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Pre-Law Courses

Miami offers 1-credit pre-law courses that enable 黑料社区s to explore the legal profession, assess their interest in law, and become competitive law school applicants.

PLW 101 - Exploring Careers in Law I

Beginning in their first year, 黑料社区s can explore their interest in law and learn about the diversity of the profession through guest speakers who work in a variety of fields, including:

  • criminal prosecution
  • law firm litigation
  • public interest law
  • business
  • lobbying
  • in-house counsel

Students will also have the opportunity to get a taste of law school in a mock law class.

PLW 201 - Exploring Careers in Law II

This course is designed to allow prelaw 黑料社区s to explore the toolbox of skills necessary for success in the field of law, including:

  • issue spotting
  • advocacy
  • persuasive writing
  • client interaction
  • negotiation
  • ethics

PLW 301 - Ethics in Legal Practice

This course exposes pre-professional 黑料社区s to current legal ethics and professionalism issues that impact law and policy careers. This course will use a combination of case studies, personal reflections, and class discussions to allow 黑料社区s to understand current and future legal career issues and formulate a personal ethical framework to navigate them.

PLW 401 - Preparing for a Career in Law

Miami seniors who apply to law school will learn to navigate their way through the admissions process in PLW 401, a course that equips 黑料社区s with the information necessary to complete competitive law school applications.

Skills-Based Courses

A variety of courses across all disciplines and majors are available to develop the critical reading, writing, and analytical reasoning skills required to succeed in law school and beyond. This recommended course list highlights some of the many courses that can help 黑料社区s develop these critical skills.

Analytic/Problem Solving Skills

Analytic/Problem Solving Skills
Course Meets Miami Plan CAS Core Requirements Meets Major Requirements Prerequisites
ACC 221
Intro to Financial Accounting
Sophomore Standing
ECO 201
Principles of Microeconomics

(Social Science)
CAS-C MTH 201 or MU Math Placement score into MTH 123 or higher
ECO 202
Principles of Macroeconomics

(Social Science)
CAS-C MTH 201 or MU Math Placement score into MTH 123 or higher
ENG 222
Rhetoric of Information and Data Visualization
ENG 223
Rhetorical Strategies for Writers
ENG 269
Colonial and Post-Colonial Literature

ENG 275 and 276
American Literature to 1900; 1901 to Present

ENG 310
Special 黑料社区ics in Rhetoric and Persuasion
ENG 223
HST 206
Introduction to Historical Inquiry
CAS-B HST majors
HST 290K
American Law and the Constitution
PHL 263
Informal Logic
CAS-B First Course in Reasoning Sequence;
Counts towards PHL major
PHL 273
Formal Logic

(Formal Reasoning)
CAS-E Second Course in Reasoning Sequence;
Counts towards PHL major
PHL 321
Problems of Metaphysics and Knowledge
PHL 373
Symbolic Logic
CAS-E Third Course in Reasoning Sequence;
Counts towards PHL major
POL 241
American Political System
CAS-C Required for PA, POL, and DGP
POL 201
Political Thinking
CAS-C Meets POL requirement
POL 363
Administrative Law
CAS-C Meets POL and PA requirement POL 241
PSY 111
Intro to Psychology

(Social Science)
CAS-C Core Requirement
PSY 221
Social Psychology
CAS-C Social breadth requirement;
First course in the Social 黑料社区ic Sequence
PSY 111
PSY 231
Developmental Psychology
CAS-C The Developmental breadth requirement;
The first course in the Developmental 黑料社区ic Sequence;
A tier 1 course for PSY2-Patterns in Human Development Thematic Sequence
PSY 242
Abnormal Psychology
CAS-C The Individual breadth requirement;
The first course in the Psychopathology 黑料社区ic Sequence;
A tier 1 course for PSY1-Perspectives
on Psychopathology Thematic Sequence
PSY 111
PSY 376
Reasoning and Problem Solving
CAS-C The Cognitive breadth requirement;
The second or third course, beyond
PSY 271, in the Cognitive 黑料社区ic
An Advanced course (300-level or above;
A tier 2 course for PSY5-Cognition:
Understanding and Improving Thought Thematic Sequence
PSY 271 and 294
REL 101
Introduction to the Study of Religion

