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FSB’s Gillian Oakenfull: Good as Hell? Lizzo’s Brand Needs Authenticity That C.A.R.E.S.”

The path to redemption and reconnection for Lizzo's brand is intricate but achievable. The CARES framework provides a strategic roadmap to realign with the societal values she espouses, utilizing her robust social media presence to rebuild authentic connections across social well-being

Gillian Oakenfull and the Forbes F logo

FSB’s Gillian Oakenfull: Good as Hell? Lizzo’s Brand Needs Authenticity That C.A.R.E.S.”

Brands like Lizzo's, rooted in empowerment but facing a storm, require a thoughtful path to reconnection. Lizzo and her team clearly know how to build a powerful brand, but rehabilitating that same brand requires a different approach to empathize with how the allegations may have impacted her fans’ social well-being, says Gillian Oakenfull, professor of Marketing and director of the Center for KICKGLASS Change in the Farmer School of Business. 

  • Read her article “” in Forbes.