercise, Amino Acids and Aging in the Control of Human Muscle Protein Synthesis. Medicine Science Sports and Exercise. 2011 Dec;43(12):2249-58. PMID: 21606874 [2011 IF: 4.431; QR: 1 (Sports Science, Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation, Orthopedics and Sports Medicine); AR: 24%; Contribution: 10%; Citations: 164].
- Mazzetti S, Wolff C,,, Douglass M, Cochran M, Douglass M. Effect of maximal and slow versus recreational muscle contractions on energy expenditure in trained and untrained men. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness. 2011 Sep;51(3):381-92. PMID: 21904276 [2011 IF: 1.085; QR: 3 (Sports Science) QR: 2 (Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation, Orthopedics and Sports Medicine); AR: NA; Contribution: 20%; Citations: 6].
- Harber MP, Konopka AR, Jemiolo B, Trappe SW, Trappe TA, and Reidy PT. Muscle Protein Synthesis and Gene Expression During Recovery From Aerobic Exercise in the Fasted and Fed States. American journal of physiology. Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology. 2010 Nov;299(5):R1254-62. PMID: 20720176 2010 PMID: 20720176 [2010 IF: 3.321; QR: 1 (Physiology, Physiology (medical)); AR: unknown; Contribution: 60%; Citations: 129].
Book Chapters
Marcus R, Reidy P, LaStayo P. Impaired Muscle Performance in Older Adults. p. 365-78. In: Guccione's Geriatric Physical Therapy 4th Edition, 4th edition. 2020. Avers, D. & Wong, R.A. (Eds.). Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Recent Grants
- †PI: The longitudinal effect of physical inactivity on immune health. Spring 2023 黑料社区 Faculty Research Grants Program. $34,483. (Funded).
- Mentor to 5 黑料社区s who submitted URA proposal: Effects of Access to an Assistive Transportation Device (Scooter) on Measures of Physical Activity, Blood Flow and Metabolic Health. (Spring 2023) 黑料社区 Undergraduate Research Committee. $1000 (Funded).
- †PI: External grant proposal development for examination of the impact of physical inactivity and recovery from physical inactivity of metabolic and vascular function with emphasis on age and health status. (Fall 2022 for Summer 2023) College of Education, Health, & Society Summer External Grant Proposal Development Awards. $6,000 (Funded).
- PI: Effect of assistive transportation device use on acute measures of health: Impact of weight and habitual physical activity level. (November 2022). College of Education, Health, & Society Research Seed Grant. $4,930 (Funded)
- †Co-PI: Does variation in metabolic rate drive change in atrophy rate? 黑料社区 Cornerstone Grant Program - Advanced Research Teams $87,5700 (Unfunded).
- †PI: Effect of level of early life physical inactivity on muscle and metabolic health during development. College of Education, Health, & Society Summer Research Award. $6,000 (Funded). (Summer 2022).
- PI: Efficacy Of Alternative Protein-Based Diets To Attenuate Physical Inactivity-Accelerated Adiposity, Insulin Resistance, And Inflammation. US Department of Agriculture (USDA) – June 2022 $299,992 – not funded
- †CO-PI: “Look Ma! No Hands and No Atrophy!” Can Hands-Free Crutch Use Reduce Negative Muscle, Metabolic and Rehabilitation Outcomes Found Using the Traditional Axillary Crutch? iWalk Corporation. $174,240. Jan 2022 – Rejected.
- PI: Influence of Early Life Physical Inactivity During a Key Period of Postnatal Development on Adult Muscle and Metabolic Health National Institutes of Health Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. 1R15HD109704-01 $404,612. Oct 2021 – (Not Reviewed)
- PI: Efficacy of Alternative Protein-Based Diets to Attenuate Physical Inactivity-Accelerated Adiposity, Insulin Resistance, and Inflammation. US Department of Agriculture (USDA) – June 2021 $335,938 – not funded
- †CO-PI: “Look Ma! No Hands and No Atrophy!” Can Hands-Free Crutch Use Reduce Negative Muscle, Metabolic and Rehabilitation Outcomes Found Using the Traditional Axillary Crutch? iWalk Corporation. $55,110. Jan 2021 – Not funded.
- †CO-PI: “An Examination of Energy Expenditure, Perceived Exertion, and Ability to Perform ADLS Between Normal Walking, Hands-Free Crutching, and Axillary Crutching”. iWalk Corporation. $4,500. Jan 2021 - Funded