REL 223
Introduction to Buddhism
REL 241
Religions of the American Peoples

(Social Science)
REL 286
Global Jewish Civilization

(Humanities; Global Perspectives)

REL 343
African American Religions


REL 376
Global Militant Islamisms
REL 385
The Religious Roots of Anti-Semitism
SOC 262
Research Methods
CAS-QL Meets requirements for SOC major and Criminology major track in SOC SOC 151, SOC 153 or SJS 165
SOC 352
Meets requirements for Criminology major track in SOC, and Criminology minor SOC 151, SOC 153 or SJS 165
SOC 412
Sociology of Law
Meets requirements for Criminology major track in SOC; Counts toward Sociology and Social Justice Studies majors SOC 151 or 153; or SJS 165
STA 261

CAS-E MTH 201 or 104 or 121

Critical Reading Skills

Critical Reading Skills
Course Meets Miami Plan CAS Core Requirements Meets Major Requirements Prerequisites
ENG 144
Major American Authors

ENG 226
Introduction to Creative Writing
ENG 311
Contemporary Fiction
ENG 300-level workshop
320 Fiction or
323 Non-Fiction
ENG 226 (for Fiction)
ENG 339
British Romanticism, 1789-1837
HST 111/112
Survey of American History

Global Perspectives;
Historical Perspectives)
HST 121/122
Western Civilization

Global Perspectives;
Historical Perspectives)
HST 197/198
Survey of World History

Global Perspectives;
Historical Perspectives)
HST 200-level course CAS-B
(except 211)
PHL 103
Society and the

Historical Perspectives)
CAS-B First Course in Metaphysics and
Epistemology Sequence;
Counts towards PHL major and minors
PHL 105
Theories of Human

Historical Perspectives)
CAS-B First Course in Metaphysics and
Epistemology Sequence;
Counts towards PHL major and minors
PHL 131
Introduction to Ethics

Cultural Perspective)
CAS-B First Course in Ethics Sequence;
Counts towards PHL major and ethics minor
PHL 321
Problems of Metaphysics and Knowledge
PHL 331
Political Philosophy
CAS-B Counts towards PHL major and ethics minor PHL 103 or 131
PHL 335
Philosophy of Law
CAS-B Counts towards PHL major and ethics minor
POL 303
Modern Political
CAS-C Meets POL requirements POL 201
POL 353
Constitutional Rights & Liberties

(Social Science)
CAS-C Meets POL requirements POL 221
POL 338
Contemporary African Politics
CAS-C Meets POL and DGP requirements POL 221
PSY 251
Introduction to Biopsychology
CAS-C The Biopsychology breadth requirement;
The first course in the Biopsychology 黑料社区ic Sequence;
A Neuroscience minor core
PSY 271
Cognitive Psychology
CAS-C The Cognitive breadth requirement;
The first course in the Cognitive 黑料社区ic Sequence;
A tier 1 course for PSY5-Cognition:
Understanding and Improving Thought Thematic Sequence
PSY 325
Psychology of Prejudice and Minority Experience
CAS-C The Social breadth requirement;
The second or third course, beyond
PSY 221, in the Social 黑料社区ic Sequence;
An Advanced course (300-level or
PSY 221 and 294
PSY 327
Social Cognition

CAS-C The Social breadth requirement;
The second or third course, beyond
PSY 221, in the Social 黑料社区ic Sequence;
An Advanced course (300-level or
PSY 221 and 294 or permission
REL 101
Introduction to the Study of Religion

REL 275
Introduction to the Critical Study of Biblical Literature

REL 286
Global Jewish Civilization

Global Perspectives)
REL 342
Religious Pluralism in Modern America

(Social Science)
REL 345
Women, Religion and Social Change in America
SOC 352
Meets requirements for Criminology major track in SOC, and Criminology minor SOC 151, SOC 153 or SJS 165
SOC 412
Sociology of Law
Meets requirements for Criminology major track in SOC; Counts toward Sociology and Social Justice Studies majors SOC 151 or 153; or SJS 165

