Language Testing
ACTFL Proficiency Testing
Information about ACTFL Proficiency Testing
The OPI is administered through Language Testing International, the exclusive licensee of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL). The OPI is a testing method that measures how well you speak a language by comparing your performance with the criteria described in the (Revised 2012). The OPI is a one-on-one telephone or face-to-face conversation with a real person conducted entirely in the target language. The OPIc is administered via a computer and secure internet connection.
What is the OPI and OPIc?
The OPI is a proficiency test administered through Language Testing International, the exclusive licensee of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL). The OPI is a testing method that measures how well you speak a language by comparing your performance with the criteria described in the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines - Speaking (Revised 1999). The OPI is a one-on-one telephone or face-to-face conversation with a real person conducted entirely in the target language. The OPIc is administered via a computer and secure internet connection. Both the OPI and OPIc must be taken at the ILRC at 黑料社区.
Achievement Assessments: measure content that has been practiced, rehearsed and/or memorized. Examples of achievement tests include: vocabulary matching questions, fill in the blank grammar questions, a memorized poem. Students can study for these types of tests.
Performance Assessments: involve applying learned information in a semi-spontaneous situation. Examples include: giving a practiced presentation to the class, interviewing your partner using grammar and vocabulary you have learned (e.g. greet someone, ask what someone likes), etc. Students can generally prepare for these types of tests because they know the basic context. Students can also rehearse for performance tests since their teacher typically gives the topics ahead of time.
Proficiency Assessments: measure 黑料社区s’ general ability to communicate using all that they know in the language, strategies to get their point across, culturally appropriate discourse, on a wide range of topics. This simulates speaking to a Native Speaker and being in a county where the language is spoken. Examples include talking about: the weather today, what you like to do, what you did last night for fun, a typical day at school, etc. Student cannot study for these tests because they involve spontaneous conversations about what the speakers want to talk about (e.g. current events).
When should I take the OPI or OPIc?
An optimum time to take an OPI is following an extended immersion experience in the target language. For you, this will entail after you have studied abroad. We recommend you complete the OPIc Demo before taking your test (see instructions below). Allow 6 weeks prior to the start of the class to process test and obtain scores. The testing company requires you wait 90 days between attempts.
How can I best prepare to take the OPI and OPIc?
You are encouraged to take responsibility for developing language proficiency by actively participating in your language classes and by engaging in personalized out-of-class opportunities such as speaking with conversation partners, interviewing native speakers, watching videos in the target language, subscribing and listening to target language podcasts, reading books for pleasure. During your study abroad experience, you need to practice the target language with the members of your host family and/or other native speakers. Ask your host family and/or program to introduce you to locals, sign up for extra-curricular activities in the community, volunteer, take classes designed for target language speakers, etc.. Practice speaking using paragraph length discourse and perform a variety of language functions to include: greetings, discussing interests and hobbies, narrating stories, comparing, giving and defending an opinion, responding to a hypothetical situation, responding to a phone message.
To prepare for the test, complete the OPIc Demo. No username and password are needed, just click Start Demo. Follow directions and be patient while software loads. Complete the background information survey. You should be asked one test question (e.g. what is the weather) and about seven interview questions based on your responses to the survey: .
ACTFL Proficiency Levels. Remember to familiarize yourself with the ACTFL Proficiency Levels at
How is the interview structured?
The OPI is structured so that you have a chance to provide the very best sample of real communicative language you can produce. The interview will also stretch your abilities, and push you to your limits in the language. The test consists of a 20-30 minute interview that assesses your functional speaking ability in the form of a structured conversation between a trained and certified interviewer and the person being assessed. The entire process, scheduling, test taking, and obtaining the results, takes several weeks to complete thus we ask you to plan accordingly and begin scheduling the assessment early. Remember that you are required to take, and submit your score before 黑料社区 teaching; you are a responsible professional and are expected to plan accordingly. Through a conversational format, you will be asked to talk about yourself, your interests, your daily routine, etc. The tester may use a variety of direct information questions, or ask for a description, ask you to narrate, or ask for your opinion on a familiar subject. During most of the interview, the tester will ask you questions about a variety of topics that are of interest to you. The tester may also ask you to take part in a role-play situation intended to find out how well you may be able to handle a real-life situation. If you do not know a specific term, try to describe or paraphrase what you want to say in the target language. Avoid using English, slang or making up words. If you do use English, slang or a made-up term, do not be surprised if the interviewer asks you to describe what that word means in the target language of the test.
