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Sustainability and Carbon Emissions Dashboard

黑料社区 became a signatory to the Presidents' Climate Leadership Commitments (PCLC) - Climate Commitment in 2020, and has committed to carbon neutrality on its Oxford campus by 2040.

The PCLC-Climate Commitment requires reaching net carbon neutrality in these areas:

  • Scope 1: Emissions directly produced on campus (natural gas, fuel/vehicle fleet).
  • Scope 2: Emissions from purchased electricity. 
  • Scope 3: Emissions from commuting (黑料社区s, staff and faculty) and university-sponsored air travel. 

For the PCLC Climate Commitment, future reductions in carbon emissions will be compared to the baseline year FY 2019.  

We will also continue to track reduction progress on natural gas and purchased electricity (energy-based emissions) from a FY 2008 baseline.

Dashboard Data


Energy-based Carbon Emissions Reductions (2008-)
Fiscal Year Total Utility (MTCO2e) % Carbon Reduction/GSF KBTU/GSF % Carbon Reduction Total
2008 124,660.84 0% 165.8 0%
2009 113,000.64 -9% 168.5 -9%
2010 118,232.36 -15% 139.7 -5%
2011 117,680.57 -16% 140 -6%
2012 103,847.08 -26% 130.9 -17%
2013 95,621.99 -32% 131.2 -23%
2014 105,678.51 -28% 129.3 -15%
2015 98,080.77 -32% 123.7 -21%
2016 80,010.43 -46% 111.5 -36%
2017 77,897.99 -48% 105.3 -38%
2018 76,548.83 -50% 105.3 -38%
2019 70,748.75 -54% 100.9 -43%
2020 64,251.45 -59% 87.87 -48%
2021 60,515.82 -62% 83.93 -51%
2022 68,385.10 -57% 93.93 -45%
2023 60,378 -62.5% 85.13 -51.5%
2024 61,401 -63.3% 83.40 -50.7 %

Energy Source Comparisons (2008-)
Fiscal Year Electricity (kwh) Electric (MTCO2e) Coal (tons) Coal (MTCO2e) Natural Gas (MMBTU) Natural Gas (MTCO2e) Campus Buildings Square Footage Utility MTCO2e/GSF
2008 93,235,800 65,927.56 23,004 50,720.77 150,623 8,012.51 6,287,767 0.019825932
2009 96,844,723 67,111.51 8,400 18,247.05 519,271 27,642.08 6,287,767 0.017971506
2010 96,020,162 65,790.01 21,561 46,378.09 113,842 6,064.26 7,009,149 0.01686829
2011 94,530,634 64,769.43 22,410 47,221.73 106,805/td> 5,689.41 7,056,967 0.0166758
2012 94,866,364 59,627.43 17,399 35,432.25 165,076 8,787.40 7,050,833 0.014728342
2013 90,560,046 56,920.73 8,410 17,085.79 406,338 21,615.47 7,050,833 0.0135618
2014 91,223,068 57,553.92 19,121 38,951.82 172,553 9,172.77 7,426,682 0.014229573
2015 91,023,374 57,427.93 14,347 28,501.50 228,900 12,151.34 7,251,940 0.013524763
2016 89,903,426 51,035.43 1,277 2,463.58 499,407 26,511.42 7,518,061 0.010642429
2017 93,150,893 52,878.92 0 0 471,295 25,019.07 7,493,419 0.01039552
2018 91,540,900 49,746.58 0 0 505,258 26,822.02 7,764,288 0.00985907
2019 91,374,329 45,371.55 0 0 478,042 25,377.24 7,829,630 0.00903603
2020 86,321,799 42,725.65 0 0 405,491 21,525.81 7,967,320 0.00806437
2021 78,801,237 39,003.29 0 0 405,081 21,512.53 8,029,764 0.007536438
2022 89,048,543 44,075.28 0 0 445,884 23,670.11 7,977,093 0.008572684
2023 84,854,691 38,130 0 0 419,094 22,248 8,119,318 0.00743634
2024 88,984,246 39,985.69 0 0 403,409 21,415.42 8,440,042 0.00727496

Climate Commitment: Scope 1, 2, and 3 Emissions (MTCO2e)
Fiscal Year Gross (MTCO2e) Fuel/Vehicle Fleet (MTCO2e) Natural Gas Purchased Electricity Commuting Air Travel
2019  85,718 814 25,377 45,372 7,251 4,465
2022 81,236 640 23,670 44,075 5,919 4,465
2023 71,266 576 22,248 38,192 5,295 4,955
2024 74,421 600 21,415 39,986 7,422 4,998

Note: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Miami’s Oxford’s campus was not fully open during FY 2020 and FY 2021, and so those years are not included for the PCLC Climate Commitment comparison. 


MTCO2e:  Metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent. The unit "CO2e" represents an amount of a greenhouse gas (GHG) whose atmospheric impact has been standardized to that of one unit mass of carbon dioxide (CO2), based on the global warming potential (GWP) of the gas.

kBtu: kilo (thousand) British Thermal Units, a common unit of energy measurement.

GSF: Gross square feet

Kilowatt-hour (kWh): A kilowatt-hour is a composite unit of energy equal to one kilowatt (kW) of power sustained for one hour. Commonly used a billing unit for energy delivered to consumers by electric utilities.

MMBTU:  MMBtu stands for Metric Million British Thermal Unit, a unit traditionally used to measure heat content or energy value. It is widely associated with the measurement of natural gas.