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Transformational Learning Without Boundaries

Life-changing, community-impacting education doesn't stop at the classroom door or even at the edge of campus. It reaches across disciplines, borders, and cultures to inspire creativity, drive innovation, and build meaningful relationships. At Global Initiatives, we work to cultivate respect, inclusiveness, and cultural competence by providing global educational opportunities.

The Power to Change the World

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As a Miami student, you’ll have access to hundreds of global experiences that enable you to earn academic credit. Select a program that will add even greater value to your Miami degree.

Miami University ... in the Heart of Europe

Centrally located in Western Europe, the Miami University Dolibois European Center (MUDEC) offers a unique, immersive experience for Miami students interested in studying abroad. With five other European countries accessible within a three-hour train ride from our Luxembourg campus, cultural exploration is simple. All courses taught at MUDEC can apply to Miami degree requirements. With tuition and fees comparable to Miami’s Oxford campus, our on-site staff and faculty are well-suited to create a nearly seamless international experience. Regular Miami scholarships and financial aid automatically apply, and students can apply for additional funding opportunities provided by generous alumni.
Students outside of chateau in Luxembourg

One Miami. Global Reach.


students have studied at the Miami University Dolibois European Campus in Luxembourg


countries represented by more than 1800 international students and 20 visiting scholars


Miami students earned Fulbright grants in 2020, earning the school a “Top Producing Institution” designation

Fulbright at Miami University

Founded in 1946, the Fulbright Program is the premier international exchange program of the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. By funding graduate study, teaching, and research in more than 140 countries, Fulbright promotes intercultural understanding through citizen exchange.

Every year, more than two dozen Miami students are among the 10,000+ applicants, typically for English Teaching Assistant (ETA) grants or to pursue specific research opportunities. Over the past 15 years, more than 100 Miami students and faculty have been awarded Fulbright grants.

Contact Global Initiatives

214 MacMillan Hall
531 E. Spring St.
Oxford, OH 45056