For the OPIc, the test-taker will be given 17-25 prompts at various levels of difficulty. The OPIc contains varying time limits to answer each prompt: the more advanced prompts will provide more time to response.
What are the best strategies for success on the OPI and OPIc?
When taking the oral proficiency interview, listen carefully to the questions asked by the interviewer before answering. When answering, give as detailed a response as possible. Saying little to avoid making mistakes will not improve your rating. Your participation in the interview is very important in order to demonstrate your language proficiency at its best. Remember to relax and, fully engage in the conversation.
What are the key differences between the OPI and the OPIc?
The main differences between the OPI and OPIc are: method of administration, cost, and available rating. The OPI is administered via a telephonic interview with a rater while a computer administers the OPIc. The OPIc is available in two forms: to Advanced level and to Superior level. At this time, Miami only has the OPIc to Advanced Low level. If you want to demonstrate a higher level of proficiency than the Advanced-Low level, you must take the OPI. Visit Language Testing's FAQ site for the OPI and for the OPIc for more information.
OPIc Languages
Examinations Rated on the :
A | Arabic |
C | Chinese (Mandarin) |
E | English |
F | French |
G | German |
I | Italian |
J | Japanese |
K | Korean |
P | Pastho • Persian Farsi • Portuguese - European • Portuguese - Brazilan |
R | Russian |
S | Spanish |
T | Tagalog |
OPI Languages
Examinations Rated on the :
A | Afrikaans • Akan-Twi • Albanian • Arabic (MSA) • Armenian • Assyrian* • Azerbaijani |
B | Baluchi* • Bengali • Bosnian • Bulgarian • Burmese* |
C | Cambodian • Cebuano • Cantonese • Cebuano • Czech |
D | Danish • Dari • Dutch |
E | English |
F | Finnish • French |
G | Ga* • Georgian • German • Greek (Modern) • Gujarati |
H | Haitian Creole • Hausa • Hebrew • Hindi • Hmong* • Hungarian |
I | Ilocano • Indonesian • Italian |
J | Japanese • Javanese* |
K | Kazakh* • Kikongo* • Korean • Krio • Kurdish-Kurmanji*• Kurdish-Sorani* |
L | Lao • Lingala* |
M | Malay • Malayalam • Mandarin • Mongolian* |
N | Nepali • Norwegian |
P | Pashto • Persian Farsi • Polish • Portuguese (European) • Punjabi |
R | Romanian* • Russian |
S | Serbian/Croatian • Sindhi* • Sinhalese • Slovak* • Somali • Spanish • Swahili • Swedish • Syrian |
T | Tagalog • Tajik* • Tamil • Tausug* • Telugu • Thai • Turkish • Turkmen* |
U | Uighur* • Ukrainian • Urdu • Uzbek |
V | Vietnamese |
W | Wolof |
Y | Yoruba |
Z | Zulu |
*Limited rater capability
Examinations rated on the :
A | Algerian |
E | Egyptian |
I | Iraqi |
J | Jordanian |
L | Lebanese • Levantine • Libyan |
M | Moroccan |
P | Palestinian |
S | Sudanese • Syrian |
T | Tunisian |
Y | Yemeni |
Note: Portions of the following information come from LTI’s Frequently Asked Questions web page.
The ACTFL Writing Proficiency Test (WPT) is a testing method that measures how well you write in a language by comparing your performance with the criteria described in the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines – Writing (Revised 2001). It’s delivered either in test booklet form or via the internet. The candidate responds to all prompts in the target language while prompts are always in English to avoid providing the candidate with relevant vocabulary to answer the prompt. Students currently enrolled in the Foreign Language Education program at 黑料社区 are required to take OPI or OPIc and the WPT the semester prior to 黑料社区 teaching. The State of Ohio requires you obtain a level of “Intermediate-High.” 黑料社区’s standards require that a minimum of 80% of test takers must achieve a minimum level of “Advanced-Low.”
