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Global and Intercultural Studies • Statistics • GRAMELAC

Alice Ross '28

Alice Ross
Global and Intercultural Studies • Statistics • GRAMELAC

Alice Ross '28

  • Hometown: Cupertino, CA
  • Class: 2028
  • Major(s):  Data Analytics; East Asian Languages and Cultures; International Studies
  • Minor(s): Political Science
  • Other Activities, Honors, and Awards:
    • Honors College
    • Club Broomball
    • Model UN
    • Model Arab League
    • College Democrats
    • Hoyt & Goldie Patrick Prize Recipient for excellence in International Studies
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Come in with an open mind and a positive attitude, and be ready for anything. Life in college, especially during the first few weeks, is really chaotic. You have to learn when to be flexible and when to assert yourself.
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Alice Ross, Advice to Prospective Students

Why Miami?

Miami offers a lot of study abroad programs, as well as good International Studies program. They were also willing to take all of my AP credits so I could take more majors.

How did you choose your major?

I was cautiously interested in International Studies from the beginning. I took the intro class and loved it. I also discovered that my International Studies major had a lot of overlap with East Asian Language and Cultures, so I added that major because I really liked the Chinese classes I was taking. I'm still deciding on whether to add Data Analytics, but I'm liking the classes, so I might go through with it!

Key Moment at Miami

Prof. Dilchoda Berdieva from the Department of Global and Intercultural Studies, my ITS 201 professor, really helped me get exposed to all the cool academic extracurriculars on campus, including five or six really interesting guest lectures that she recommended to me. She's also the one who recommended me for the CAS Ambassador program.

Another Miami Moment

I did a study abroad program in Luxembourg during J-term in Winter 2025. It was really amazing to visit a country I'd never been to, and I got a lot better at dealing with unknown situations and adapting on the fly. My friends and I also applied to create a Student Created Community so that we can all live together during sophomore year. I organized it and I learned a lot about communication and human resource organization.

Other Notable Experience

Join an intramural sports team. Miami has a whole lot of sports you can just pick up and play. Whether it's by getting your friends together to make a team or becoming a free agent, it's a fantastic way to meet new people, get moving, and take a break from your busy academic schedule. This is especially true for girls. A lot of the leagues are co-ed, and many teams need more girls in order to play.

Advice to Prospective Students

Come in with an open mind and a positive attitude, and be ready for anything. Life in college, especially during the first few weeks, is really chaotic. You have to learn when to be flexible and when to assert yourself. Your new independence brings a lot of responsibility, but it's also really freeing.

What are your career goals?  

I haven't decided what I want to do yet, but I definitely want to find a career in the international community. Whether that's government, and international NGO, or international business, I'm not sure. I'm also considering law school to study international and human rights law.