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Contactor Safety Practices

In order to safeguard our properties, employees, 黑料社区s, and the general public, 黑料社区 requires that certain safe and environmentally compliant practices be followed in addition to the ones required by law or contractual obligation. For contractors and/or subcontractors who perform work for us, Miami has developed rules and guidelines that specify our minimum safety and environmental requirements. These rules and guidelines are intended to complement applicable Federal, State, or local regulations and do not replace them.

It is the responsibility of contractors to

  • Ensure that all their employees & subcontractors have the required training & Equipment to perform the project in a safe and environmentally responsible manner.
  • Ensure that all their employees & subcontractors understand and abide by all institution specific rules and guidelines.
  • Correct/address safety, health and environmental issues promptly.
  • Participate in incident/accident investigations.

Emergency Equipment Access

  • No contractor shall obstruct or block access to emergency equipment, such as eyewash stations, safety showers, defibrillators, fire extinguishers and pull stations, etc.
  • No contractor shall obstruct, disable or remove emergency equipment without prior permission of the MU Project Manager.

Emergency Vehicle Access Plan

  • Access routes for ambulances and firefighting equipment shall be maintained.
  • A key for locked fences or gates that surround the work site shall be provided to the Oxford Fire Department.

Emergency Contacts

  • In the event of an emergency, call 911
  • Contractors shall furnish after- hour telephone numbers where they can be reached in the event of fires, chemical leaks, and other problems occurring after normal work hours. Telephone numbers should be provided to the MU Project Manager and 黑料社区 Police Department (MUPD).

Non-Emergency Contacts

  • Oxford Campus
  • MUPD 513-529-2222
  • Oxford City Police, 513-523-4321
  • Physical Facilities Department (PFD) Operations Center, 513-529-6111
  • Environmental Health & Safety Offices (EHSO), 513-529-2829
  • Hamilton Campus
  • Hamilton Police and Butler Co. Sheriff, 513-785-1300
  • Campus Security, 513-785-3222
  • Middletown Campus
  • Middletown Police, 513-425-7700
  • Campus Security, 513-727-3333
  • Voice of America Learning Center
  • West Chester Police, 513-777-2231
  • Campus Security, 513-895-8862 day; 513-330-1530 evening

 Equipment Use

  • Contractors shall be responsible for bringing their own equipment including aerial work platforms, boom lifts, scissors-type lifts, and forklifts unless it is specifically permitted in writing by the MU Project manager.

Environmental Protection

  • Contractor shall remove any/all chemicals and materials used to perform their work.
  • Hazardous waste/debris generated or created by the contractor shall NOT be disposed of in University dumpsters (this includes mercury containing switches, transformers, etc.).
  • Contractor shall store all chemicals under lock and key.
  • Secondary containment, or a spill cleanup kit, shall be provided to eliminate/mitigate the risk of a chemical spill.
  • Spill Response.
  • Material shall be present on-site to allow cleanup of a chemical if a spill occurs.
  • Contact the MU Project Manager and MU EHSO if a spill occurs.
  • Plumbing traps and drain lines in current or past science laboratories and science classrooms may contain mercury. Removal of plumbing in these areas shall be performed with caution. Notify MU EHSO before removing plumbing in these areas.

Fire Alarms and Fire Safety Procedures

  • Fire alarm specifications shall be reviewed by Planning & Construction.
  • Contractors shall provide their own fire extinguisher. If a MU fire extinguisher is used to extinguish a fire, it shall NOT remain in service. The extinguisher shall be taken out of service and replaced by PFD’s Operations Center with a fully charged extinguisher.
  • No contractor shall remain in the building when a fire alarm sounds. All occupants shall immediately evacuate using the nearest exit and remain outside until MUPD or the Oxford Fire Department gives their authorization to re-enter the building. The only exception is during building fire alarm testing when an alarm technician announces testing of the system before the alarm sounds.
  • Contractors who create dust and smoke, or those that will come into direct contact with fire detection or fire suppression systems are to coordinate with PFD’s Operations Center before conducting work to assure that our systems are protected and alarms are disabled (in limited areas) and properly re-enabled when the project is complete.
  • If you have reason to believe the alarm sounded accidently, notify MUPD and give them details of the event. At a minimum, MUPD Police will respond to assure the scene is safe.
  • Fire alarms are NOT to be silenced or re-set until MUPD Police, PFD’s Operations Center, or Oxford Fire Department personnel are on-site and give their authorization.