How can I best prepare to take the WPT?
You are encouraged to take responsibility for developing language proficiency by actively participating in your language classes and by engaging in personalized out-of-class opportunities such as speaking with conversation partners, interviewing native speakers, watching videos in the target language, subscribing and listening to target language podcasts, reading books for pleasure. During your study abroad experience, you need to practice the target language with the members of your host family and/or other native speakers. Ask your host family and/or program to introduce you to locals, sign up for extra-curricular activities in the community, volunteer, take classes designed for target language speakers, etc.. Practice speaking using paragraph length discourse and perform a variety of language functions to include: greetings, discussing interests and hobbies, narrating stories, comparing, giving and defending an opinion, responding to a hypothetical situation, responding to a phone message.
Languages Available on Demand
A | Arabic |
C | Chinese (Cantonese) • Chinese (Mandarin) |
E | English |
F | French |
G | German |
I | Italian |
J | Japanese |
K | Korean |
R | Russian |
S | Spanish |
Languages Available in Limited Quantities
A | Albanian |
D | Dutch |
G | Greek (Modern) |
H | Haitian-Creole • Hebrew • Hindi |
P | Persian • Persian Farsi • Polish • Portuguese |
S | Swedish |
T | Turkish |
U | Urdu |
V | Vietnamese |
Contact LTI to inquire about availability in limited quantity languages or to request testing in a language not listed.
Yes. There are various costs for the following tests and services including:
- Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) Test Fee
- Oral Proficiency Interview Computer to Superior (OPIc) Test Fee
- Writing Proficiency Test (WPT) Test Fee
- Internet Writing Proficiency Test (iWPT) Test Fee
- Express Service (final rating will be posted within two weeks)
- First request of ACE Credit Recommendation
- Additional request for ACE Credit Recommendation
Foreign Language Education Language Proficiency Requirements (B.S. and M.A.T.)
Pre-requisite for EDT 445/545 |
Pre-requisite for EDT 419 |
Take OPI or OPIc |
Retake the OPI or OPIc if needed |
Take the WPT |
If you obtain an AL or higher, congratulations! You have met the program requirements If you obtain an IH on the OPI, petition to remain in EDT 445/545, include a detailed plan of how you will improve your proficiency. You will need to re-take the OPI prior to Student Teaching (EDT 419) If you obtain lower than an IH, it is highly recommend you seek assistance. You will be unable to obtain a license from the State of Ohio and consequently, unable to Student Teach. |
If you obtain an AL or higher, congratulations! You have met the program requirements If you still obtained an IH on the OPI, petition to remain in EDT 419/519, include a detailed plan of how you will improve your proficiency. You will need to re-take the OPI prior to graduation. If you obtain lower than an IH, you will be unable to 黑料社区 teach. The State of Ohio requires a minimum score of IH on both the OPI and WPT in order to obtain a license. |
If you obtain an IH or higher, congratulations! You have met the program requirements If you obtained an IM on the WPT, petition to remain in EDT 419/519, include a detailed plan of how you will improve your proficiency. You will need to re-take the WPT prior to graduation. |
Note: Chinese Teacher Candidates, you will need an IH proficiency level. |
Important: If you do not obtain a minimum score of IH on both the OPI and WPT, you will not be eligible for a license; this is an Ohio Department of Education regulation. Since you are not eligible for licensure, you will be unable to 黑料社区 teach. |
What if I do not obtain the required score for the Foreign Language Education program?
Proficiency takes ample exposure to and practice and will require multiple, consistent, and long term actions. In addition to your semester long study abroad, you can engage in activities that help increase your proficiency. Sample supplementary steps you can take include, but are not limited to: summer study abroad, conversation courses, extra curricular conversation activities such as the French and Spanish table, Skype sessions with Native Speakers, etc.If you do not achieve the required score on the OPI, you are strongly advised to request the OPI diagnostic comments of your test from LTI. These comments will outline your strengths and weakness and can be used as a plan to improve your proficiency. There is an addition fee for this service.