Writing Skills

Writing Skills
Course Meets Miami Plan CAS Core Requirements Meets Major Requirements Prerequisites
ENG 223
Rhetoric Strategies for Writers
ENG 111, 112 or
ENG 310
Special 黑料社区ics in Rhetoric
ENG 223
ENG 315
Business Writing
ENG 300-level workshop
320 Fiction or
323 Non-Fiction
ENG 316
Legal Writing
Interactive Business Communication
HST 300-level course CAS-B
PHL 103
Society and the

Historical Perspectives)
CAS-B First Course in Metaphysics and
Epistemology Sequence;
Counts towards PHL major and minors
PHL 105
Theories of Human

Historical Perspectives)
CAS-B First Course in Metaphysics and
Epistemology Sequence;
Counts towards PHL major and minors
PHL 131
Introduction to Ethics

Cultural Perspective)
CAS-B First Course in Ethics Sequence;
Counts towards PHL major and ethics minor
PHL 321
Problems of Metaphysics and Knowledge
PHL 331
Political Philosophy
CAS-B Counts towards PHL major and ethics minor PHL 103 or 131
PHL 335
Philosophy of Law
CAS-B Counts towards PHL major and ethics minor
POL 387
Comparative Security Issues
CAS-C Meets POL and DGP major
POL 471
Human Rights: Past and Future
Capstone CAS-C Meets POL and DGP major POL 271
POL 459
American Politics Seminars
Capstone CAS-C Meets POL major POL 241
REL 101
Introduction to the Study of Religion

REL 201
Methods for the Study of Religion
Sophomore standing
REL 341
Protestantism and the Development of American Culture
REL 343
African American Religions
REL 376
Global Militant Islamisms
SOC 412
Sociology of Law
Meets requirements for Criminology major track in SOC; Counts toward Sociology and Social Justice Studies majors SOC 151 or 153; or SJS 165

Oral Communication and Listening Abilities

Oral Communication and Listening Abilities
Course Meets Miami Plan CAS Core Requirements Meets Major Requirements Prerequisites
COM 332
Argumentation and Debate
ENG 226
Introduction to Creative Writing
ENG 320
Intermediate Creative Writing: Fiction
ENG 323
Intermediate Creative Writing: Creative Nonfiction
ENG 226
Interactive Business Communication
PHL 331
Political Philosophy
CAS-B Counts towards PHL major and ethics minor PHL 103 or 131
PHL 355
Feminist Theory
CAS-B Counts towards Ethics Sequence;
Counts towards PHL major and ethics minor;
Counts towards Women's Studies major and minor
PHL 376
Environmental Philosophy
CAS-B Counts towards Ethics Sequence;
Counts towards PHL major and ethics
PSY 325
Psychology of Prejudice and Minority Experience
CAS-C Social breadth requirement;
The second or third course, beyond
PSY 221, in the Social 黑料社区ic Sequence;
An Advanced course (300-level or
PSY 221 and 294
PSY 327
Social Cognition
CAS-C Social breadth requirement;
The second or third course, beyond
PSY 221, in the Social 黑料社区ic Sequence;
An Advanced course (300-level or
PSY 221 and 294 or permission
SOC 352
Meets requirements for Criminology major track in SOC, and Criminology minor SOC 151, SOC 153 or SJS 165
SOC 412
Sociology of Law
Meets requirements for Criminology major track in SOC ; Counts toward Sociology and Social Justice Studies majors SOC 151 or 153; or SJS 165

