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Global and Intercultural Studies • Philosophy

Sabrina Costello '26

Sabrina Costello '26
Global and Intercultural Studies • Philosophy

Sabrina Costello '26

  • Class: 2026
  • Majors: International Studies, Philosophy
  • Minor: Women and Gender Studies
  • Other Activities:
    • Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority Incorporated
    • Humanities Club
    • Miami Choraliers
    • Scholar Leaders LLC
    • Philosophy Department Research Assistant
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....you can do a lot of good here...We have the ability to make our voices heard, and you will find a community of people to help.
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Sabrina Costello, Advice for Prospective Students

Why Miami?

A large part of it was marketing. I wanted a school within 5 hours of my home and I wanted a mid-size school that had no religious affiliation so right off the bat that narrowed my options, but the Miami marketing was strong. Miami checked the initial boxes and when I came to tour I had a really good tour guide who highlighted the CSDI and made a point to note the progress Miami was making so I assumed I was going to enter into a wildly different environment than I did.

How did you choose your major?

I came in as a philosophy major because I have always loved big questions and trying to get at the root of why we understand things the way we do. I just got lucky that I liked philosophy as much as I do because I had never taken a course on it prior to coming here. I recently declared my international studies major because I have a huge interest in global histories and individual cultures, and when I envision a future career I envision doing something on a global scale - something like the United Nations.

Key Moment at Miami

One of the most memorable and important experiences came from my very first week at school in my very first philosophy class. On the 3rd day of class I spoke to my professor- Dr.Facundo Alonso - about my interest in the subject and expressed what I had read on my own and he invited me to take his 300 level class. He took a chance that I wouldn't just fail and I was determined not to let him down. I was scared because I was new but I took the class and then took a 400 with him the semester after, and now I am a first semester sophomore doing independent research with him as my advisor. He not only helped me solidify my interest in the subject but he bolstered my confidence because of he believed in my intellect and my ability.

Other Notable Experience

I am a member of Sigma Lambda Gamma sorority incorporated which is one of 4 multicultural greek orgs on campus. We are not the traditional sorority in that we don't rush, we are only 6 members as opposed to 200, and our goals are social justice and cultural awareness. I feel like I have learned so much about who I am from being in my sorority and I don't think I would've had this experience at any other school. We do really good advocacy work that I feel the school really needs, and I get to learn so much about my sister's cultures and backgrounds. It has really made my Miami experience. It is a lot of work to run such a small chapter but it is worth it.

Advice to Prospective Students

I would tell them that they can find community no matter who they are but to not be delusioned like I would say I was. If you are queer or a person of color you will find a lot of struggle here. On the other side of that coin however, you can do a lot of good here and make Miami into the place you wish it was. We have the ability to make our voices heard, and you will find a community of people to help you.

What are your career goals?  

I notice a lot of problems in the world and whatever I do I want to do something important. I want to be satisfied with my life when I am old and I look back at what I have done, and the only way I can do that is if I work to make the world better.