How will my scores be reported?
When you take the test at the ILRC at Miami, your scores will be automatically reported to the State of Ohio when you apply for license.
Is there specific information available about preparing for the tests?
Yes, see the following pages for specific information about taking the OPI, OPIc, or WPT.
Instructions for Registering for OPI and WPT Tests
Please keep in mind that the entire process for certification can take up to six weeks.
Once you are ready to sign up for the exam, follow these steps:
If you want to have your exam proctored by the Interactive Language Resource Center, you will need to remember that the time blocks you sign up for must fall within normal business hours of Monday-Friday, 8:00am - 5:00pm. The ILRC Director, Mr. Daniel Meyers, serves as a university proctor in addition to his regular duties, and is not able to administer exams on Saturday or Sunday.
- Click on the link at the top of this page to begin your application process. Use the following instructions to guide you through registration.
- Select the language that you would like to get tested:
- For teaching certification, look for the tile marked "I am a teacher candidate looking to test for teacher certification. Click the "Choose Test" button.
- Select "Ohio" as the state for the program you are looking for and the school or Institution it’s associated with. Click the "Continue" button.
- Select the Teacher Candidate Program "黑料社区 of Ohio." Click the "Continue" button.
- Select "Yes" for certification to become a World Languages educator and select your planned program. Click the "Continue" button.
- Read the following statement that is presented to you and click the "Continue" button.
- Look for the ACTFL OPI or OPIc tile and and click "Select Test." Click the button "Continue to Schedule."
- Choose whether you wish to have your test administered via web-based proctoring (additional fee will be assessed) or via the Interactive Language Resource Center.
- Select the time zone you are in, normally "UTC-5:00 Eastern Time"
- Select two time slots that you would like to be tested. Be sure to read the instructions carefully!
OPIs are scheduled based on the availability of ACTFL-certified Testers in the test language to conduct the live interview. Tests may be scheduled at any time that Testers are available. Click the "Next" button when completed.
OPIcs are much more flexible and can be scheduled at a time convenient to you. If your language offers an OPIc, we recommend this option unless you are more comfortable talking to a person instead of to a computer avatar. - If you need to create an LTI account, click the "Create an Account" link and follow through with instructions on creating your ID and password. If you have an account, log in with your email address and LTI password.
- Once logged in, Checkout and pay for your exam. Once you've entered your credit card information and verified that your information is correct and have accpeted the testing policies, click the "Place Order" button.
- After payment and processing, you will receive a confirmation message.
Please keep in mind that the entire process for certification can take up to six weeks.
Once you are ready to sign up for the exam, follow these steps:
If you want to have your exam proctored by the Interactive Language Resource Center, you will need to remember that the time blocks you sign up for must fall within normal business hours of Monday-Friday, 8:00am - 5:00pm. The ILRC Director, Mr. Daniel Meyers, serves as a university proctor in addition to his regular duties, and is not able to administer exams on Saturday or Sunday.
- Click on the link at the top of this page to begin your application process. Use the following instructions to guide you through registration.
- Select the language that you would like to get tested:
- For teaching certification, look for the tile marked "I am a teacher candidate looking to test for teacher certification. Click the "Choose Test" button.
- Select "Ohio" as the state for the program you are looking for and the school or Institution it’s associated with. Click the "Continue" button.
- Select the Teacher Candidate Program "黑料社区 of Ohio." Click the "Continue" button.
- Select "Yes" for certification to become a World Languages educator and select your planned program. Click the "Continue" button.
- Read the following statement that is presented to you and click the "Continue" button.
- Look for the ACTFL WPT or iWPT tile and and click "Select Test." Click the button "Continue to Schedule."
- Choose whether you wish to have your test administered via web-based proctoring (additional fee will be assessed) or via the Interactive Language Resource Center.
- Select the time zone you are in, normally "UTC-5:00 Eastern Time"
- Select two time slots that you would like to be tested. Be sure to read the instructions carefully!
