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Amity Noltemeyer Receives Prestigious Clyde V. Bartlett Distinguished Service Award

Amity Noltemeyer Receiving Clyde V. Bartlett Distinguished Service Award
Excellence and Expertise • Research and Innovation

Amity Noltemeyer Receives Prestigious Clyde V. Bartlett Distinguished Service Award

We are pleased to announce that Amity Noltemeyer, Associate Dean of the Graduate School and Professor of School Psychology, has been awarded the Clyde V. Bartlett Distinguished Service Award. The recognition took place at the Fall 2023 Ohio School Psychologists Association (OSPA) Conference.

The Clyde V. Bartlett Distinguished Service Award is a commendation reserved for exceptional service and achievement in the field of school psychology. Amity's selection is a testament to her substantial contributions to the profession's growth and development, as well as her outstanding service to the community in the realm of mental health. The award criteria encompass notable contributions to professional advancement, exceptional community service in mental health, and the embodiment of qualities deemed valuable in the profession.

Please join us in acknowledging Amity Noltemeyer for this well-earned honor. Her commitment to excellence and significant impact on the field of school psychology make her a deserving recipient of the Clyde V. Bartlett Distinguished Service Award. Congratulations, Amity.