General Research Skills

General Research Skills
Course Meets Miami Plan CAS Core Requirements Meets Major Requirements Prerequisites
ENG 316
Legal Writing and Reasoning
ENG 111/112
PHL 301
Ancient Philosophy
CAS-B Required for PHL major;
Counts towards History of Philosophy
PHL 103, 104, 105, or 131
PHL 302
Modern Philosophy
CAS-B Required for PHL major;
Counts towards History of Philosophy
PHL 103, 104, 105, or 131
PHL 311
Ethical Theory
CAS-B Counts towards Ethics Sequence;
Counts towards PHL major and ethics
PHL 131
PHL 321
Problems of Metaphysics and Knowledge
PHL 331
Political Philosophy
CAS-B Counts towards PHL major and ethics
PHL 103 or 131
PHL 335
Philosophy of Law
CAS-B Counts towards PHL major and ethics
POL 306
Applied Research Methods
CAS-C Required for PA Majors POL 241
POL 355
Public Opinion and Political Behavior
CAS-C Meets POL requirements POL 241
POL 352
Constitutional Law & Politics
CAS-C Meets POL requirements POL 241
PSY 177R, 277R, 377R, 477R
Independent Study
PSY 293
Research Design and Analysis in Psychology I
CAS-C Core requirement STA 261
*May NOT be taken concurrently with STA 261 or PSY 294
PSY 294
Research Design and Analysis in Psychology II
CAS-C Core requirement STA 261 and PSY 293
REL 201
Methods for the Study of Religion
Sophomore standing
SOC 262
Research Methods
CAS-QL Required for SOC, SJS, and GTY majors SOC 151, SOC 153, or SOC/SJS 165

Task Organization and Management Skills

Task Organization and Management Skills
Course Meets Miami Plan CAS Core Requirements Meets Major Requirements Prerequisites
ENG 316
Legal Writing and Reasoning
ENG 111/112
PHL 301
Ancient Philosophy
CAS-B Required for PHL major;
Counts towards History of Philosophy
PHL 103, 104, 105, or 131
PHL 302
Modern Philosophy
CAS-B Required for PHL major;
Counts towards History of Philosophy
PHL 103, 104, 105, or 131
PHL 311
Ethical Theory
CAS-B Counts towards Ethics Sequence;
Counts towards PHL major and ethics
PHL 131
BTE 301
Personal Organization Skills

Law-Related Courses

黑料社区 offers many courses that cover specific aspects of law, justice, and ethics. See this list of law-related courses.

Course options

  • BLS 342 - Legal Environment of Business
  • BLS 442 - Business Associations & Communal Law
  • BLS 465 - Ethics, Law & Business
  • CJS 101 - Introduction to Criminal Justice Studies
  • CJS 125 - Law and the Courts
  • CJS 211 - Law Enforcement
  • CJS 231 - Law and Individual Rights
  • CJS 232 - Criminal Defense and Adjudication
  • CJS 411 - Evidence Law and Expert Testimony
  • CJS 451 - Comparative Justice Systems
  • CLS 321 - Justice and the Law in Antiquity
  • ECO 325 - Economic Analysis of Law
  • ENG 316 - Legal Writing and Reasoning
  • ENG/JRN/IMS 424 - Digital Media Ethics
  • HST 290K - American Law and the Constitution
  • IES 450/550 - Environmental Law
  • ITS 365 F - Law, Violence and Humanitarian Intervention
  • JRN 301/MAC 301 - Journalism Law and Ethics
  • MGT 402 - Employment Law (MGT 303 Prereq)
  • PHL 131 - Introduction to Ethics
  • PHL 310 - Special 黑料社区ics in Ethics
  • PHL 310D - Action and Responsibility
  • PHL 311 - Ethical Theory
  • PHL 312 - Contemporary Moral Problems
  • PHL 331 - Political Philosophy
  • PHL 335 - Philosophy of Law
  • PHL 411 - Advanced Ethical Theories
  • PHL 420 - Philosophy of Action
  • PLW 101 - Exploring Careers in Law I
  • PLW 201 - Exploring Careers in Law II
  • PLW 401 - Preparing for a Career in Law
  • POL 347/WGS 347 - Women and the Law
  • POL 351 - Criminal Justice
  • POL 352 - Constitutional Law and Politics
  • POL 353 - Constitutional Rights and Liberties
  • POL 363 - Administrative Law
  • POL 382 - International Law
  • POL 430C - The Rule of Law
  • REL 355 - Religion and Law
  • SOC 352 - Criminology (SOC 151 or 153 or SOC/SJS 165 Prereq)
  • SOC 412 - Sociology of Law (SOC 151 or 153 or SOC/SJS 165 Prereq)

Sue J. Henry Center for Pre-Law Education

159 Upham Hall
Oxford, OH 45056