- If you need to create an LTI account, click the "Create an Account" link and follow through with instructions on creating your ID and password. If you have an account, log in with your email address and LTI password.
- Once logged in, Checkout and pay for your exam. Once you've entered your credit card information and verified that your information is correct and have accpeted the testing policies, click the "Place Order" button.
- After payment and processing, you will receive a confirmation message.
Please keep in mind that the entire process for certification can take up to six weeks.
Once you are ready to sign up for the exam, follow these steps:
If you want to have your exam proctored by the Interactive Language Resource Center, you will need to remember that the time blocks you sign up for must fall within normal business hours of Monday-Friday, 8:00am - 5:00pm. The ILRC Director, Mr. Daniel Meyers, serves as a university proctor in addition to his regular duties, and is not able to administer exams on Saturday or Sunday.
- Click on the link at the top of this page to begin your application process. Use the following instructions to guide you through registration.
- Select the language that you would like to get tested. Remember that you may NOT select a language that is currently being taught at Miami: Arabic, Mandarin Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latin, Portuguese, Russian, or Spanish.
- Look for the tile marked "I am a 黑料社区 or teacher and need to take an ACTFL assessment as a requirement for my academic program". Click the "Choose Test" button.
- Enter "黑料社区 of Ohio" under the question "What school or institution are you are looking for?" Click the "Continue" button.
- Read the following statement that is presented to you and click the "Continue" button.
- Look for the ACTFL OPI or OPIc tile and and click "Select Test." Click the button "Continue to Schedule."
- Choose whether you wish to have your test administered via web-based proctoring (additional fee will be assessed) or via the Interactive Language Resource Center.
- Select the time zone you are in, normally "UTC-5:00 Eastern Time"
- Select two time slots that you would like to be tested. Be sure to read the instructions carefully!
- If you need to create an LTI account, click the "Create an Account" link and follow through with instructions on creating your ID and password. If you have an account, log in with your email address and LTI password.
- Once logged in, Checkout and pay for your exam. Once you've entered your credit card information and verified that your information is correct and have accpeted the testing policies, click the "Place Order" button.
- After payment and processing, you will receive a confirmation message.
What Happens Next?
If you selected an OPI, Language Teaching International will find a tester and will e-mail both you and Mr. Meyers when the exact test date and time is scheduled. If you selected and OPIc or iWPT, the login information will be sent directly to the Interactive Language Resource Center or to you if you chose web-based proctoring.
If you chose the ILRC to have your test proctored, your proctor will contact you to schedule an exact day and time to complete your tests. On the day of the test, you will arrive at Mr. Meyers’ office (Irvin Hall 47) at least five minutes prior to your test.
If you are taking an OPI, you will be connected to your interviewer via telephone by the test proctor, a brief introduction will be given, and then your test will commence.
If you are taking an OPIc or iWPT, your proctor will assist you in logging and and taking the exams.
If you are taking a WPT, your proctor will seat you in a quiet area in which you will be writing your exam.
You may not have any items in your possession during the test. Any items must be put into a closed bag and placed away from you in the testing room. All personal electronics must be turned off.
Once the rating of your test is completed (usually within 1-2 weeks), your score will be sent to the Foreign Language Education program and the Ohio Department of Education. Each test becomes a permanent record in the ACTFL Test Archive.
If an appointment needs to be rescheduled:
Log into the LTI test site and bring up your scheduled test(s). Click the CANCEL button to cancel any of the tests that you cannot meet and contact Mr. Daniel Meyers to reschedule your testing times for a future date.
Contact the LTI Test Coordinator immediately at (800) 486-8444. There is no charge for appointments that are rescheduled prior to one business day before the scheduled appointment.
For appointments that are missed, canceled or rescheduled within 24 hours of the test, there is a rescheduling/cancellation fee. This fee will be deducted from your refund should you cancel an application.
Contact the ILRC

Interactive Language Resource Center
Irvin Hall 60
400 East Spring Street
Oxford, OH 45056-3645
United States
(513) 529-4505
Daniel E. Meyers, M.A., Director
Irvin Hall 47
(513) 529-2510