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General Chemistry and ChatGPT

Why oil and water do not mix is a commonly held misconception. The scientifically accurate explanation is, unfortunately, unpopular on the internet. Because ChatGPT pulls its content from the internet, I expected to see scientific inaccuracies in its answers. The outputs met my expectations; however, they may sound quite convincing to a novice. Yikes. Goal of Assignment: Students generate and iterate questions about topics with a high prevalence of misconceptions. Core question: Why don't oil and water mix? Student directions: Create a line in a table for each ChatGPT inquiry. Your table headings should be (1) question/prompt; (2) ChatGPT output; (3) your critique of the output; (4) insights you gained about the chemistry concepts. Our goal for discussion will be to generate a scientifically accurate explanation of why oil and water don't mix; be prepared to participate.

Here are some recent articles from the Journal of Chemical Education. Please note that these are not reports on chemistry education research; however, they may be helpful for thinking about using ChatGPT in your teaching.

Exintaris, B., Karunaratne, N. and Yuriev, E. . J. Chem. Educ. 2023, ASAP.

Clark, T. M. . J. Chem. Educ. 2023, 100, 5, 1905–1916.

Fergus, S., Botha, M. and Ostovar, M. J. Chem. Educ. 2023, 100, 4, 1672–1675.

Humphry, T. and Fuller, A. L. . J. Chem. Educ. 2023, 100, 4, 1434–1

Center for Teaching Excellence

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551 E. High Street
Oxford, OH 45056