Occupational Safety and Health Standards

  • Contractors will follow all applicable local, State, and Federal environmental, health, and safety standards. The following is a list of specific requirements for some of these standard:


Applicable standard: 29 CFR 1910.147.

  • MU personnel and outside contractors will inform one another of their lockout/tagout procedures. MU must ensure that their employees understand and comply with the restrictions and prohibitions of the outside contractor’s Lockout/Tagout Program.


Applicable standards: 29 CFR 1926.1101 - Asbestos in Construction; 29 CFR 1910.1001 - Asbestos in General Industry; U.S. EPA NESHAPS (Subpart M) 40 CFRPart 61

  • Asbestos survey reports are located with MU EHSO, Planning and Construction, and PFD’s Operations Center. MU EHSO is available to help interpret or field questions in regards to these surveys.
  • Asbestos-containing materials can only be removed by Ohio Environmental Protection Agency licensed asbestos abatement contractors (this includes when asbestos containing floor tile comes up with pulled carpet). Contractors who do not have this license will avoid disturbing asbestos-containing materials. If asbestos-containing materials are disturbed, contractors will cease activities in that work area and immediately notify MU’s Project Manager. Work in the affected area can resume only after the work area has been rendered non-hazardous by persons who are licensed to make that determination.

Hazard Communication

Applicable standard: 29 CFR 1910.1200

  • If a contractor will be producing, storing, or using hazardous chemicals in such a way that MU employees, visitors, or 黑料社区s could be exposed, the contractor shall make available to the MU Project Manager the following upon request:
  • A copy of the contractor’s written Hazard Communication program;
  • Copies of applicable Safety Data Sheets (SDS’s);
  • Information on any precautionary measures that need to be taken to protect individuals; and
  • Information on the labeling system to be used
  • It is the responsibility of the MU Project Manager to ensure this information is shared with the affected parties.
  • Contractors shall ensure all chemical containers are properly labeled.

Confined Space

Applicable standard: 29 CFR 1910.146

  • MU’s Project Manager will inform the contractor(s) of the following in regards to permit-required confined spaces:
  • The locations of these spaces in the workplace where the contractor will be working;
  • The hazards identified and MU’s experience with spaces; and
  • Any precautions or procedures that MU has implemented for the protection of employees in or near permit spaces where contractor personnel will be working.
  • The contractor will debrief MU’s Project Manager at the conclusion of entry operations to inform of any hazards that were confronted or created in any confined space. Any information shared on permit spaces shall be documented on the contractor’s confined space permit and a copy shall be submitted to MU EHSO. Any information shared on non-permit spaces shall be emailed to EHSO.
  • If contractor personnel will be working in permit spaces with MU employees, both parties will work together to develop procedures that will protect everyone involved.


Applicable standards: 29 CFR 1926.62 - Lead Exposure in Construction; 29 CFR 1910.1025 - Lead Exposure in General Industry; 29 CFR 1910.1200 - Hazard Communication; 29 CFR 1910.134 - Respiratory Protection.

  • MU assumes that painted surfaces in their facilities may contain some quantity of Lead (Pb). Contractors are responsible for an initial exposure assessment of construction activities that represent the highest exposures to airborne Lead. The contractor will notify and give written results to MU EHSO and the MU Project Manager.

Hot Work

Applicable standards: 29 CFR 1910.252 - Welding, Cutting, and Brazing; NFPA 51 B - Fire Prevention During Welding, Cutting, and Other Hot Work.

  • OSHA and NFPA standards require MU to advise all contractors about flammable materials or hazardous conditions of which they may not be aware.

Smoking and tobacco products

  • The University is a smoke-free and tobacco-free environment indoors and outdoors. The Contractor shall acquaint itself with and follow the University’s established policy, which can be viewed at www.miamioh.edu/about-miami/pubs-policies/smoke-free-policy//. The Contractor shall enforce these restrictions on any individual employed by the Contractor, or the Contractor’s Subcontractors.

Pedestrian Safety

  • Construction areas shall be barricaded or blocked off to prevent pedestrians from traveling near hazardous areas.
  • Use backup warning signals, signs, movable barricades, and/or attendants when operating vehicles and heavy equipment in pedestrian areas.
  • Use special care to protect pedestrians when moving materials overhead.

Physical Facilities

101 South Fisher Drive
Oxford, Ohio 45056